Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Care About Kids? Don't Read This

Yesterday someone sent me a link to some new documents on wikileaks which are seeing the light for the first time. If you have never been to, you need to go. It is a website, modeled on wikipedia that was set up initially by Chinese dissidents and now is used by whistle blowers all over the world as a place to dump documents that in the past would have never seen the light of day.

Anyway, someone or a group of someones have uploaded a thick stack of new Scientology documents. The goons over at COS tried to sue someone to keep the documents from being posted, and then to be taken down, but have had no luck. Apparently when you spend time in some of the worst prisons in the world, threats from some lawyers in Florida don't seem to work.

I was just going through all the documents last night. They are all written by the L Ron man himself and appear to have been uploaded from someone in the UK or Europe. I just say that because of the title of some of the documents. It doesn't really matter where they came from, but the reason I decided to write about it today is because I could not stop thinking about the kids of Kirstie Alley and Leah Remini and Tom Cruise and the list goes on and on.

I am going to link to all the questions, but will give you a few here.

The document is a processing check to be used on children between the ages of 6-12. According to the COS, "the first question is the most potent."

What has somebody told you not to tell?
Have you ever decided you did not like some member of your family?
Have you ever bullied a small child?
Have you ever been mean or cruel to an animal, bird or fish?
Do you have a secret?

The questions go on and on. Why the hell does someone need to know this stuff from a six year old kid? Tell me the reason. Is this for kids that are new to the cult or is it for all the kids? Is little Suri Cruise going to have to sit in a room 4 years from now and have to answer these questions? Are they going to tell her that no one will ever know the answer and then tell her dad anyway? Why does someone need to know these things? Somehow I don't think the celebrities make their kids do this. Maybe if you give enough money you don't have to. If I sat down a six year old kid and started asking all of these questions, I think child protective services would have a right to be called. How is this any different from abuse?

Next time Kirstie Alley puts her happy ass on the television, think about her kids at the age of 6 having to answer these questions. Think about them being asked over and over until they are 12 when they move on to the adult questions. Because we all know 12 year old kids are adults.


  1. $cientology is a dangerous, mind-controlling cult, and those brain-washed in it and raising their unfortunate children in it are horrible, horrible parents.

  2. i think i'm going to be sick...

  3. Christ. I wonder if they have to shock their thetans out as well. I'm kind of surprised the COS doesn't have disciples out and about spreading the good word like the mormens do.

  4. Anonymous10:53 AM

    If you still have a stomach for some more trauma, check out some great ex-CO$ member's message boards, especially for those raised in it, like

  5. This is one of a million reasons why Operation Reconnect is taking place on 4/12.

  6. What's Operation Reconnect?

    Honestly, everytime EL posts something about COS, I'm afraid they're going to come after him.

    I hope he's hunkered down in his Mom's basement with a bucket of KFC and bottle of vodka, watching Good Eats or an Iron Chef marathon.

  7. Of course celebrities subject their children to this. In the latest issue of Radar magazine, David Miscavige's niece (who has bolted from Scientology) reveals that she endured this and worse from the age of 6 years old. Read it.

  8. I am so thrilled that people are finally starting to come forward and speak about this awful f*cked up cult. Kepping quiet is what the COS counts on so no one will find out how scewed up and a horrible they are.

  9. i would not wish those questions on anyone, let alone a child.

    the confessional questions are also mind-f*king -there are some nice ones about interracial sex,communist affiliations, and such.


    i think Bush should have bombed COS first and then went after Bin Laden and Saddam. Flame me for all I care, but I find COS more dangerous than Jihadis. What if one of them became the President of USA one day?

    ~Paranoid rant over.

  10. this is a cult people .. like jim jones and guyana .. like david korssh .. the only difference is that it is supported by hollywood stars .. very slick marketing campaign on the part of COS .. if you can't bring the church to hollywood, bring hollywood to the church .. and it will validate it as being "okay and safe."

  11. Kuddos to CrazyDays for posting about this sick cult. I pray for those poor kids and adults. They pray on the young with cruelty.

    Exscientologykids is a good site for former member stories.

  12. on page 5, the #2 question "Have you ever thought someone was crazy?" - so ironic. i hope the kids of COS members escape with minimal damage, but that's doubtful.

