Wednesday, February 06, 2008

How Much Does Annie Liebovitz Charge?

Is Vanity Fair running out of money? Yesterday Vanity Fair announced they were not having their annual Oscar bash, and instead suggested that all people who would have been invited, just sit at home and eat Chinese in bed and watch the telecast. Oh sure, Vanity Fair said they were doing this because they are on the side of the writers and actors and that they could not in good conscience throw a party even if the strike is settled.

Ummm. Excuse me. Wouldn't the strike ending be a great reason to throw a party? I know you were going to have the party at Craft which has to be the worst excuse for a restaurant known to man, but still, an outright cancellation? I would understand the announcement if you thought the strike was going to continue, but all signs are saying it will end soon. I actually think there will be a back to work order given after this weekend, but that the writers will not vote to accept the deal once it is put it in front of them.

What that means is that everyone will go back to work because the bosses think it will pass, but then once the rank and file see it they will say, this sucks like the DGA deal and then reject the deal.

Anyway, back to Vanity Fair and their poor excuse. I understand that deposits are probably due and all of that, but don't you suppose that Craft if it is still in business next year would let you roll over those deposits to a party for next year of the strike was not settled? Don't you think they would want to be seen as good guys also and have the chance to be the host of the party?

I think that under these tight economic times, Vanity Fair decided they didn't want to spend the hundreds of thousands of dollars the party cost and said this was a great excuse not to have it, but they needed to hurry because they would look like asses if the strike ends this week and then they cancel the party.


  1. wow! when VF starts cutting corners you know we're beyond recession - that's called depression.

  2. It's a sad day in Hollywood indeed

  3. And just when I was hoping to be invited.

  4. The writer here is talking out o his/her a** & Has absolutely no clue. Here's what Carter said to NYT:
    The editor of Vanity Fair, Graydon Carter, said on Tuesday that canceling was the right thing to do, whether or not there was a breakthrough in talks between the Writers Guild of America and production companies before the Oscar ceremony on Feb. 24.

    “A magazine like Vanity Fair is a group of writers and artists, and we are in solidarity with the writers and artists out there,” Mr. Carter said. “Whether the strike is over or not, there are a lot of bruised feelings. I don’t think it’s appropriate for a big magazine from the East to come in and pretend nothing happened.”

    Craft is the powerplace scene now, great food from great chefs. I can only surmise that the writer here is NOT in the entertainment field in any way shape or form, has never eaten @ Craft or any other power-player and really needs to do better research for his fiction.

  5. Yeah this is fictional I agree. That strike info is WAY off too. There's NO vote on any contract, negotiations aren't done, lots still to be hashed out per ALL the trade papers. WGA E & W is informing members this weekend of how negotiations are going only, they've consistently said there's many issues still on table. What they'll get this weekend is an idea of what possible date it may be done. Oh & Craft is the scene for , movers & shakers and power brokers in LA and it is excellent food if you can get in.

  6. zene you're right. The meeting is for members to vote on provisions for draft contract. It would only be board ratfied with member approval. But duh that's like basic union 101. I think whomever does the writing here picks and chooses other obscure psuedo-expert blogs & Fox news & that's where the bad info comes.

  7. Graydon Carter probably would rather focus on a Democrat getting back in the whitehouse than throwing a silly party.

    I've been a subscriber to VF for years and I can totally understand the decision to cancel the partay. It's a damned if you do, damned if you don't kind of thing.

  8. califblondy I also can see why they'd cancel. Ed Limato cancelled his as well. The only parties left now aside from studio ones are for charity - Elton John, Bryan Lourd. Be interesting to see if the Dillers still have their picnic, since it's private & less industry based. I also am a long time VF subscriber & love the party pictures but I'll live a year and forego the Marie Antoinette attitude.
