Monday, March 03, 2008

Ellen Page On SNL

The people at SNL were quick with the pens and Ellen Page had no problems mocking all the lesbian stories that were written about her last week. You need to watch this sketch quickly because the people at NBC are not known for their love of YouTube and so it won't be long before it is down. Ellen Page is hilarious.

As I wrote the above sentence, NBC took it down already. They refuse to post it on their website, so you will have to make do with this Ellen Page digital short which is funny, but not as funny as the other clip. Damn suits.


  1. Andy Samberg needs a straightening iron.

  2. i tell you i dont understand the fascination with ellen page.

  3. FU NBC!

    Why in god's name would you not want your SNL sketches on Youtube, your show has sucked ass for long happy people are interested at all.
    As you were,

  4. Anonymous12:10 PM

    brenda - I'd be happier if he got a box of crest whitestrips.

  5. cho, I'm with you. Not getting it at all. I didn't know she was hosting and it took a few sketches to realize it was her. I thought she was pretty awful to be honest. I thought she was kind of charming on the B Walters special though.

  6. I don't know about "fascination," but I have loved her in everything I've seen with her. I didn't watch SNL, but I thought that short was cute. Nothing that anyone else couldn't have done, but cute.

    I think people (probably me included, if I really thought about it) like her because she seems to genuinely fit outside of the box. I know a lot of celebrities "don't care" about Hollywood and all its crap, but I believe her when she says it. Maybe I'm just naive...

  7. Alpine I'm with you 100% Plus, this girl can actually act. She has talent and skill and isn't famous for screwing someone on camera and having the video "leaked". She's professional and smart. She's a great, real actor and that is rare these days. Check out Hard Candy. Everyone in that movie rocked.

  8. Ellen Page is great.

    That last skit of the night with Andy was the ONE and ONLY interesting thing about SNL.

  9. I thought Hillary and Amy opening the show was pretty funny.

  10. I had tears rolling down my eyes at the "News"...the part about German researchers and 6 minute naps.

    The short made me giggle...Samburg looks like a gopher, and I always laugh at humans that look like gophers. Dunno why.

  11. EL - Are you maybe a little in denial? I adore Ellen Page, but she's pretty obviously gay.

  12. If anyone missed the lesbian skit you can find it here -

    I thought Ellen was very good.

  13. I'm not the only one who doesn't think Ellen Page walks on water? Hallelujah! I think she's a talented actress and will likely do some very good work in the future, but I also think she's overrated. I'm probably alone in thinking Juno was more grating than charming. I'd be happy to not hear anything more about her for the foreseeable future.

  14. SNL DOES suck... Remember when MadTV used to be REALLY funny? (Stewart, Miss Swan, then lady with the pants pulled high.)
