Monday, February 04, 2008

How Long Is Long Enough

With Lily Allen being dumped over the weekend by Ed Simons I was wondering if in fact the miscarriage was a mixed blessing. No, I wouldn't want to see anyone suffer a miscarriage. I have seen the heartbreak it can cause personally and totally empathize with Lily. My question though is if Ed was willing to break up with her two weeks after the miscarriage, how long would the relationship have lasted if she had kept the baby to term and given birth? In all likelihood the only reason Ed stayed with her in the first place is because she got pregnant. Probably wanted to break up with her until he found that out and realized he would look like an ass if he did so. Makes me wonder though if there isn't some time frame that is acceptable for a person to stay with another person after a miscarriage. I somehow think Emily Post probably didn't get around to that one. In Seinfeld they came up with some time you had to stay with someone after you slept with them, but they also didn't say anything about a miscarriage. Olivier Martinez who is now back with Kylie Minogue had to decide the proper time to break up with someone after they had been diagnosed and recovered from breast cancer treatment. I just don't think you are ever going to make anyone happy with whatever time you pick. It might even be argued that Ed Simon caused Lily's miscarriage because they were probably fighting throughout the course of her pregnancy.


  1. Lily is young and miscarriages aren't uncommon. The whole thing is very sad. It's a Seinfeld world.

  2. I wondered the same thing about Kylie and Olivier at the time. It's a difficult one, as you say Ent, there's probably never a good time.

    Maybe the relationship ended because of the age difference, I imagine Lily's a handful especially with hormones jumping all over the place. No doubt it was a mismatch, hopefully fighting didn't cause the miscarriage, I would imagine the partying early on in the pregnancy wouldn't have helped.

  3. Wishing Lily more luck in the future.

    NME is reporting that Kylie and Olivier Martinez are back together again.

  4. Anonymous9:58 AM

    Ha, Seinfeld also raised the question of when was the best time to break up with someone when they'd just had a stroke!

    Having said that, I feel for Lily. Everyone is accusing her of having never been pregnant, or "killing it" by taking drugs. Thats kinds unfair, imo.

  5. Hate sells more papaers I guess Trix.

    Appropriate time? I'd say is she's still bawling and not eating right or going out yet,then you are a douche to dump her matter how bad it gets. That's like dumping someone a day after givign birth.
    My friend got dumped a week after her abortion by a loser who weeks later slept with her friend and got her knocked up. It was her first serious bf too.
    She is still a lil messed up after that...many years later.

    in short there is no right time but be a man about it and suck it up until she is past the hump of grief.

  6. P.g. or not, if they were going to break up, they should have broken up. You don't stay in a bad relationship for a child. How many times does this have to be said? I feel much worse for Lily over her miscarriage. She certainly never needed Simons.
    Olivier is a whore. Notorious cheater. Kylie's nuts. What on earth is she thinking?

  7. I wonder if it wasn't actually a miscarriage. My conspiracy theory predicts that she announced the pregnancy way too early, then she and the guy were going to break up, so she decides to get an abortion. They spin the story as a miscarriage, which explains the "mystery" of why he'd split so soon: because it wasn't actually a miscarriage, and they had already ended everything.

  8. Wonk...I've thought that myself. But then again, who am I to know one's story exactly. Any way you spin it, it still had to be painful for her.

  9. Whenever I read about rumored pregnancies I always brace myself. Miscarriage is much more common than you know until you have one (or two) and your doctor informs you of the statistics. I feel bad for her. It's a really horrible thing to go through. :( I think it's uncool that the boyfriend only waited two weeks, but I agree with Ent that the relationship was probably doomed anyway. I'll never understand why people try so hard to make something work when it's not working.

  10. i really don't understand why people are jumping all over Lily.
    its fuckin sad really.
    whether she miscarried or aborted..damn have a heart.

  11. Anonymous6:25 PM

    I kinda agree Jax. I dont like the assertations that she wasnt ever pregnant, but announced that she was because she wanted attention. OMG. Thats a little crazy, innit? And Lily has been getting plenty of positive attention anyway, for having lost all that weight. I guess I am just appalled that they would have no sensitivity or heart at all--I mean, breakups are free reign. But speculation on the cause of the unborn child's passing on, and insinuating that it is her fault? That is SO UNFAIR. Think if it was you, and you had untold millions whispering behind your back that your child died because of YOU, or that you'd lied about ever being pregnant. Is that fair? Is that right? I mean I know its the media, and Im used to seeing pictures of paps taking upskirt shots (ie preggers Jessica Alba) and Britney's period stained underwear and Csection scar. But COME ON NOW! Have a heart.

  12. Lily has the money to have both a child whom she could parent herself, and a career. She'd hire help, so I don't think an abortion would at all be linked to her relationship with the ass. I think she miscarried. But whatever - it's a loss, and it's sad.
