Monday, March 24, 2008

E! Officially Changes Name To Whore TV

I don't think the name change is official yet, but obviously E! feels that women who have been paid for sex is the way to go for their future. Adding to the legacy of Anna Nicole Smith, Denise Richards, the Kardashians, Paris Hilton,and White Oprah on the E! lineup is none other than Pamela Anderson. In what is sure to being the network to a new level of class, Pamela Anderson is getting paid well over a $1M to appear on 12 episodes of a reality program starring herself. There is no word if she will try and find another guy in the world willing to pay her $250,000 for sex or if instead will follow her around as she gives it away for free.

In their new commitment to moral integrity, E! is also working on deals with Ashley Dupre, Heather Mills, and anyone else who can sell sex for money.

I find it really hard to believe that E! can't find someone else to follow around with a camera. I know that most of the readers here are women. If I were you I would be pissed that E! seems to think that the only women worth following are these women. They obviously feel that these women are role models for your kids or else they would not follow them around and show their lives. Several are mothers, so obviously E! believes they are the mothers who can offer the best parenting skills to the world. The question is what are you going to do about it?


  1. Does this make Seacrest a pimp?

  2. Anonymous11:03 AM

    I don't really think any children should be watching E! anyway.

  3. I agree children and not me!!!

  4. change the channel. a lot of people hate what i like to watch so i'm not going to cry about it.

    but ya she's a disgrace.

  5. posting and hating is still posting. you're just giving these losers attention. they don't care if it's good or bad, they just think people are interested. i'm not.

  6. I wrote to them; they have a link on their website under 'contact us' for programming feedback.

    And did I give them some feedback...

  7. they need to change it to Famewhore TV, i might watch it then. at least it'd be honest.

  8. Or White Trash Television.

  9. Wow they really ARE giving all the whores their own television shows. And I would know! HA HA! I've never liked E! network for that very reason: they give unsavory types an outlet to continue their "celebrity" that somehow upps their profile yet doesn't seem to have a shred of talent showcased in it whatsoever! And trust me, I know at least SOME talents--and Kim Kardashian is NOT good at the only thing she's known for: FUCKING! If she's failed at that, how could she possibly be could at anything else? Wow, sound familiar? You could erase "Kim Kardashian" and put in "Paris Hilton". lol. Can't say about Pamela, never saw her tape. Can't say about Denise, either since she didn't do taped sessions, LOL.

  10. I haven't watched E! in years (other than the occasional 5 minutes of The Soup as I channel-surf).

  11. I love The Soup and Chelsea Lately.

    I enjoyed the first couple of seasons of The Girls Next Door, too.

    Other than the occasional episode of Dr 90210 or The Daily 10, that's as far as I can go with E.

    Odd considering I am a big fan of almost everything Bravo does which is not that much different, except competition reality which I just hate

  12. I think the most telling part of the post is that he named his top 5 Whore shows on E! and Hugh Heffner and his band of Whores didnt even make the list. Nice programming E. Disgusting.

  13. I miss Steve Kmetko and Jules Asner.

  14. She does empower women, because she has a million people talking shit about her, and she still looks good and makes money hand over fist. She's the pimp. If it were a guy getting that much ass it would be celebrated. Why don't we focus on more shallow whores like Karsashian, who has about as much to say as a tree trunk? The first thing Pam always says is something about her kids. I'm sure the babysitter is well paid, so whatever she does in the nightlife should be her own business. You go girl.
