Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Recycle All Those Angelina Pregnancy Stories

As I have told you before I really don't care whether Angelina Jolie is pregnant or not. What I do care about though is having to sit through nine months of the same damn stories as last time she was pregnant. It has already started and I think it should stop. Now. I saw my first Jennifer Aniston is really upset article and almost screamed. Can you guess how the article reads? Of course you can because you have seen the same damn thing a million times. Oh, there are different versions of course. Holiday upset, baby upset, anniversary upset, the list goes on. All I know is that you can expect to see this crap for nine months, and the thing is someone must care or they wouldn't print it. I have been doing my part in not printing any Britney stuff, but she is accounting for about 60% of all gossip right now. 60%!! That is ridiculous that one person commands that much space each and every day.

Anyway back to the Jen thing. Lets take a look at the first few paragraphs.

Jennifer Aniston is "really upset" Angelina Jolie is pregnant.

The former 'Friends' star, who divorced Brad Pitt in October 2005 following five years of marriage, is said to have taken the news of Angelina's alleged pregnancy extremely badly.

A source close to the actress said: "Jennifer is putting on a brave face, but inside she is really upset. She wasn't prepared for how she'd feel when she saw the pictures of Angelina and her bump."It took her by surprise because it was further proof of just how much Brad has moved on with his life compared to her."

The article comes from Star Magazine in the UK and just goes on and on and on with the quotes about how she and Brad would still be together if she had got pregnant and she regrets not having kids and blah blah blah. You know the thing is it all sounds so whiny, but I have no doubts that she just whines and whines and whines all the time so you know it fits. She has probably said these same things repeatedly to David and Courteney to the point where they are probably even more sick of it than you will be reading about it for the next nine months. The only way for this chain letter of gossip to end is for Jennifer Aniston to finally find a guy and stay with him and then after about a year all of these damn whiny stories will be done. Finally. Then we can move on to something that really matters like why David is still married to Courteney.


  1. courteney clearly married a man she could dominate. david doesn't mind taking a backseat. if he makes the mistake of doing a sleeper movie that becomes a huge hit, she'll go all ape-shit monica on him. she feels good when she is the star of the family. another reason she is friends with jenn( i can't get a career going)(or keep a man) anniston. it just feeds courteney's ego.

  2. I think they just reprinted an article that was written when Angelina Jolie was pregnant with Shilou. If you don't have a story you make one up or you just recycle which is basically the same thing.

  3. I doubt Jenn is the whiny one. Angie seems hellbent on making herself out like some mother Teressa figure when in fact she's just a whore who wouldn't use birth control. Brad is nothing better than the skanky male equivalent of Angie, other than he doesn't back stab her family and throw tantrums when he doesn't get everyone's unconditional, let's lick the boot, love.

    I wish them many unhappy, whine filled years together. They deserve one another, and hopefully they can live in one of those corrugated steel roofed houses he keeps tryin' to shove down the throat of New Orleans.

  4. Jennifer Anniston must rue the day she met Brad Pitt. She had a few short years of married life but she will be forever referred to as the wife he dumped for Angelina Jolie.

    To make matters worse, the stories chronically her being dumped are plastered all over the tabloids and internet about her life as the dumped spouse. Also, the other woman is always in the news for her beauty and overblown humanitarian trips.

    Man, being left for another woman is hard but it must be a special kind of hell to be forever reminded of it!

  5. Anonymous11:37 AM

    I don't admire Angelina she was a tramp. Don't think she is that great as an actress. Their are far more better ones. Whether she and Brad had an affair before his divorce was final that will be with them forever.

    Whether Jennifer is whinning on Brad that is the past and she should just get on with her life just as he has. He doesn't mind being with the new woman in his life so they should leave the 3 of them alone. As far as I see it, it was a miracle stayed with Jennifer as long as they did. Now for some reason men don't stay too long with her their must be a reason why. Could be that she talks about the past too much instead of the future.

  6. I used to work for the tabs, so I can say first-hand that this crap is totally made up. We used to get sued fairly regularly, but then they got smarter, probably having legal vet the stories first.

    They also used to photograph the employees for features showcasing jewelry and the like.

  7. Anonymous11:43 AM

    Whine whine whine whine whine. Does she HAVE a career anymore? She must have the personality of a dead fish or something, because she never has a man for more than five seconds. If she was at least AMBITIOUS she'd have some kind of relationship in the works, yet she cant even manage THAT!

  8. What I find so strange is that everyone assumes that the reason Jen's recent relationships have been short is because "she can't hold a man".

    My god, this is 2008.
    Women do not need a man or children to validate or define them.

    Did anyone ever think that maybe SHE is dumping/breaking up with THEM? Maybe she doesn't want a long term thing right now, jeez. Maybe being married to Brad made her realize that she doesn't want to be in that kind of relationship/it isn't for her.

    Maybe she doesn't actually want any chlidren, but knows that the media will villify her if she is ever anything other than the "poor woman who was left for Angelina".

    I personally get the impression that currently she's thinking "good riddance".

    I hate that she's constantly painted as this whining sadsack because of her 'lack of a man'.

