Monday, March 31, 2008

But Where Did He Get The Drugs?

The jury in the inquest of Anna Nicole Smith's son Daniel were successfully befuddled by the witnesses that mattered most and have stated that Daniel died of an accidental overdose and that no criminal charges should be filed.

What they don't answer in their report is who the hell gave Daniel the methadone, Zoloft and Lexapro in the first place. They also don't answer how Howard K Stern managed to not notice Daniel overdosing on these three drugs despite the fact they were in the same hospital room for 12 straight hours with Daniel's mom. Never even noticed that Daniel was so heavily medicated that he was going to die? Never noticed in all the years he hung out with Anna and Daniel 24 hours a day that the kid was hooked on drugs that he got from his mom. And who arranged for his mom to have all those drugs? Do you think Anna was calling around to friendly doctors? Maybe it was Sugarpie or Kimmy.

As for Daniel dying in the hospital room, Howard K would probably just say he and Anna were distracted by the newborn. I could see that for about ten minutes. What about the other 11 hours and 50 minutes? This is the biggest bunch of crap I have ever read. The Bahamas needs to show some balls and do something. Ever since this all started they have just let everyone walk all over them and this is no different. I'm disgusted and the people of the Bahamas should be disgusted with the people they have elected to represent them. All it says to the people is that if you have some money, you get to do what you want, including f**king around when people die.


  1. ENT, I love the tag at the bottom. "Bahamians Have No Balls"


  2. Wow Ent is PISSED! lol

  3. im pissed too! this is BULLSHIT. its true corruption flows out where most money flows in.

  4. Newborns aren't much of a distraction the first couple of days because they sleep most of the time. This is the biggest scam ever. I think someone killed two people and so far, they're getting away with it. And choosing the Bahamas with a more backward police department and government was perfect planning wasn't it?

  5. Did anyone really believe for a moment that there would be a different outcome at this hearing? Seriously?

    The press, and tourism dollars that has flowed into the Bahamas as a result of Anna Nicole Smith, prior to her death, and afterwards, has been incalculable.

  6. Where's Dodi Fayad's Father? He wouldn't let this crap fly for one second. Too bad neither Daniel nor his Mother had anyone who gave a shit about them. Okay, maybe one person die from accidental OD, but BOTH Mother and son? Nah, I'm not buying it. I feel sorry Dannielynn 'cuz it looks like she's next on the hitlist. As soon as her pictures stop selling, she's going to get a bad dose of Gerber's.

  7. LOL@Califblondy

    And a shout out to our friend "Buns" aka Bionic Bunny who's recovering from a knee operation. Also, anyone know how Adrian is doing???

  8. On a side note, and from very personal experience, there is no, and I mean N.O. WAY that someone, anyone did not notice how sick he was. A methadone and lexapro cocktail will make you feel like death. Seriously. Like, moaning, crying, puking, drooling, can't breathe, hot-and-cold-flashes, PLEADING for death sick. Alcohol poisoning? Nothing compared to this. Meth overdose? Not even close. There is NO way someone would not have seen how sick he was. Not. Freakin. Possible. These Bahamian people should be ousted from office immediately. Disgusting.

  9. Pinky, I hope Adrian doesn't mind, but since you asked...

    The thing they removed (I think it was a tumor) was malignant. They have to do further testing on her nodes, but may have got it all by removing the tumor or whatever it was because an MRI she had was clean. She's doing well - just anxious to get more news. Prayers and positive thoughts if you don't pray, would be appreciated, I'm sure.

  10. YAY - she's clean! Positive thoughts to Adrian and Buns. Jesse, thanks for sharing what must be a very painful memory.

  11. Anonymous12:34 PM

    If Money talks regarding Anna Nicole where did she get the money since supposely she didn't have any. Or did she? I thought her money was still stuck with that suit with her husband's children fighting over it?

  12. sylvia - I think she raked in quite a bit of moolah from her sit-downs with ET and The Insider. I think you're right though about what you mentioned.

  13. Pinky, hopefully she's clean - they still have to test the nodes, but let's just think positive thoughts. ;-) Poor thing was really freaking out for a while.

    Happy and quick recovery, Buns!

  14. jesse d, then a medical person - doctor or nurse - at the hospital should have noticed how sick Daniel was, right?

  15. Carolmr - Yes, indeed!

  16. thanks, guys, i'm hangin' in!
    last i talked to adrian they were going back in because her tests came back positive. they believe they got it all, but to play it save they were having to remove more tissue.

    me, i have a fantastic scar, a lovely cocktail of drugs and a touch of post-surgical blues *sniff*. but i'm getting better day by day, and the doc says only 6 more days and i can get back in the spa, HURRAY!

    thanks for the kind thoughts!

  17. Sylvia is right, Anna didn't have any substantial money. She never collected any money from her ex-husband's estate because it has stayed tied up in court. And as far as the legal analysts I have seen are concerned she wasn't ever, nor is her current estate, entitled to that money because Marshall had all kinds of safeguards put into his estate planing. Now maybe she had some money from her semi-successful reality show, but I can't imagine that someone like Anna invested or managed her money well so whatever she got was probably spent as fast as it came in. But at the heart of the matter, everyone who was around Daniel and Anna should feel ashamed of themselves, while they may not have killed them in an active sense, they are partially responsible for both of their deaths because of their inaction.
