Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Beautiful Baby Beats Ugly Ass Baby

So the results are in and it looks like Christina Aguilera's baby got beat by Nicole Richie's baby. I actually think that is going to be a fairly common occurrence as the two children grow up together. Even though Nicole has a daughter I just think that in a street fight, Nicole's daughter will beat up Christina's son fairly easily. Christina is the diva and aloof with the husband she puts in his place. Nicole and Joel are the family that yells a bunch and where each person takes care of themselves.

According to the latest results, Christina's cover sold about 1.3M copies while Nicole and her baby will sell about 1.8M. Now, I happen to think there are a few reasons for this. The first being that Nicole's kid is cute while Christina's is lets face it, not that attractive. Lots of babies are ugly and alien like when they are born. It has no bearing on their future unless of course your dad looks like Jordan.

I also think the fact that Nicole got a bunch of Academy Award pictures in her issue helped a great deal. Christina had nothing to help her out except her ginormous breasts and since People isn't Maxim, that really isn't going to help.


  1. Really, you think Nicole's baby is cuter than Christina's? Seriously? How can you tell? They both look like alien worms to me.

  2. Nicole has always seemed to me like she'd be fun to hang out with, unlike the other celebutards.

  3. Those babies look the same to me.

    Christina's sex face while she holds her baby is creeping me out.

  4. Silly, EL. Babies are off limits.

  5. Alien worms? You don't have kids, do you?

  6. ITA, babies should be off limits.

    Both babies are very cute.

    I think race may have been a factor with people being curious to see Nicole's baby. JMHO.

  7. If I wanted comments like that, EL, I'd be on Perez Hilton. Don't be an ass. Those babies are both cute and I can't even tell them apart.

  8. I think when it comes down to it, people are more interested in girl babies and celebrity babies with unusual names. A name like Harlow creates interest while a name like Max doesn't.

  9. i think the fact that nicole did a reality show that we watched at some point makes us feel invested in what became of her. for me anyway. i personally was bored to tears with CA babay spread.

  10. Also, Angelina Jolie is on the cover of Nicole's shot...I'd be willing to bet that pushed a few issues off the stands

  11. Nicole is a mess and that's why more people are interested. Both babies are adorable.

  12. Anonymous10:59 AM

    Yeah, I think Nicole's baby is more popular because Nicole has been infinitely more accessible to the press. All we ever see of Christina, is her acting like a whore, putting on whore clown makeup, prancing around with a sour expression and her husband five steps behind her. Hell, just her singing alone is off-putting and pretentious. Nicole on the other hand, has a likeable boyfriend, and a wicked sense of humor and a killer sense of style. Not to mention she has the weight issue which keeps everyone concerned. Everyone wants to see her do well, after the drug addictions and Paris Hilton friendship, whereas I dont think anyone is particularly rooting for Christina in any way...

  13. I think Harlow has been a better sell than Max because Christina is making bedroom eyes in the picture.
    But really, doesn't it seem a little ridiculous that ANYONE would buy a magazine just because a baby is on the cover? Just sayin...

  14. Babies are off limits.

    That being said, Nicole's baby is extremely pretty and Christina's looks just like his father.

    Take that how you want to!

  15. There's something about Nicole that's vulnerable. A lot of people, even those who hated Paris H. wanted to see Nicole do well, get over her addiction, etc. C.A., while I think she's a very talented singer, can get her bitch on, and people aren't that interested in her personal life, I don't think.

  16. Nicole's issue sold better because I think more people identify with Nicole. She just seems like the type of girl you would want to do shots with. Plus Nicole looks like she is actually interested in her baby on her cover while CA looks like, "Hey check out my latest accessory." Nicole is just more likable. IMO.

  17. I don't know why Xtina even did a cover......she made no comments in regards to her pregnancy then has baby and poof dose a cover??? perhaps the Mass Firing had something to do with this. Her Mangement may have advised her to play ellusive and the whole thing backfired with the publics lack of intrest!! Anywho Nicole looks lovely and In Luv with her baby I would buy her issue

  18. I am a big Aguilera fan, but I find this pic off-putting; she just looks trashy (she was mentioned she was abused as a child -- sometimes women with that experience use kabuki-level makeup to hide behind.)

    I am no fan of Nicole Richie's (or her dad's, btw) but the skillful photographer made her look girlish, innocent and glowing. He must be a magician.

  19. "Alien worms? You don't have kids, do you?"

    Nope, sure don't, TS. How could you tell, LOL?

    No disrespect intended to mothers or people who like babies. I'm just not one of them, and I'm not gonna be made to feel bad about that. (Not that I think that's what you were doing, I'm just saying.)

  20. "Nope, sure don't, TS. How could you tell, LOL?"

    I could tell by the disrespect shown for babies and mothers by calling them alien worms. It's not rocket science!

  21. Meh they both look like little old men.

  22. Jac, Winston Churchill? ;-)

  23. :D
    Or mini Mickey Rooneys...:D

  24. It's not meant as disrespect, I'm just expressing my opinion. I think people forget that It's not a requirement that just because one has two X chromosomes that they must procreate and be all into babies. I get tired of being slammed because I'm not like everyone else.

