Friday, February 15, 2008

I Love When I Get To Smack Tyra

There are few things on this earth I enjoy more than smacking down Tyra Banks. The reason is that she never just does anything half assed. When Tyra screws up, she screws up good and when she is a bitch, she is the biggest bitch on the planet.

I will have to say though that even for Tyra, this is world class. She can go the rest of her career and I doubt she could ever come off more heartless than this. She can try and try but this is the cream at the top baby.

Last year Tyra had a makeover show for people who had suffered in their life. Until now they couldn't speak about their experience on Tyra's show because the participants have to sign a gag order which lasts for one year from the date of their appearance on the show. The following accounts are from this week's Enquirer.

Woman #1 -
Jodi Hughes is a 39 year old woman. She has cervical cancer and lupus and is raising her two children, one of whom is legally blind on her own. Well, Jodi was thrilled that Tyra wanted to do a makeover of her and Tyra flew Jodi and her two kids out to the show.

Jodi says things went bad the minute they stepped off the plane in Los Angeles to tape the show. "Jordan, 17, and Nick, 10 - who is legally blind - were left sitting on a curb outside the studio lot for hours with no food, no phone and no money while Jodi underwent her “transformation” - which included nothing more than the services of a professional makeup artist, a new dress and a cheap, painful hair weave, she says. Tyra’s producers scripted her lines for the show, Jodi says. “The producers told me to say: “Thank you, Tyra, for making me feel like a woman again.’ That was the most humiliating part.”

Actually I think the most humiliating part might have been the fact that Jodi had spent months regrowing her hair after chemo and the weave destroyed it all. The weave also infected her scalp and necessitated an emergency room visit.

Woman #2

On the same show was a woman who had no arms. Instead of getting the woman something useful like artificial limbs, Tyra instead got the woman a $500 purse. Great, she can carry the purse around with her teeth. Instead of realizing what idiots they were, the producers of the show told the woman she should be grateful that someone would give her a $500 purse. Hell you know Tyra probably got it the night before at some swag suite and said to herself this would be perfect for a guest. "It is a little scratched. Hell, I will give it to the woman with no arms. She can always sell it on E-Bay if she doesn't want to look like a little dog with it in her mouth."


  1. OMG - It's almost unreal how heartless she sounds. I'm sure hoping this is not true.

  2. Tyra Tyra.. giving your coworkers hamburgers as bonuses, and armless people purses. What the fuck is wrong with her!!?

    And Trixie, if you're around, I just wanted to let you know that I'm making your banana cookies today!

  3. I hate this woman. It kills me that this idiot robot bimbo has a show. It KILLS me.

  4. Oh wow. I can't get over the armless woman with a purse.

  5. This is horrible, and would be funny if it weren't true.

    How did they make that brilliant decision to get an armless woman a purse?

  6. Shameful. Shameful. Shameful. Shame on her for exploiting those with disabilites. She has been morphing into a grade AAA a**hole for a few years.

  7. Well to be honest, I'm surprised she didn't give her a bracelet or ring. I'm somewhat puzzled as to why women #1 would have even uttered the line they asked her to say. What the hell could they do to her if she said something else?

  8. If this is true, and we have no reason to believe otherwise, she's going straight to hell. She's made the comment in the past that she wanted to be like Oprah, and much as I hate Oprah, she comes across like Mother Theresa compared to this bitch.

    No wonder she can't keep a boyfriend. Can you imagine the shit she must dump on men?

  9. does her show make money? wow. i guess they all thought that if they bought the woman some shoes they wouldn't be PC, right? Right?

  10. Visman, she may have been afraid she'd be stranded there with no way to get home if she didn't go along with them.

  11. HECK TO THE NO!!! So now, when she says we can kiss her fat A$$, that means we can kiss her on her face. What a twit!

  12. No wonder she can't keep a boyfriend. Can you imagine the shit she must dump on men?

    Damn, that made me spit. Was it intentional or just a post that hit gold by accident?

  13. It was the afternoon space cadet who just struck gold by accident. It's Friday. I'm tired.

    Glad you liked it, though! ;-)

  14. She probably sent the lupus woman to the same weavologist she herself uses.

  15. Nah, she'd never spend that kind of money on one of her guests. She used the equivalent of BoRics for weaves. It probably cost her twenty bucks.

  16. She probably took her to Sally Beauty and slipped the cashier a few bucks to glue the hair on in the back stockroom....

  17. i'm puzzled. the gag is only 1 year? is there a legal limit?

  18. Cap, the legal limit is whatever they state in their contract. The gag order she put in is one year, so that's the legal limit.

    Or am I confused by what you're asking?

  19. twis - wondering why miss tyra wouldn't make it 50 years!? she's known for being shitty. one year doesn't sound like enough.

  20. most stars have lifetime gag agreements with household staff, don't they? just wondering if that's the limit with guests on shows.

  21. I knew the audience questions were scripted, so it doesn't surprise me that the guests are as well. And even though the whole show is scripted, Tyra doesn't have "writers" on her shows, she has "producers," so she doesn't have to worry about any pesky unions.

    For ANTM watchers - I wonder if the weave was Brittany's hand-me-down? Dead rat on the head.

