Thursday, February 28, 2008

Larry King Is Getting Out The Supersize Kneepads

Larry King is the front runner for an interview with Amy Winehouse. Currently Oprah, Larry King, and UK newscaster Trevor McDonald are all fighting to get the interview. Considering that Oprah and Larry King probably didn't even know who Amy Winehouse was until last month, this is quite the war.

Larry King I guess has proposed to ask the softest of soft questions as Amy and her people are leaning towards him. Amy doesn't really have any desire to go on Oprah because, well, she doesn't need the publicity so why put up with her.

If you are going to do an interview and don't want to face tough questions, then everyone knows you go on Larry King. Diane Sawyer could do it also, but she still has not absolutely perfected that glassy eyed look that says tell me anything and I will believe you.

Larry will focus on Amy's love of marriage, won't ask any questions about drug use, except to maybe ask if her husband has ever seen anyone use drugs. He won't refer to Blake being in jail, but will ask what it is like to take separate vacations. Larry will never stop staring at Amy's breasts, and will ask her questions about each of her tattoos. He will ask inane questions like how long it takes to do her hair, and how exactly can you get all that music on that shiny looking metal thing.

Amy will talk with as much of an accent as she can muster, and Larry will ask her if she is from Argentina. He will then go off on a tangent for 15 minutes and talk about how Argentinian beef is the best. Amy could sit in front of Larry doing line after line of coke, and Larry would probably just ignore it and start talking about next week's guests.

If she is on Larry, the only useful thing we will probably pick up is the weather in Fargo as it crawls across the bottom of the screen.


  1. the least he can do is glance at her bio before the interview begins. he's not that busy, geez.

  2. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Gotta agree with your last statement there EL...

  3. Oh no, not Larry. Poor guy has been dead ten years, but nobody told him. I can't understand why all these people bother to go on his show? How does he continue to get the big "gets"??

    I love his interviews with Kathy Griffin. She calls him out for every stupid mistake he makes. When she says "Come on, Lare", I just crack-up.

  4. All she'll talk about is her new line of beauty products.

  5. Larry is animatronic and has been since 1998. The engineers also designed The Pope Version 2.0 and the Queen Mom which has since been discontinued.

  6. Maybe she'll just nod out and we'll hear Larry asking her the same question over and over again.

  7. Aw, no. You guys are so rough! Amy Winehouse'd be great on Larry King. Who needs to watch uncomfortable, dodgy answers to hard hitting questions, it's not like she's some crooked politician and has got to be made to fry.

    I've never really heard her talk much, and would rather get to hear her converse socially before watching her get her get grilled.

  8. because Laura the girl is a complete drug addict and by having her on the show, off her face and Larry pussyfooting around her it sends a HUGE message that hey you too CAN be a a junkie and get on tv. don't let a little thing like heroin addiction get in the way of making pop music!

  9. She needs a drill sergeant, not an interview.

    As long as she doesn't announce that she's pregnant and motherhood has caused her to turn her life around and remember what's important. Are you there God? It's me, Marnie.
