Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Here's A Tip - Quit With The Soft Porn And They Won't Come

Miley Cyrus says she gets really "creeped out" when single guys go to her concerts alone. First I want to know with 15,000 screaming 8 year olds jacked up on caffeine and candy, how on earth she even knows there are single guys there in the audience staring at her. Oh, I know they are there and you know they are there, but have you stood on a stage and had those lights slammed in your eyes? You can't see past the first few rows which is probably not where her stalkers are going to hang out. Take it from me. We like the upper balcony, alone, away from the stage where we can pull out our magazine photo scrap book with the eyes cut out. The front row is probably program directors from radio stations, managers from record stores and record executives who are just as creeped out to be there as Miley is to see them and they are all probably praying their next door neighbor or someone they know recognizes them while they are there.

Of course Miley could stop taking all the photos she took in the past and present which although not creepy, definitely could attract the wrong kind of guy or woman. Why do we have to assume that it is just guys that are creepy and stalkers. There are plenty of female stalkers out there and I am sure Miley has some female stalkers as well. Have there been any lesbian stalkers before? That would be kind of an interesting film.

Thanks to someone something for the photo. I know, I know, but that is their name.


  1. Miley Cyrus creeps ME out. She's obnoxious as Hell and sooner or later it will come out that she is the fricking Bad Seed. Mark my words. Single guys should be afraid of HER.

  2. Poor El. You have no clue what soft porn is, do you?

  3. Anonymous11:58 AM

    ts, it's all boobs and panties. I think EL only likes hardcore.

  4. Yeah, EL strikes me as a hard core porn fan, too, DN.

    There's more to soft porn than boobs and panties otherwise the intimate apparel section of the Sears catalog would be considered soft porn.

    He really has to stop bashing this teenager and saying she's into porn. She's done nothing porn like. If it gets to that point she's fair game, but until then, I'm filing this under EL is being an asshat along with some of the other things he's posted lately.

  5. Anonymous12:15 PM

    I think Miley Cyrus is just full of herself. hahaha

  6. OFF TOPIC -

    I saw the movie "Once" over the weekend and LOVED LOVED LOVED IT! It's got the Oscar winning song in it, to jog some memories. If you haven't seen it - I give it two thumbs up.

    DN, did you and your db see it? If so, what did you both think?

  7. i can see what El is saying. well harmless to the rest of us normal folks having photos of your 15 year old self in bras n panties or bathing suits is a big trigger to creeps. add to it your face and name is everywhere along with said not a good thing.

    sorry i if were here parent we'd be having a long discussion on what is age appropriate clothing and behavior. i mean shit she looks like she has implants in the pic above. that is way to low cut for a 15 year old girl. celeb or not.
    and i am no prude.

  8. Anonymous12:55 PM

    twist - Once was a great movie. I got a little teary at the end. db liked it too.

    jax - I totally agree with you.

  9. Yes, I have. You can see faces 3/4 of the way back in an audience. You can take it from me.

  10. Jax, I'm all about kids dressing properly, but that doesn't excuse EL saying what she's doing is soft porn. He's not helping matters by mislabeling what she's doing.

  11. I cannot stand this country bumpkin! I give it a year before there is a sex scandal or pictures of her doing drugs.

  12. Miley might be revolutionizing "Featherweight Porn"

  13. ya it's only tongue in cheek though..let's not take it all literal..its not like Miley or pedos are reading CDAN 24/7.

    honestly though if i found those pics of my daughter on Myspace or what have you..soft porn would be the tamest thing out of my mouth.

  14. Didn't Sandra Bullock have a female stalker not too long ago?

  15. OMG, I just saw selenakyle's post. LMAO

  16. I mean, really! I think Marnie (first poster) is on to something here...

  17. Or ditto gammagirl, too. You KNOW Miley's handlers are pushing every "diet and mood aid" her way that they can.

  18. I think it would be a cold day in hell if any of my daughters tried to go to school in some of the outfits this girl wears....I don't even let them wear spaghetti strap tank tops to school, let alone something with a push up bra and cleavage.

  19. I'm glad you pointed it out because it distracts me from looking at her teeth, which always gross me out, though I can't really articulate why. She just creeps me out in general. I think marnie's on to something too.

  20. My kind of parents are posting here!!!

    Thank God I have boys.

  21. I'll tell you why, shiny_special_one. She has that "House of Windsor" (the Royals), horse-teeth thing happening. That's what it is!

    I think a girl at 15, with raging hormones, wants to dress to attract guys, but there's a way to do it without looking so slutty.

  22. Twist you'll enjoy what my mom says about raising boys vs girls.

    "With boys you only have to worry about 1 weiner with a girl you gotta worry about everyone elses"

    god love

  23. I heard somewhere or read somewhere that when they were editing together her concert movie, they had to digitally remove this middle aged perv from the front row because he was front and center in every.single.shot mouthbreathing all over the stage. Ew.

    Meanwhile, it's wrong to blame the kids getting exploited. When is this form of child exploitation going to get banned anyway? Whither Jamie Lynn Spears?

  24. geez, you guys should have seen my friends and i wandering all over town after practice in our skating dresses when we were 15. we wouldn't have worn shorts or skirts cut like that, but didn't give it another thought like that. girls that age don't think about pervs.

  25. I am a mom of a teen. She used to wear shirts that showed her midriff, which was the style at the time. I have seen girls the same age as Miley, who come from good homes with strict parents dressed far more provocatively. While we may be at an age to know the difference between sexy and skanky, teen aged girls tend to drift to the skanky, cause it raises eyebrows and gets them attention.

  26. The thing about this photo was her dilated pupils. Is she on Zoloft or any "medication" that causes pupils to dilate? There is a photo with her dad also that really illustrates the extreme dilation of her pupils even when exposed to a bright light. If I was a cop I would take her pulse and ask her why is her heart rate so high and when was the last time she used.

  27. LMAO @ Jax' mom.

    Jax, your mom is so funny and cool. It's true, too, I do only have to worry about one weiner. Well, two if I count both boys.

  28. I'm with Ent. Does she dress/photograph like a barely (il)legal sex kitten for her Mickey Mouse Club fans, as their aspirational role model? Or does she sell her image to anybody who's buying? Because I think it's the latter, and in that case your audience is pervy old men who sexualize 15 year olds. Don't play the victim, bitch. Girls that age who dress like that enjoy their sexual 'power,' but don't realize that they're setting themselves up to be exploited by immature creepy older men. Once you're impregnated by an opportunistic 34 year old who probably had a nice car and bought you with clothes your friends couldn't afford, you're no longer the one with men in your clutches. Jamie Lynn Spears now understands this. Lindsay Lohan and Britney Spears still have not figured it out. Little girls need to be taught that they're worth more than their ability to attract men, and it's disturbing that Miley Cyrus is their alleged role model.

    I work with at-risk kids and I will get on the soapbox for this type of inexcusable hypocritical b.s. Billy Ray has either lost all control, or he should be ashamed.

  29. Marnie, I agree that women need to learn their worth more than their ability to attract men, but absolutely everything in this world seems to point to the age old adage that a woman isn't worth anything unless she has a man. If you read enough blogs and gossip then you know what I am saying. Don't blame the ways of society on one 15 year old girl.

  30. let her take the pics she's old enough to suffer the consequences
