Thursday, February 07, 2008

Daily Mirror Blind Item

Which premiership player's girlfriend has been stoking up some WAG-envy?

The brave girl deliberately rolls up her sleeve - even in sub-zero temperatures - to show off her £20,000 Rolex to all and sundry.


  1. Does Cristiano Ronaldo have a girlfriend, or a even a beard to show the world?

  2. Last week, EL reported that a HIV+ white pop singer was asked by her local health department who she had sex with so they could be notified. Last week, allegations persisted, on the backend, there was a media frenzy bidding war for the list because it contained identities of some of the most famous and richest men on planet earth. This week we are hearing, this whole story has been swept under the rug, similar to the Heath Ledger video cover-up. Fast Forward: Sky Villa has unearthed similar data. We have also been informed about a white pop princess with the package, the similarities are astounding. This is what we uncovered: One of her reps asked that the few black men she had been intimate with-be moved to the top of the list to take the focus off the white male celebrities who dominate the list. This way, a black man can be set up to be the "fall guy," if and when this sensitive information ever leaks-and be accused of infecting one of America's Sweethearts with the deadly virus. I guess her rep didn't realize, it doesn't matter what order your name is in. It's just devastating to be included on a list like this, regardless of order. The Truth: If this is the same woman, she could have gotten infected by anyone. One of our sources walked in on her at a industry party, in a bedroom, while she was bent over snorting cocaine, an anonymous sex partner was pounding her from the back without a condom. He was her dealer and she exchanged sex for drugs although she can afford to buy her narcotics but she's addicted to the thrill of anonymous sex. Who Is She?

  3. Coleen or Alex Curren.
    I'll go for Alex.

  4. Hmmm...I like the thought of it being Alex, Sarah. But I would LOVE for it to be Coleen. Her and her I-Stomp-On-Testicles-For Fun boyfriend are both douches. With Posh out of the way, she's the Queen of the WAGs and wants everyone to know it.
