Thursday, February 14, 2008

Indiana Jones Trailer

In case you were curious about what the new Indiana Jones film is going to look like, here is the trailer. It looks good, but honestly with Spielberg and Lucas involved, any trailer is going to look good. They could have made people stand in line to go see that Hottie and Nottie thing people are calling a film.


  1. I am so there opening night. I love all 3 Indiana Jones movies and cannot wait to check out the fourth.

    Def. Indiana Jones is - by far- my favorite movie character of all time...Still not dressing up with a whip and a hat though.

    Ent- if you score me free tickets to the NY opening I will do your bidding.

  2. *merrily sitting here clapping my hands and bouncing like a little kid*

  3. Anonymous11:17 AM

    I'll be in line with you, guys.

    I was horrified for years at melting faces and tomato "eyeball" soup.

    Last Crusade was brilliant.

    Hopefully the Crystal Skull keeps up the pace. (Though, I think this might be the last we see of Indy.)

  4. I seriously had not given this movie a single thought (except to wonder if Ford was a tad too old and boozy nowadays).
    Then I saw this, and all the old 'yay! Indiana Jones!!' came back.
    Bottom line, I'll go see it, because those movies have a piece of my heart which is always 12 years old.
