Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Talk About Shrinkage

No guy likes shrinkage. If you wonder why, just take a look back at all of your comments when Javier Bardem made an appearance on Full Frontal Friday. Well, imagine if your shrinkage was displayed on the sides of buses and billboards, and it wasn't even accurate. You might be a little pissed.

Juan Pablo Di Pace is an actor who is a good looking guy and who has appeared full frontal in a Royal Opera House production. Because they had a shot of him and he was good looking they have been using him to advertise operas since 2001. Unfortunately for Juan, the Opera House thought showing everything he has might put off potential customers so they airbrushed his manhood down to boyhood if you know what I mean.

"It's disgraceful. It's hugely embarrassing for a 28-year-old actor for them to plaster his naked body across billboards and buses.... They airbrushed his penis entirely to shrink it. They made it look like he barely had one at all."

The Opera House agreed that the photo had been manipulated in various ways. Besides shrinking it, they probably did something else to it, but honestly when people start talking about this subject I just try and not imagine how they have caused this guy some performance issues. A woman comes up to him on the street, or a guy since I really don't know what side of the fence Juan plays on. They come up to him and say that he looks familiar. Juan replies that he is on the side of a bus which just happens to roll by. They both look at the bus together, and the fan suddenly has a case of the giggles and is saying goodbye.

Juan gets his big break in the big screen version of Mamma Mia. I think you can also expect to see him Friday if you know what I mean.


  1. Well, I hope we see the REAL him Friday and not some pathetic immitation, EL.

  2. Anonymous10:50 AM

    Or both versions - because I am slightly interested in how it looks after the airbrushing. And no - I'm not some perv - I'm just curious about how bad it is.

  3. In what country do they display penii on billboards????

  4. Anonymous11:04 AM

    Bryn - the Royal Opera House is in London - so I guess England does. I would guess there's other countries that do too but I don't know of any for sure.

  5. Anonymous11:19 AM

    I'd be pissed if someone airbrushed my boobs to look smaller. I feel for the guy, lol.

  6. Bryn??? Is that you I hear packing? ;-)

  7. The best way for him to recover from this is to do a worldwide photo-spread for Playgirl and a Full-frontal movie.
    Perhaps "Eastern Promises II"?

  8. So they made him look like a Ken doll, but only with a little bigger of an accessory?

    I'd still hit it. But I had issues with Ken as a girl so...

  9. ya Ken was pretty smoothe in all ways wasn't he?
    poor guy.
    Shrink happens.

  10. Twisty - actually, I was just looking at some travel brochures....;)

  11. Bryn, take me with you! Or at least take pictures.

  12. london, huh?

    is that what's meant by "the royal wee"?

    i'm sorry. i couldn't help it. i'll go to my room now.