  22. I suppose there is an ever-so-slight possibility that this story is true. We are talking about the Enquirer here, though, folks. No sense getting all riled up about a story when it comes from such a dubious source. How much does the Enquirer pay for these stories? I have no dog in this fight and don't give a rat's you-know-what about Tyra Banks, I just think that if a gossip rag prints a story, a supposed "attorney" would think twice about reprinting it. I think the legal terminology here would be "hearsay," or possibly "libel."

  23. Cap,I think that knowing guests want to brag about being on the show it isn't realistic to have a 50 year gag order, but stupid-head should realize that this means she's going to be exposed. All I can come up with is she has no clue how bad she's coming across. She must honestly believe she's being generous.

    iluvpugs, in the past ten years (or so), the rags have done a better job of verifying a story before they run with it. I don't think they're as bad as they once were.

  24. Anonymous1:13 PM

    Amber! You're making the cookies?!? Yay! I was just wondering if you'd gotten around to it, because I was kinda considering making some today, myself! I hope you like them!

    Having said that--

    I'm not surprised that the "make over" show was done so terribly. Whenever I saw them do that on Ricki Lake or Jenny Jones, I always thought to myself "Yeah, but what does it matter if they have a new look, if they cant afford to then go out and buy a new wardrobe according to their new look?" I only watched a few, and that was "it" for me. Just a cheap quick way to tug at heart strings when you dont have any better ideas for a show!!

  25. Y'all think Tyra's weaves look expensive?????

  26. least she could have done is gotten the women some new teeth to hold the fuckin bag.


  27. Kristen, I only see her in photographs when EL posts them. It's hard to tell.

  28. I knew I fucking hated Tyra, this just cements it for me.

  29. Wasn't there a blind on here or on Lainey talking about someone who gets swag and gives it away as gifts, etc.? Perhaps this answers it?

  30. Wow. Tyra really takes the cake when it comes to being a Beeotch. That's so cold and heartless, I just can hardly believe it...

    The kids sat on a curb?

    Armless woman gets a purse?

    A woman with cancer gets a weave glued on her head?

    When you think you've heard it all...

  31. Yeah mooshki, I was thinking the exact same thing about Brittany's horrible weave, and how for the longest time Tyra was all, "weaves hurt, sweetie, buck up! Deal with it!"

    This story is awful. I have been defending Tyra for a while now- I don't know why really. I was like, well, at least she's trying to use her supermodel powers for some kind of good? I don't know. And I've been hesitant to believe all the bad stuff I've been hearing.

    But for some reason, this really strikes a nerve. They made her sons sit outside?? They intimated that she couldn't feel like a woman if it weren't for Tyra? They gave a purse to a woman with no arms? What kind of world is this? Good lord. I'm done with this bitch.

  32. Does anyone even watch her show? I'd rather be scrubbing my toilets or scooping the doggy doo off my lawn.

  33. britney does nt have to get a bad weave she has a good one now but i fell very bad for them for one to have to be nice o after she did this and 2 for the crap they got

  34. I have always hated Tyra Banks, even before she showed the less observant citizens what a fucktard she is with her two fucktarded shows.

  35. weaves are attached to your hair, not your scalp and any infection from it would have come from miscare.

    And I hate to say it- but they brought it upon themselves by compromising who they were in order to be on tv. If I didn't like my makeover, I wouldn't say I did, no matter what Tyra said... and them threatening to not send them home or whatever as a commenter speculator is called extortion.

    Why do people bite off more than they can chew.


  36. This type of behavior isn't limited to Tyra, believe me.

    I once had the opportunity to work with an even bigger talk show host to supply my service as part of a total life-makeover show they were doing about a couple in extremely tragic circumstances. Desperate, really.

    They already had the show date booked before they even started contacting service businesses, and everything that they wanted to say they "arranged" for this couple to "help" them had to be accomplished in 7 days.

    Regardless of the fact that the type of service I provide could only be accomplished in 7 days if every corner was cut, if the clients were horribly inconvenienced, and if the end results were going to be maybe 10% of what they should have been if we would have been given the time to do it right.

    I turned them down, but someone else in my industry took the gig. The end result put money in my competitor's pocket, but made the client only a small portion of what should have been made, because the project was rushed, under-marketed, and poorly executed.

    This couple wasn't people to them, they were a topic, and the show was going to go on, on the date scheduled, regardless of the fact that none of the "services" being provided to them would be done well.

    This story about Tyra looks ugly, of course, and it is ... but it's done all the time on these talk shows, since the ultimate goal is to make ratings, not necessarily to do the right thing.

  37. What was Tyra and Co thinking? Both of those acts are horrible. They just exploited the women to get a story and ratings. Not surprising knowing Tyra's widely publicized reputation and penchant for using anyone to bring attention to herself, but still.

  38. Here's a description of the weave Tyra's people gave Brittany on "Top Model:"

    Brittany: It DID look a mess, it was $27.99 hair! It came out of a plastic package that we all laughed about, but they didn't show us laughing about it! Whitney would crack up and say, "I got $600 hair and they gave you $27.99 hair!" It was the kind of hair that's supposed to be left in for like 3 days only. I had it in for about 2-3 weeks. And when they put it in, they dyed my hair first about 7 or 8 times to try and match the color of the weave, and my scalp had blistered underneath from the dye. So when they braided my hair up to sew the weave in, it ripped the blisters, and my scalp was actually bleeding and scabbing underneath the weave, which is why it was so painful.
