Monday, March 31, 2008

Today's Blind Items

#1 - This is more of a general thing since I could not even begin to describe the kids involved since I have no idea what tween show they are on and how you can blind them. BUT, who says drugs don't start young. There were at least two groups of 3-4 tweens all under 16 or 17 who passed around joints all night long on Saturday at the Kids Choice Awards. Nice huh?

#2 - This engagement announcement is a nice effort, but there will never be a marriage. Think Billy Zane and Kelly Brook.

#3 - This B list film actress with a nose for paparazzi disappeared off the radar screen for a few days. Public stories professed one thing while in reality our actress spent a few days with a foreign billionaire. You do the math.


YahMoBThere said...

2- Clooney?
3- Denise R?

captivagrl said...

#2.reese and jake?

merrick said...

I agree with you ts on the clooney guess .. hard as it is for me to believe, he bats for the home team .. I guess I have to give in .. as for number one .. could be drake and josh .. and I carly ... i am stumped for number 3 .. who recently had a nose job besides ashley tisdale and ashlee simpson?

jax said...

1-those twins,who cares
2- Andy Roddick
3- Lindsay

Unicorn Jones said...

I'm thinking #3 is more like lindsey lohan, hayden pannettone, etc...somebody who obviously calls the papparrazi before they go somewhere

#1 - all of them? is weed even considered a drug enymore?

#2 - the only new engagement is andy roddick, but I think that one's real...I would say jennifer love hugetits (due to the random photos) but hers seems real also...who else recently got engaged?


Brenda22 said...

There was no Clooney engagement announcement.

2. Andy Roddick
3. Jennifer Aniston? Katie Holmes?

Ror said...

3-Carmen Electra

Little Miss Smoke and Mirrors said...

2 - Jamie Lynn Spears and the Fall Guy.

Lana M. said...

Off Topic:

Did anyone read Lainey today? If so, do you think she was saying Katie was that one Blind? Sorry, forgot what it said. I'm going to go back and read it. :)

Lana M. said...

Okay, the Lainey Blind was "How he holds Her" and I think she revealed it in today's post "Tabloid Wars : The Pitt Wedding" (down dowards the end) Any thoughts?

Ellen said...

jax is right on. It's Andy Roddick and I'm now more convinced than ever that he was the naked tennis player in the hotel room.

Sigh..... I just love my Andy.

Didn't that old blind also involve a Seacrest or Seacrest like TV personality? Now I have to go digging...

Brenda22 said...

I don't think Lainey was referring to the blind with the Katie statement. In "How he holds her" she says the guy wants to make things more permanent. That implies the guy wants marriage or something more than what they have. Plus, Tom would never go public with something like that. It would ruin his rep. more than hers.

Brenda22 said...

#1 This stud male tennis player who has been linked with several female celebrities in some very high profile relationships over the past few years was spotted opening his hotel room door in the nude to this male reality star who does his very best to make sure that everyone thinks he is Mr. Heterosexual.

jax said...

did Lainey rule out Alba?

Unknown said...

#3 is totally Ashley Tisdale(or however you spell it). There were current rumours of another nosejob when she disappeared for a while.

dixiebell said...

B list-is Lohan even B list now?

dixiebell said...

B list-is Lohan even B list now?

dixiebell said...

B list-is Lohan even B list now?

captivagrl said...

#3. jessica simpson released a statement that she was hospitalized last week for 5 days with a kidney infection. no one can verify the stay and she was out last night(although her statement includes that she will need some recovery time)

OG Gossipmonger said...

manda - i don't think we could consider tisdale a film actress....

jax said...

captiv- she's in the hospital right now and will be released later. not her.

is Lilo B list still, yes i woudl say so seeing as she just landed that Manson role etc. and she certainly has a 'nose' for well as a need for $.

Anonymous said...

3 is Jessica Simpson

Unknown said...

Hey guys, thought you would like this vid:
What life would be like if you spoke like you commented

captivagrl said...

jax - the reports are she's out and no one can verify her story

Anonymous said...

#1. Have no idea
#2. Roddick, Jake G., or Clooney
#3. Lohan is what i was thinking, but Tisdale is a good guess as well.

kris said...

Off topic - I was thinking Alba for that Lainey blind..."how he holds her"...

The new one she has is interesting too...

kris said...

Billy Zane and kelly brook...why did they not get married?

janice said...

#2 is andy roddick and his swimsuit model gf, brooklyn somethin...

jax said...

well im reading TMZ and there is nadda about that.
of course it can't be verified..she is the hospital as a a medical facility.

where are you reading this?

captivagrl said...

re: jessica simpson, the latest coverage(that i can find) is over on eonline. 5 day hospital stay for a "minor" kidney infection? i don't buy it.

RagDoll said...


because Zane is purported to be strictly dickly

#2 Duhamel/Fergie?

kris said...