  9. Anonymous11:55 AM

    de anne, I'd agree with you if it werent for the fact that Jen milks the "sad sack because of lack of man" angle to the hilt in every interview she does.

  10. By now she's probably laughing her ass off over how lucky she was when Brad left her to play house husband to Whackelina Jolie. I think the people putting this bullshit out there are just obsessed with J.A. and her imagined misery.

  11. i saw a great postcard on postsecret yesterday. it was a pic of a women who looks a lot like AJ and the caption said:

    "I knew he'd leave me for you before he did"

    lol.god that would be great if it were JA.

  12. LOL, Jax! I wish they would have added, "...and I helped him pack."

  13. Team I don't give a shit.

  14. I just think that if JA wanted kids she would have bought a few by now. I can see how it is all made up.

    Surfer, I would like to be photographed with jewelry. Lots of jewelry. Like the kind I would never buy even if I did have money. What a great job perk!!

  15. To answer the Dave Cox thing: they're still together cause they can't physically trade up. I bet their theme song is "happy to be stuck with you" by Huey lewis and the News.

  16. Angie believes her own publicity. She has forgotten that she's the freak who tongued her own brother, wore blood in a vial around her neck, and publicized her hatred for her father.

  17. I'm still trying to figure out when it became fashionable to pick on the women scorned. I don't get why Jennifer Aniston is a target here. She was left for another woman, and not just ANY woman, but a glamour-puss who is just the perfect mix of gorgeous and crazy to tempt any man's palate. I don't believe this ridiculous story either. I'm thinking that she's come to terms with it by now as she is no stranger to heartbreak, and when your man leaves you for someone else, you don't idolize them after they go. She's cute, kind of funny and lots of men find her to be this way. It's the manipulation of the media that has everyone looking at Jen as though she's mother of all cry-babies.

    Seriously, though, I was always surprised that Angelina went for Pitt anyway. He always seemed so...'go-team' to me, which is not what you'd expect her to be into. Go figure.

  18. _-_=_, lol!

    Remember, these were the tabs, so trust when I say this wasn't Tiffany's jewelry - not exactly high-end stuff, if you get my drift.

  19. Jennifer is sad that when Brad left her, so did her career. It must suck to be constantly reminded not only of what you lost but that you will likely never gain it back. Both Brad and her career. It must suck to always be known as the once Ms. Brad Pitt.

  20. Enty, she was with Vince for about a year and the stories are still here. I think she does nothing with her off time so the rags make shit up. She's got talent, she's okay, but I just don't care.

  21. i still think pitt and jolie have an arrangement. you know it is easier for a couple to adopt than for a single person. this way, she adopts her rainbow kids, carries a couple for him, then when they split up, brad gets the ones he fathered, she gets the adopted ones, everybody's happy. i mean, come one, look what she said about shiloh in that interview?
    the woman is a freak. not that he's any better in my book.

  22. Kat you always talk sense. I hate these sexist stories. Years later and Jen is still copping the flack for what???? For a serial husband thief nicking her husband, it's ridiculous. When you see pics of Brad these days I reckon Jen got the better deal, Angelina is stuck with an aging himbo.

    Jen always looks happy and healthy to me, I'm sure there are many actresses out there that would trade careers. She's still a winner to me even though the media have tried with earnest to change our perception of her.

  23. Angelina is cool, even if she is kind of evil. She has always been one of my favorite celebrities because she is so real/ human and is honest about her dark side. Other celebs seem like Replicants or cyborgs, and that is why I enjoy reading about their mistfortune or embarrassing situations. I like that she is not generic and doesn't really seem to care about what people say, and I like that she is more devoted to humanitarian causes than herself as a celebrity. She is still a true beauty, and if she tried like others do then she would still be #1. I think that she and Brad both live for their causes, which is why there is a stronger bond here than with Jennifer Aniston.

  24. Angie adopts abroad as a single and then he adopts here in the US as a single. Since they're not married, it can't be done any other way.
    I like that she spent time helping with causes but I also think she likes to shock people like a capricious child. It's not what people expect her to do because she's got this beauty. Hopefully her kids are forcing her to grow up.

  25. Ent, writing that you "almost screamed" when you saw the article about Jen being upset is doing nothing to dispel those pesky "Ent is a woman" rumors!

    I agree with those above who say it is too bad that Jennifer Aniston is being portrayed as a sadsack scorned woman. What could she have done differently, assuming it is not true that she is always whining to the tabs, which I don't believe. She isn't marrying the first guy who is willing (and I'm sure there are many) and having children just to "get back" at him; she's not drinking and drugging conspicuously over her despair; she's dating gorgeous actors and models and hanging out with good friends. I don't get the hate.

  26. As an Owen Wilson fan, I'm scared of the crap that is coming when "Marley" starts filming. And honestly, I think there's no chance in hell the two of them won't hook up in some way. I wouldn't mind if there was gossip about them, it's just that Jen gossip is always so fucking melodramatic. If only they could stick to "they're getting it on in the dressing room" stories instead of "will Jen & Owen finally heal each other's abiding pain?" PUKE!
