Monday, March 24, 2008

Denise Richards Is An Idiot

Denise Richards has been given a second chance that most washed up actresses would jump at. A reality show. The only reason she got the reality show is because she was married to Charlie Sheen and is such a spoiled b*tch.

If you were only known for being married to Charlie Sheen and being a spoiled bitch you may want to think of a way to change the perception of everyone in the world who has that opinion of you. E! has given you a platform that you can share with other spoiled bitches like the Kardashians. Now is your chance. Show them what a sweet, normal person and parent you can be. Make people like you and then you may not have to just wander around LA for the next 30 years pretending you have offers for work, or wondering if you should pick up the phone and call Heidi to add some excitement to your life.

Instead of taking that advice, Denise instead chose to exploit the living hell out of her kids even after assuring the world they would only be filler on her television show. In an episode filmed last week, Denise had a birthday party at a spa for her 4 year old daughter. Charlie was not invited and was not welcomed. At the spa, the little toddlers had their nails painted, hair done, and were given complimentary monogrammed bathrobes. All of this was provided for free in exchange for a little product placement for the spa.

Instead of showing that she can be a normal mom with a party like every other kid in America, she decided to show the little girls how to start acting like a spoiled brat. Afterwards they all paid homage to Heather Mills, the hooker who made the big score. Heather was beamed in by satellite to talk to the little girls about the cost benefit analysis of charging by the hour and going for the long con of marriage. OK, that last part is total crap, but honestly, even if you think the spa thing is cute, you have to admit that using your kids like that is really shameful and obviously Charlie had a good idea what Denise was going to do which is why he went to court to try and stop it.

If I were the judge I would be really worried about the explanations I heard in court from Denise, and the reality of what is actually occurring.


  1. I wouldn't worry about this one to much. This has CANCELLED written on the opening credits already.

  2. What we can all hope is that she wasn't given any creative control and that the producers and editors will piece together some very interesting (ie embarrassing scenes) that paint her in a very bad light.

    Now that would be grand!

  3. Spa day for a FOUR year old? Four yr olds want to run around and have fun, not sit and RELAX while getting their toes painted.

    Oy vey.

    Frankly, I think it would be more interesting to base a reality show on the secret lives of the women of CDAN.....

    Jax's segment would be a real kicker!

  4. I can't even get my daughter to sit down to brush her hair- Can't imagine taking her to a salon for a mani/pedi!!

  5. Anonymous10:35 AM

    Being a pretentious bitch and trying to cover it up as a sweet family outting and not the child prostitution (practically) it really is....for Hollywood, I'd say this was "classic".

  6. This is perplexing.
    I don't like Charlie and I don't like Denise.
    :( Hard to take sides.

    I'm on the kids' sides, no doubt but painting Charlie out to be a saint? Yeah. Not so much.

  7. sweater - You're right not to take sides as everyone's a pig in this story. your concern for the kids is a good one and shared by one and all. with these two as parents, they don't have a chance at a normal life. all they have to do is ask their older half-sister.

  8. Spa day for a 4 year is gross. Maybe for a 12 or 14 year old but 4 is inappropriate and what parent let there child go?

  9. I wonder if the little girl had any fun on her birthday.

  10. Anonymous12:34 PM

    Thats a bittersweet thought shiny, and it makes me sad. I wonder if that little girl got to do anything that she actually enjoyed, that day. God, I hate both the parents. Wish I could root for CPS.

  11. I would love to see someone try and do a mani for my daughter, the shrieking "I do myself! I do myself!" would make your ears bleed. Oh, and yes, she's 4 too.

  12. I want to see the footage of them sedating the kids first, cause there is NO way.....(Benadryl Smoothies?)
    Then the after footage of them running around messing up the nail polish!
    Or jamming fingers into cheetoes with fresh nail polish. Oh, if only we'd known this was going on-how we could've sabotaged! hehehehe-

  13. Finally women are smartening up and making some money afer they get done being cheated on and treated like shit. sure we'll get flack and be called whores, but at least we're getting paid for it now.
