Monday, April 28, 2008

Daily Mirror Blind Item

Which actress clings to her bloke's female mates because she's terrified one of them is trying to pull him?

The girls tolerate her because she pays for their drugs...


  1. yeah sienna miller, maybe that's why she and kate moss r friends all of the sudden

  2. So, over in the UK, pulled means to steal the boyfriend or to sleep with the boyfriend? (Not that it would matter to me, same thing, but the chick apparently has issues and is willing to be with a man she doesn't trust). Poor little Sienna. Man, I wish I had been a starlet when I was young. I would not have wasted it all away like these kids are doing now. Oh, wait...I was doing all that crap I just wasn't famous and no one really cared because we were all doing it. (Except the fucking everyone in sight part. That's just nasty)

  3. "Get your coat. You've been pulled."

  4. If I flirt with him, will she pay for my drugs too? Because I need some.


    Must be harder to get the drugs than a new boyfriend!!