    I don't see why it's taken as aggression. I'm not criticizing people who are interested in babies or choose to have their own. I just don't feel the need to be interested in something I'm not or like the same things that everyone else likes, and I don't feel I (or anyone else) should be judged about that.

  25. Both babies are cute, all babies are blessings.

    Harlow looks very beautiful in other pics of seen of her, gorgeous big blue eyes.

  26. Anonymous1:11 PM

    OMG. I hate that phrase so fucking much. "All babies are blessings" Uh, no they arent. They're usually accidents. Its no big fucking deal that our bodies are capable of procreating. Its not special. Everyone can do it. Is Jamie Lynn Spears baby, who might be the product of statutory rape, a blessing? Is a rape baby a blessing? Is an accident baby born to drug addicted abusive parents, a BLESSING to them? Do most people deserve blessings, especially in the form of children? NO. MY GOD.

    "All babies are blessings" is just code speak for "We have to pretend like babies are the greatest thing ever so we can ignore our own lack of contribution to the rest of the world and feel better for being nothing more than a baby incubator" (No offense to ladies who have kids and a career)

  27. Shiny, you know I heart ya girl, but nobody says everyone should procreate. Just don't insult those of us who did or plan to. You don't call a baby a worm and then think it's not insulting. Surely you can see where I'm coming from, no?

    If you're not interested, then say nothing, you don't have to say something insulting, that's all I'm talking about.

  28. Right back at ya, TS, but how is me saying a baby looks like an alien worm insulting people who have kids? It's a flippant remark on a website built upon making flippant remarks!

    I think ALL babies look weird for the first few months after they're born, so what? Do I say that to people I know personally, or even random strangers on the street? No, of course not. But I would say it in a context like this, a website which is all about putting pictures of celebrities up and making flippant comments about them. I don't know Christina Aguilera or Nicole Richie personally, so I feel no need to be sensitive when commenting on pictures they release to the public.

    Now, if I had said YOUR baby looked like an alien worm, I could understand why you'd be upset. Or if I had said something like "All babies are evil and people who decide to have them are stupid and should be shot." But I didn't. I just made a snarky comment about the offspring of two celebrities I don't particularly like.


  29. Like I said above - babies are off limits. We'll have to agree to disagree on this one. I'll know you don't think I should take it personally and you'll know it offends me. I'm done talking about it.

  30. One of the silliest, most pointless posts I've ever read here.

    You really don't like the male of the species do you, Ent?

    Let's see if this boy gets through six wives in his lifetime and then comment on who's had their ass publicly whupped.

  31. *OMG. I hate that phrase so fucking much. "All babies are blessings" Uh, no they arent. They're usually accidents.*

    I hope nobody takes the bait. This bitch has insulted one group of people after another. She's not only fucked up she's trolling for a fight. I notice people are ignoring her now. Good on ya!

  32. Fair enough, TS. :-)

  33. Actually, getting back to the WOMEN in these pictures, that look on Christina's face is kind of weird and creepy. Is she trying to look sexy? She looks like she's about to eat that baby. At least Nicole looks like a normal person in her photo.

  34. i love babies but i couldn't eat a whole one.

    lighten up, it's only an anorexic and her child.

  35. Hey! At least you said child and not worm.

    2 points for Jax...

  36. The Nicole Richie issue sold more because of the Oscars... plain and simple. The Xtina issue was boring as hell.

  37. Anonymous2:49 PM

    lol@ Molly

    Trolling for a fight?


  38. Anonymous3:03 PM

    I apologize to everyone here who soiled their panties because I dont think having a baby is the equivalent of being able to shit gold.

  39. Apology accepted trix, obviously not EVERYBODY can have a baby.

    Thanks for explaining Molly.:)

  40. yw Alice but thats hardly an apology. She's just continuing the mockery.

    Back to IGNORE!

  41. Yeah I know, but I choose to take it as an apology - the view's much better from the high road.

    Her post is kind of funny if you read between the lines...lol.

  42. Anonymous4:15 PM

    LOL "Back" to ignore, Molly? Looks like you never had the ignore button on in the first place.

    Its actually kinda funny how pissed off I got you, maybe even a little fun. Alice W has it right in reading between the lines and amusing herself. My only point was that its no magical wonderful thing to have a kid--its often a burden, an accident, or a bad idea, and I'm not going to paint over that with rainbows and sunshine because we're all supposed to pretend that procreating makes a soccer mom's live somehow full of meaning. Having a kid is simply what human bodies are made to do. It doesnt make you special. The kid you squeeze out isnt special. Now, raise the kid right and train him to make an intelligent and valid contribution to society, and THERE, then you have something. In fact, most of what I said isnt even directed at most of the population: if you havent made your life revolve around what pops out of your twat then you're exempt :)

  43. I agree Molly. It's people like Trix and Majik that ruin it for decent people because they have to be bitches. I did notice people weren't talking to them anymore but I guess they're too stupid to figure it out. I don't even have kids and I'm not from Canada or France, but the ignorance shown by certain people is offensive to anyone with a brain.

