Wednesday, February 27, 2008

NY Daily News Blind Item

Which U.S. senator, currently applying for another job, slipped on the waxed marble floors rushing to a vote and inadvertently grabbed both breasts of a female Capitol police officer, according to a story she's been telling around the Hill?


  1. Anonymous8:51 AM

    I hope the a security tape gets leaked, this sounds funny!

  2. Must be Obama. The other candidates have much more interesting gossip about them. So the question is: was this planted by Hillary or McCain? I'm guessing Hillary.

  3. Anonymous8:55 AM

    Doesn't say it's a male senator. Could be Hil or McCain. I bet it's Hil. :)

  4. "around the Hill" might be a clue for Hillary. I don't know that I've ever said this on a gossip site before, but I would love to see that tape.

  5. Could be any of the three...they're all Senators.

  6. So if it's our Hillary -- is the guard at least voting for her?

  7. "the Hill" is common terminology. I don't get a sense of a clue there.

  8. I know "the Hill" is common terminology, but I thought it might have been used consciously. I mean, it's a short blind and they could have used any number of terms or phrases. Just my two cents.

  9. If it was Obama, the poor lady probably orgasmed and fell over unconscious. The whole worship thing for him, I do not get.

  10. female Capitol police officer, according to a story she's been telling around the Hill?

    Can this be more obvious?

  11. What is there not to like about Obama.Even if you like Hillary over Obama, there is no denying that he is smart, charming,handsome with a great deep speaking voice and he is always cool under pressure.

  12. If this appeared in the Post, I would believe it was Hillary. But the NYDN would not diss a New York state democratic office-holder / campaigner in an election year. I don't buy it.

    ALSO if it were Hillary they could put some great sexual harrassment innuendo in there about taking a few pages from Bill's political playbook. "The next groping Clinton." Now there's a headline. Throw in an innuendo about sapphic tendencies and you've got a cover story in the New York Post.

  13. I think it's McCain, 70 yr old people fall down all the time.

  14. when are we going to be allowed to see obama's wings? i know he can walk on water, but i want to see him fly. go hillary!

  15. I have nothing against Obama, it's his followers who are scaring the shit out of me.

    Can we say shit here?
    Oh well.

    His followers are acting as tho he can do no wrong. That is dangerous. Just look at the fanatic Bush lovers who have cheered on the slaughter in Iraq. You have to be able to hold politicians accountable and ASSUME they are going to screw up and be willing to call them out. Obamabots are incapable of this.

  16. He does have a great wife!

  17. HILLARY!


  18. McCain, Obama, and Hillary haven't been in the Senate much lately.

    I vote Senator Craig of airport bathroom sex scandal. He refuses to resign, but is soooo out of there.

  19. Anonymous11:01 AM

    I dont think they would have made a point of the sex of the guard, if the person who'd fallen on her had been male. I think its Hils.

  20. Hey Sunny - maybe Oprah can do a special and inform the Obamabots about this?

  21. But were the breasts 'real - and spectacular!' ;-)
    Kudos to whoever gets the reference.

    Topic? Probably Barack. Who'd boast about getting felt by Hillary?

  22. lol @ Janine..hilarious.

  23. Sunny, I'm so glad you know all about what goes through the inner workings of any and all Obama supporters' minds. You are amazing!

    Yes, my candidate is perfect. He can do no wrong. Please program me and tell me what to say!

    Give me a f-ing break. Of course he's not perfect. But he's the best of the lot for me, and he has my support.

    Go kiss a picture of Hillary.

  24. Tania - the reference is to Seinfeld.

  25. Yeah, probably Hils. Wasn't there a BI reveal about her and a female on her campaign staff?

  26. I thought the word "she" referred to the Senator, making it definitely Hillary.

  27. Elaine,
    you get the stuffed animal! ;-)
    (That is one of the only two episodes of Seinfeld I've ever seen - the show got buried in the graveyard slot on UK tv).
