Friday, March 07, 2008

Didn't Know Even Know She Was Still Alive

Turns out that Kathie Lee Gifford is alive. I didn't really know, because honestly I wasn't looking for her, and that big career she was planning after Regis really panned out for her didn't it? I know, someone will comment or e-mail me and say she is on some show that no one watches or that she is on Broadway or doing this and that. Whatever. In my world she isn't alive. I can't think of a morning I woke up and said to myself, damn I miss Kathie Lee Gifford. Apparently the world does not think like me, or at least NBC executives anyway.

Seems that NBC has decided that Kathie Lee Gifford is going to be the host for the fourth hour of the Today show each morning. You do realize four hours of the same show means NBC basically devotes 20% of it's entire programming to one show. Why not just have a Today Show cable channel and then in the mornings the rest of us can sit down in the mornings, put our feet up and watch a little Mixed Martial Arts.

I hate morning shows. I don't need anyone smiling at me or being in a good mood at the butt crack of dawn while I am struggling to decide why in fact I do work for a living, and how anyone could ever be that cheery. Oh, they get paid that's right.

Anyway, in a move that is either brilliant or misguided. Covering myself there huh? I think it will work for awhile and then everyone will remember why they stopped liking her in the first place. An announcement is expected in the next two weeks. Wonder if it will be on Regis. You know I think she did that show for 15 years. How old is Regis anyway? OK. I looked it up. He is 76. Wow. It seems like he should be even older. In case you were curious, Kathie Lee is 114.


  1. i don't know what's worse her singing or those boobs.

  2. it's for the grannies who actually have time and inclination to watch that shite while the rest of us debate calling in sick mon-fri for the first 30mins of awake time.

    i hate talking in the morning and i sure as fuck don't need to here that biotch prattle on about Cody and his first erection.

  3. Anonymous10:29 AM

    captiva - I was going to make a similar comment. Kathie Lee needs a better bra.

    jax - Cody's like 18 now, right? She shouldn't still be talking about him.

  4. Exactly! What is the deal with her boobs? Surely she can afford a better bra.

  5. did you never see her on Regis?
    She was notorious for yapping about her kids nonstop and it turned a lot of people off.
    god i think there must be at least 4 skits on SNL just about

  6. Jesus Mary and Joseph, she looks like the greeting card character Maxine with those tits.

  7. Gad, the cow is right back where she started -- morning tv. I remember when she was on "GMA",husband-hunting, and trying to break up David Hartman's marriage. That didn't work, so she moved on to Frank Gifford.

    Two bits says she thinks she'll wind up anchoring the CBS Evening News.

  8. I wonder if those babies get rug burns. I mean seriously, you could play double dutch with those things.

  9. TS...hahahahahahahaha!

    you have totally made my day. hilarious.

  10. LOL, Lyz - I'm just jealous because mine don't hang down that far.

  11. now i'm having an i like my boobs day.

  12. lol why do women with implants think they dont have to wear a bra?
    especially geriatric implants.
    hold that shit up!
    you dont need underwire but you do need a damn bra.

  13. LOL, TS! ITA, Jax. She's disgusting. Taking bets as to how long before her numbers are SO bad that NBC either yanks that 4th hour or replaces her. Will also bet that even geriatrics don't want her. NBC is SO stupid!

  14. I think it's a good move to add Kathy Lee...bad bra or not, TODAY show needs help

    There's no one cheerful on that show..they're negative and sarcastic and run 'out of time' on every single segment they begin


  15. Honey, an underwire would bend under those melons. She needs a shelf. But yeah, put a bra on, skank.

  16. had to take another look, to be sure. yes, i love my boobs!
