Monday, February 11, 2008

DNfromMN - Movie Review - Vince Vaughn's Wild West


Release Date 2/8/08

t’s funny, and Vince Vaughn is charming. I’ve said it… I never thought I would, because I’ve always thought ole double-V came across as an ass all the time, but in this documentary about a comedy tour he put together because he wanted to go on tour with some buds, he seems like a good guy.

So you put 4 comedians, 3 actors, and the grown-up kid from A Christmas Story (as producer and butt of jokes) on a bus for 30 days trucking them from California through TX, detoured by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita into Tennessee and Ohio ending up in Chicago. You’re going to laugh, and you’re going to learn some quirks about some guys who want to make you laugh.

I’m not going to give away any jokes, but if you want to get a taste of them, here are all of their sites, in alphabetical order (because they’re all good, and it’s a matter of taste who you like best).

Ahmed Ahmed who was once Vince’s roommate.

John Caparulo who tends to get the most laughs due to his personality

Bret Ernst who’s got the most gorgeous blue-green eyes, and is pretty damn funny.


Sebastian Maniscalco who was waiting tables at the 4 Seasons when the opportunity to tour came up, and was able to ditch the day job afterwards.
What it’s worth: I’d say watching this is worth about $7.50. You’ll enjoy yourself just as much watching it on DVD (maybe more since there’ll be all the stuff that’s edited out), but it’s worth 90 minutes in the movie theater on a crummy day. The humor is very much guy humor, but women in the audience were laughing just as much as the guys were. I’d say check out clips on their website or youtube/whatever and see if it’s something you’d like before going.

Weekend Watch (I’ll try and do these when I remember and have some insight)

Fool’s Gold – Kate Hudson and Matthew McConaughey. There were lots of promo screenings for this, which usually means the studio’s confident that word of mouth will be good.

Welcome Home Roscoe Jenkins – I’ve never been a fan of Martin Lawrence, that’s a personal preference thing.

The Band’s Visit – Darling Boyfriend saw this one last week, he said “It’s the most boring movie I wasn’t bored at that I’ll ever see.” Not much happens, but it’s interesting – this is an arthouse release about an Egyptian band that gets stuck in middle-of-nowhere Israel.

The Hottie and the Nottie – I refuse to pay money that some portion will end up in Paris Hilton’s pocket. I hope you support me in this.

In Bruges – what I’ve read has been mixed, but I’m looking forward to this and it’s my pick for the weekend. If nothing else, I get to drool over Colin Farrell.

Vince Vaughn’s Wild West Comedy Show – wouldn’t have been something I would have sought out, but I laughed and enjoyed it.


  1. Hottie & Nottie made $25,000 this weekend. HA HA HA HA HA!!!!

  2. hasn't paris already gotten paid for her contribution to the film?
    and last i heard it was projected to make 25,000, but had only made $750. that was like, saturday afternoon.

    either way, lol that probably doesn't afford her full body wax.

  3. dnfrommn - thanks for the review. we're going to see In Bruges. the next time we go to europe we're going to spend some time in belgium. it's getting good reviews and i'm looking forward to the mini-tour of that beautiful city.

  4. Captiva, you'll LOVE Belgium. Interesting and relaxing. And the best chocolate on the planet. "In Bruges" is the only one listed I'd even consider seeing.