  13. Actually, these questions are not at all unusual and are very similar to questions I have used when assessing children as a psychiatric nurse for L.A. County. I think it's odd that scientologists, who say they are against psychiatry, are using them as well. Asking a child if anyone has made them keep a secret is a question that must be asked if any kind of abuse is suspected. Children with anger issues are asked if they have ever harmed an animal (animal abuse can indicate anything from anger management problems to sociopathy)or a younger sibling. Also, asking a child if they do not like some adult member of their family can indicate anything from maltreatment of the child by that individual or that the child actually feels this person does not like/approve of them for some reason and so is using an internal defense mechanism ("I think they don't like me, so I don't like them"; is the equivalent of " I'll reject them before they can reject me"). Typically in a psychiatric setting, you don't just sit a child down in a room and start a barrage of questions, instead you ask these questions in the course of therapy that includes drawing, therapeutic play and storytelling (for example, you ask the child, "pretend you are a fairy tale character and tell me your story"). If done correclty, these questions are never obtrusive or uncomfortable for the child. I would hope the scientologists are utilizing similar techniques.

  14. Anonymous11:41 AM

    Thanks for the link Emma, it didnt work, but I was able to find the article on Radar anyway.

  15. Diana: I totally agree that most of these questions, individually and in a therapeutic environment, can be perfectly fine. But, going from what has been told by several kids raised in the cult, that's not how it's handled. Going down the list, one after another, hooked up to polygraph machines and the like, not let go until they confess to stealing from classmates or disliking Daddy, even if it's not true. That is not an environment most people would want their or anyone's child in, which is why this is a big deal.

  16. Go "Anonymous"!!!!
    I really applaud the people who are working so hard to expose this dangerous cult for exactly what they are!

  17. asking a child who is entering a new religeon the same questions you would to that of a suspected abuse victim is alll kinds of fucked up. ALLL kinds!

  18. Thanks for the link, which is relevant to my interests. You are my favorite website for your mixture of fun and serious news. If you posted on weekends, you would be my homepage.

  19. Anonymous12:36 PM

    I don't understand if these actors/actress are suppose to be educated why are they putting their kids thru this cult?

  20. Sylvia: If you were "enlightened" and sure you had found "the way" to being a great person and helping others, wouldn't you want your kids in on it?

    .rolls eyes. cultcultcultcult.

  21. In case you are wondering why so much hasn't come until now read this:

    Ent might need that underground bunker.

  22. We need an emergency notification plan in case EL gets hit. What's our secret word? Jax, will you take control? I would, but I have a shoe collection to protect. Now that I remembered having a COS preacher perform one of my ill-fated marriage ceremonies years ago I'm sure they have me on a list somewhere. I keep thinking one of these days I'm going to try to get in here and all I'll get is some scarey error message.

    I'm paranoid, I know, but I don't trust those COS f*ckers.

  23. Calif: COS preacher? How did that come about? Did ex-hubby have connections?

  24. ok Calif, im on it.

    The not so secret word will be:

    COIF- church of infinite fuckery.

    If i burst in one day hollerin about the COIF got him!!! you'll know. bonus! i looked up coif in the dictionary:

    coif- white cap formerly worn by English lawyers and especially by serjeants-at-law

  25. I can't mention any illegal connections he had. ;)

    Anyways the COS Female Preacher was the only person we could find who'd come to a backyard BBQ for fifty bucks and all the draft beer she could drink!

  26. OMG, Jax, I nearly choked on my TicTac. Coif, that's priceless. Okay, babydoll EL, we got you covered. Send up a flare, smoke signal, beat your tomtoms or release your carrier pigeon if they capture you. I can be in L.A. in a couple of hours and I've got some mean bitchy friends. Those of infinite fuckery will be so sorry they messed with us! I've got stillettos and I'm not afraid to use 'em.

  27. was it an orange one? if it was you deserve it. those are nasty.
    otherwise i hope you're ok?????

  28. GMD wasn't kidding when he said he studied the history of psychiatry. So did LRH: He studied psychiatry, black magic, Satanism, etc., and took the best bits and incorporated them into his "religion" while in a drug-induced haze. And then he tells his mindless followers to kill psychiatrists and not take drugs.

  29. Anonymous2:39 PM

    Mad snaps for If you haven't checked it out, give it a whirl. I comb it for pharma company leaks on a weekly basis =)

  30. Oh hell nah, I don't do orange. White or red.

  31. woo-hoo jax!
    i love it! COIF!

    (because i have a filthy brain, i'll remember it 'coz i'll associate it with "queef")


  32. meet you dirty bird..i associate it with Travolta and his big gay ole' coif of hairplugs.

  33. Or how all three of the Cruises often have the same haircut.

  34. Not true.. Celebrity kids have it just as bad. Take Anne Archers son for example. Tommy Davis. He has personally harassed critics, here is a video.