Thanks ragdoll...had no idea...sigh...are any of the hotties straight???

Ellen said...

brenda22: Thanks for the "naked tennis player" blind repost. So, who is the male reality star?


Sydney in Wonderland said...

Captivagirl -- I was hospitalized for 8 days with a kidney infection. It happens.

murr said...

#1. Tweens from the Disney Clan. Kyle Massey from "That's So Raven," and "Cory in the House." And Mitchel Musso from "Hannah Montana." Maybe a lot more too.

I'm guessing the Disney Clan, mostly Kyle and Mitchel, because a long time ago, an extra tween from the Disney shows posted in an Asian forum her opinions of the Disney stars (after working with them). She noted that those two tweens in particular are druggies. Really sad because this was over a year ago. They must've been doing this for years now.

Ice Angel said...

1.) A bunch of teens smoking pot??? I am shocked, I tell you...SHOCKED!!! Next thing you'll be telling us they are drinking and having sex! Couldn't happen...

2.) Ro dick
3.) I'm confused on this one. Is it saying that she disappeared and was basically being payed for sex by a billionaire? Ashley Tis is not really a film actress just yet...she's on TV and I wouldn't call either Simpson a B-list film actress either.

Who else are the paps constantly following?

Julie said...

i'm so not up on my gossip right now...
just got my computer back!! need to catch up. did i miss anything earthshattering? and did Tori Spelling have her second spawn?

jax said...

5 days stay is possible especially if its too far gone for oral antibiotics they would need to give her IV therapy 1-2x a day for 5-7 days.

i bye it totally. but i've been there b4 so i kinda feel for her.

jax said...

ps i do know how to spell BUY.
damn im dumb on mondays...

Maja With a J said...

#3 Eva Mendez going to rehab a while back. You don't really see her in the 'bloids that much, perhaps that's what he means by "nose for paparazzi", that she usually can steer clear of them. She was also rumoured to have a bit of a coke habit...again, "nose". My first guess was LiLo too but it can't be her EVERY time...*L*

kellygirl said...

ice angel - don't you mean "Raw Dick"

jax said...

laura that was hilarious! posted it on my facebook.

first! lol...

surfer said...

My first thought for #2 was Jamie Lynn Spears - why compound one mistake by making another, but Andy Roddick is another great guess--I mean, the girl is only 20. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

selenakyle said...

BWAHAHAAA "raw dick!"

No idea why, but Kate Hudson popped into my head for #3. She spent time with a billionaire in Europe after the first split with Owen, didn't she? Just not sure how the "nose for paps" stuff would fit.

McConaughey is an excellent guess for #2.

Chatty Cricket said...

Ok, so back to Lainey's "How He Holds Her" for a sec- the clues are actress dating a not as famous if famous at all guy. Certainly he's not as successful as she is. Got pregnant so that she would be due in August (the 08/08/08 baby rush), then got rid of the pregnancy without telling the boyfriend. He flips out.

She'd like to get rid of this guy, but now he's got this info on her, so she's hanging in there until she can get rid of him.

So it can't be Brad and Ange because she's obviously very pregnant. Also not anyone who is married. I think it's Anne Hathaway. Can never figure out why she's with that boyfriend, and she is poised to be one of the next great actresses.

Unknown said...

I have no idea, but I just came across this picture and I thought it was a Jared Leto wanna be, but it turned out to be Eva Longoria on an off day.

Check it out:,,20186256_15,00.html

Mel said...

'she is poised to be one of the next great actresses.'

I don't get it....she's so annoying.

jax said...

IMO Anne Hathaway bats for the same team and wouldn't want that to get out seeing as she is a friggen Princess in half her movies.
hmm....interesting guess.

Peregrine White said...

Re: #3. Lohan has been rumored to have significant money troubles. A few days playing "Kristen" might solve such challenges.

PotPourri said...

I think what is meant by #3 is she spent the weekend for hire with a billionaire because she needed the money. Obviously Lohan.

Ellen said...

While I wouldn't call her B-List, but what about Tara Reid? She's currently pictured on Perez Hilton with a creepy old dude.

Could it be creepy old dude w/money? I totally see her playing Kristen, but doubt she's worth Kristen money...

Ellen said...

Sorry, I mean in regards to #3.

kellygirl said...

re: Tara Reid - I often wonder where the hell she gets all the money for the traveling she does. I mean, it's not family money and she hasn't worked in forever (that I know of :)

d said...

#3 - is Carmen Electra consider a B list film actress?

Maddie said...

Lohan for 3. She really needs the cash, isn't too picky about "who she spends time with" and there was press about her going home to Long Island because one of her grandparents is really sick.

dixiebell said...