  44. Trix getting schooled finally.

    Trix you have got issues girl.Every couple of weeks you have to act like a complete bitch just to be a complete bitch. Stop taking your bad life out on everyone here and find your own happiness that doesn't include taking joy from pissing people off online, that is sad and pathetic.

    It makes you look ridiculously immature and that's being kind.
    Considering you have no one backing you up only says one thing, they all agree.

    Grow up already!

  45. Anonymous5:33 PM

    and it's the return of "just saying...."

    welcome back to the fights

  46. Anonymous5:35 PM

    oh... BTW... just because people don't comment, please don't assume a 'side' on these issues.
    most of us don't comment because we don't give a damn about it.

  47. Ahhh... JUST SAYING looks like we were reading between the same lines;)

  48. to me Nicole looks great she looks like a new mom
    very sweet hair do kissing her new baby

    xtian looks not right like she holding a doll trying to look sexy
    but she comes off fake max is cute in one pic but hallow is cute in all the pics

  49. Xtina needs the public's $$. Nicole doesn't.

  50. I know for a fact that some people dont comment because they don't want to be ripped a new asshole. That doesn't mean they're not tired of the bullshit of these two tho.

  51. hey, didn't enty mention a couple of weeks ago about a new mama who doesn't care about her kid or her husband?

    there were lots of guesses, but could he be hinting at xtina here?

  52. Personally speaking, I couldn't be less interested in either person's babies, and that's probably because I'm not a "baby person." (Someone said "alien worms" and that made me chuckle.) However, that said, I bought both issues, and that was because each time I'd read pretty much everything else on the newstand by that point and was bored, "People" is always a last resort... But, as far as a "who's baby ya got?' battle... Who cares.

  53. i call "foul." razz me all you want, but it's just needlessly hurtful to label anyone's child as an "ugly ass baby." i don't care how you feel about xtina or her husband; don't dis the baby.

  54. At least Christina had her baby with her husband and is happily married, unlike Nicole who got knocked up after being with this dude for like 2 weeks. I give Nicole & Joel one or two more years and then they're dunzo. Besides 20 years from now no one will care about covers. The celebs with talent will still be around (Christina) and no talent hacks with nothing to offer will fade into obscurity (Nicole Richie).

  55. I don't understand why trix' comments bother anyone.

    I was an very ugly baby, actually. One of the ugliest babies ever. It doesnt mean anything, because I am quite ravishing in my adult years. I am sure that corgy (sp?) puppies, for example, are ugly.

    I agree with trix, actually. Babies, in fact, are not "blessings." To view them as such is just an opinion.

    Some babies turn into terrible people one day. I am one of those. There are too many people in the world.

  56. Corgies are just ugly dogs. I hate them.

  57. trix, don't mind these fools and their vast array of morbid sensitivities that they nurse like newborn babes. I agree with you completely. What is so damn special about making a baby? Any idiot can do it, and they do all too often.

  58. As far as my comment 'all babies are blessings' goes I suppose it depends if you view the world and the human race in a positive way or you choose to drown in your own negativity and bitterness.

    When a poster types 'fools' and 'idiot' it says more about them the complete strangers they are labelling.

  59. I'd bet anything you depressing people who put down groups of people and or babies are all atheists.

  60. I feel sorry for these babies. They have no clue what they were born into- My guess is they chose the photos that best flattered the mamas and that both babies are cute ;)

  61. plot and someone -

    since you dont' mind Trix' posts then I hope the next time she rips into someone it's one of you.

    Just saying is right. Trix is a psycho who goes from being nice to maniac bitch in no time. Hope you two are the targets next time!!!

  62. GREAT IDEA MOLLY!!! Since her posts don't bother you two then the next time her tourette's kicks in then she should blast you both. You won't mind and she'll get it out of her system.

    Um, does anyone else find it hysterically funny that this new poster known as plot is on here defending Trix? Gee, Trix, where are anon and some? We all know you were posting under those names, so I'm guessing Someone is also one of your psycho bitch handles.

    Yeah, Trix has to make up new names to defend her sorry ass. Amazing!

  63. I'm not new. Look it up, though I used another name for a while - which is so easily traced my dog could find it.

    I'm blissfully unburdened by the sacred sensitivities that would make anything Trix had to say personally hurtful to me.

    Anyone who gets weepy and hysterical over the comments on a gossip board needs some professional help - stat!

  64. What was your other handle?

  65. If it matters that much to you, figure it out.

  66. "I'm not new. Look it up, though I used another name for a while - which is so easily traced my dog could find it."

    Only to get all defensive when asked?

    Riiiiiight, Trix/Anon/Some/Plot/Someone.

  67. Considering Nicole did drugs and drank while pregnant I'm pretty sure her baby is retarded and we don't know that already.

    But I do cuz I'm that good
