Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Brooke Should Have Stayed With Andre

I don't do enough Brooke Shields gossip because, well frankly, no one really cares that much about her. Oh sure, she has a television show and people of a certain age will always have a fond place for her in their hearts because she was their fantasy or something when they were hitting puberty. But, think of people who were born in the past 20 years, what do they know her for? Two mediocre television shows, one of which she was the presumed star but gone outshone by everyone, the death of a friend in a Vegas hotel room, and her feud with Tom Cruise.

To jump start the gossip on Brooke, all you have to do is bring in her mother. Teri Shields is the woman of course who thought it was a wonderful idea that Brooke played a teenage hooker and to get as naked as possible prior to the age of 18 without crossing into child porn.

Now, Teri is old and mean, while previously she was just mean, and so now she is letting Brooke have it right between the pages of the Enquirer. Teri does the usual whining about not being able to see the grandkids or Brooke, but what that really means is that Brooke isn't coming over enough and slipping her a few bucks.

What I like though is that she thinks Chris Henchy, who Brooke married in 2001 exerts an unhealthy influence over Brooke. That is like calling the kettle black. It takes one to know one I guess. So, what does a mother in law do when she wants to say something nasty. "I preferred her first husband over Chris."

Well the quote kind of loses its impact when you realize she remembers Chris' name but forgets Andre Agassi's name. And I think the technically Brooke is on her first marriage because she and Andre had their marriage annulled even though they had been married forever. Therefore there is no first husband, but we get Teri's point.

I'm actually surprised that anyone from the Enquirer even knew who she was, or took her call. Maybe they did thinking she had something good to say and then they realized she was just whining because no one gives her attention. So, The Enquirer throws a little something together so the next time when Brooke is off cheating with some guy somewhere, Mom will come spill the beans.


  1. ..."the next time Broke is off cheating ..."

    Sounds like Ent is giving us a hint to a blind item reveal ..

  2. hmm i can't see it.
    i think the rags are getting geared up for Brooke to be big in 08 with Lipstick Jungle being the next SATC.
    it's better than Cashmere Mafia..but it ain't no SATC.

  3. "the death of a friend in a Vegas hotel room"

    Who was this?

  4. Okay - let's break this down, shall we??

    There was the blind item last week or so about the woman who was pissed about Heather Locklear potentially stealing her thunder on her new SATC-type show who forced the producers to not hire Heather. That one could be Brooke.

    Then there's the allusion to the "the death of a friend in a Vegas hotel room" - not one freakin clue what THAT'S about.

    BUT - the one that makes me giddy is the mention of the "next time Brooke is off cheating" - I'm wondering if she was the married woman in thre "dude" blind about the woman known for one role who stole the TV actor away from the B list movie star with the famous relationship. I mean, Brooke will always be known as the chick from Blue Lagoon for me. So, could she actually have stolen Jason Lewis from Jennifer Aniston??

    What other blind item could it be??

  5. Maybe it refers to the blind item about the wife who went back to her husband because she likes his money? But...I would think Brooke has more money than Chris Henchy, so maybe that's not the one.

  6. janele - back in 2000, Brooke was in a TV show called Suddenly Susan. One of her castmates died in a hotel room, possibly a suicide (can't remember) - that's what Ent was alluding to.

  7. janele - fyi - the actor who died, his name was David Strickland.

  8. Surfer is correct - one of Susan's co-stars on Suddenly Susan, David Strickland, committed suicide in Vegas in 1999.

  9. Brooke has been in the spotlight since she was 3 years old... and she has several more memorable roles than blue lagoon... pretty baby for one, endless love with tom cruise for 2, brenda starr which sucked for 3, her clavin klein ads... the list goes on and on and on and on and. She would hardly be considered famous for just one role. If anything... during the eighties, she was the poster girl for eveything wrong in the fashion world when her barely dressed 13 year old ass was on the cover of high fashion magazines all over the world attracting men of all ages. it was one of the earliest times we seriously started questioning the sexualization of children for mass consumption. jeezues, some of the people on here have got to get it in their heads that pop culture didn't start yesterday. /rant

  10. actually I think th emagazine stuff was in the 70's... God I'm old at 44. Anyway, I thinks she's turned out pretty well considering the fucked up mother she has to deal with. I remember back in the day there were a lot of comparisons between her and Ms. Foster as they had similar childhoods and both attended Ivy League schools and both entered the public eye as toddlers.

    Sorry about my previous rant everyone.

  11. I too am old enough to know more about Brooke Shields than I realized.

    First, it was a well-known fact that her mother, Teri, was a drunk.

    For all of her young life, Teri was Brooke's manager and by her side at all times.

    Her mother became fast friends with Adnan Kashoggi, the billionaire Saudi arms dealer, and footage of their vacation with the Kashoggi's was shown on "Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous" in which Brooke could be heard gushing, "I just love you guys like family" or something similar to that effect. It was later revealed that he was a client of Heather Mills-McCartney when she worked as an escort.

    When Brooke went to Princeton, it was the first time she was away from Teri. As Queen Latifa's first ever guest on her talk show, Brooke spilled the beans and admitted that Dean Cain from Superman fame was her "first." This, after previously constantly claming in magazines that she would remain a virgin until marriage and, if ever raped, would keep the baby (yes, she said that).

    Brooke was then able to scrape off her mother and get a real manager and that's when her current career began; the sucess of "Suddenly Susan" was post-Teri.

    So, if Brooke wants to keep Teri at arms' length, who can blame her? Teri is evil.

  12. Wasn't Brooke linked to Michael Jackson somehow? He kinda hinted that there was some big romance going on while carrying around a monkey and the kid who played Webster in between play dates with the McCulkin kids.

  13. God, Brooke has Jessica Biel arms now.

  14. Grace, nice summary! Yep, I remember her mom always being by her side... Teri was the original clinging spotlight-wanting mother, before Lynne Spears or Dian Lohan or Hayden's mom.

    Dean Cain confirmed what Brooke said on Howard Stern's radio show several years ago. Howard asked if it was true that he took Brooke Shields' virginity while the were both at Princeton (he was a football player there, a cornerback if I remember right) and his response was, "well you never take something like that, it's given to you."

  15. btw, kathy griffin has a great routine about teri getting drunk at brooke's wedding.

    it's funny as hell:



  16. IS THAT FUR??????? Grr. Suddenly, I have lost respect for Susan.