Simpson and Reid are so C list its not even funny. Who would cast them in anything? What have either of them made that didn't go straight to video in the past 2 years? You Lohan peeps are right. i vote Lilo.

Now tell me, though, there's no way Clooney is gay. I've personally witnessed him picking up a friend of mine, he was so charming and friendly and so damn hetero, there's no way he could be batting for the home team. Bi, I guess, but gay, no way,

craisins said...

Drake, Josh, Devon and the new hsm 3 guy matt.

Geebz said...

#1 Jonsas bros.

Uber*nought said...

2. Jared Padalecki (sp?) and girlfriend just announced their engagement yesterday.

Uber*nought said...

Now tell me, though, there's no way Clooney is gay. I've personally witnessed him picking up a friend of mine, he was so charming and friendly and so damn hetero, there's no way he could be batting for the home team. Bi, I guess, but gay, no way,

Umm, Sarah, hate to be the one to break it but gay guys don't all behave as if they've stepped out of an episode of Will and Grace.

And yes they can even sleep around with women too. Plus these are actors, who know how to charm the pants off anyone!

Don't be naive.

Uber*nought said...

Here is an article/picture of a man. Look at him and see if you think he is gay or straight. I'd wager if most people didn't know he was gay they'd assume he was straight:

selenakyle said...

Yeah, after re-reading and mulling it this morning, I agree that this is one instance that Lilo is a good guess, especially if she's broke which is probable.

Also, Tara Reid was with some kinda skanky older dude in some recent pics, but B list? Possibly once, but not anymore.

Jeff said...

#3 is Jessica Simpson or Tara Reid.

MnGddess said...

And just because you stay single does not mean your're gay. Really, that's so cliche.

Unknown said...

Definitely Roddick for #2 - Ent had another blind where the supposedly hetero tennis star who made his way around Hollywood starlets was gay. I'm guessing that's why the engagement will go no further.

And I actually loved the Eva Mendes guess for #3. Rehab would have been the perfect excuse.

i am a princess, yes i am said...

re: your comment/question wondering where Tara Reid gets all her money...supposedly she has or is invested in restaurants around the world and that's how she still has enough funds to keep her in the position to annoy the sh%t out of us week after week.

as for bi guesses, i don't really have any except for #2 i would guess JLS and "the baby daddy"..the other two bi clues are boring IMO and pretty vague so that a number of idiots could be considered for it. sorry for my lack of positiveness, lately the BI have not warranted excitement on my part. Why have they become so lame and repetitive ENT?

lyz said...

do you think that "do the math" is a hint?? Is there a math movie, besides 21?

Unknown said...

#2 - Sienna Miller and Rhys Ifans?

KS said...

on e news a few days ago, there was a story with lindsay and she was telling whoever that she hadnt seen a photographer in a few days bc she was up in northern california for work. she's my guess for #3

Anonymous said...

Call me crazy but as I wrote before I think Lohan is a high class escort and #3. I don't know why but I think she might be lesbian or a bi who likes girls more, and she can sleep with these men or show them a good time without thinking about it twice.

@Jax I thought Ann Hathaway was playing for the same team as well or Mandy Moore as an anwser in other BI.

Greg said...

Andy Roddick just announced his engagement today. The press release said 'no date has been set. they want to enjoy a long engagement'. Didnt know Andy was gay. But that seems to be the scutttebutt.

bionic bunny! said...

i agree, "you do the math" seems like it must be a clue. without even paying attention to the bl, it made me think of danika mckeller (agh! my spelling sucks), but the rest of the blind doesn't match.
aren't there two vegas/card counting movies coming out? anybody in those who fits?

sillyme said...

"And just because you stay single does not mean your're gay." I agree with this quote on its face, but most people in Hollywood do marry due their impulsiveness/arrogance in thinking that their marriages will be perfect. Bottom line, much as I hate to acknowledge it, I really think George Clooney is gay.

Also, can Lindsay Lohan, with her string of flops, even be considered B-list? I think she's sunk to C level. No pun intended.

Amy said...

my frist post! Lastnight I felt like sifting back thru the old blind item reveals from back before I started reading the site...and look what I found!

December 20, 2006
This actor was in the highest grossing film of all time. However that does not seem to be enough magic to get his on again off again long-time girlfriend to the altar. She loves him, BUT is never going to get married to him or any other MAN.

(Billy Zane)

So for #2 I guess it's the gf and not the bf that likes the same. Everyone may have already known this...but I felt really brilliant for "finding" it. I've never heard of Kelly Brook before a few months ago, and only her name and no rumors, so it is something I never would have had a chance of knowing otherwise....and I would have continued to see this blind the total opposite of how I do now.

Unknown said...

Tara Reid for the last one b/c there is photo of her w/ some guy

When she did film, wasn't she "B list"?

Reality shows were not so big back then, other than Blind Date/ Fifth Wheel/ Real World.


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