Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Extras - Not Much Fun

The Daily Mirror blind item seems to be entirely lifted from the show Extras. Therefore because I don't feel qualified to talk about Cynthia Nixon's breast cancer or have a desire to talk about the 100 stories that have been printed about Paris bad mouthing The Whore and then apologizing to her later, and just feel sad for Cameron Diaz on the passing of her dad, I am going to talk about Extras.

I'm sure everyone will disagree with me, but I hate it. Hate is actually a strong word. I will say that it is painful to watch. That is a much more accurate statement. I watched the first three episodes and have no desire to see any of it again.

I like Ricky Gervais, but this is not the role for him. He basically only has one character and it fits in certain places, but not here. What worked in The Office doesn't work on the set of a film. It just comes off as forced and contrived. The only reason to watch it at all is for the guest stars. I guess the pain of 90 minutes of episodes was falling in love with Kate Winslet. She was amazing. Brilliant. In the bonus footage there is even more of her, and that was worth it. Ben Stiller and Ross Kemp were also really good and Stephen Merchant (co-creator of this and The Office) who plays Ricky's agent is hilarious as well.

The problem with the show is that I spent all of my time skipping through any dialogue by the two main characters to get to the scenes involving other people.

Maybe it was just because it was the first three episodes. If you think I am wrong, then you need to convince me. I have never been so happy to be done with a DVD.


  1. I hated the forced drama in the finale

  2. I love Extras! How can you not love the scene in which he goes to a prayer meeting dressed like John Travolta to get close to that girl who doesn't believe in premarital sex? Or when he gets caught in the bathroom at the BAFTAS while Ronnie Fucking Korbut snorts coke off the toilet and then he's banned from the BAFTAs. Even the Welsh BAFTAs! I think the dialogue between him and Maggie is fantastic as is the dialogue between him and Steve Merchant. And Barry from the Eastenders! When he sings!

    As you can see I am a huge fan. My husband bought me the whole set for Christmas. We watch it all of the time.

  3. i love brit humour but i agree it sucks.

  4. Thank God you're opening up that closet door for us to step out of. I, too, found Extras more painful than entertaining. I watched the whole damn thing with little enthusiasm, and the best episode turns out to be the first one with Kate Winslet.

    My feeling was that Andy was simply David Brent in a new career.
    Is Ricky a one-trick pony? I hope not.

  5. I think that the second season had more laugh-out-loud moments. I would suggest getting beyond the first 3 eps. Patrick Stewart and Dan Radcliffe cameos are brilliant too.

  6. This show was pure genius. I'm sorry you folks didn't like it, but it was one of the best series ever. I thought after The Office, that Ricky was done but Extras was just as good. And the finale was awesome.

    You're way off base, El. Ricky Gervais also has a blog and he's just as funny there as he is on the screen.

  7. 'Joint & a kebab.' Hilarious, subtle and not so subtle, classic comedy series. You either get it or you don't. Fans of Curb Your Enthusiam would like this also. I wouldn't dream of "trying to convince" an AI or Hills fan to watch, what would be the point?

  8. Yes, I lovelovelove Maggie!

    But- the first series?- aside from Patrick Stewart making endless Star Trek: The Next Generation jokes that no one was catching ("Make it so.") and Kate Winslet dressed as a nun talking about phone sex, there really wasn't that much *good* going on. The cameos in the second series are so much better- longer- and more frequent.

    Dear Ent,

    if you really don't like the show, that's all the more reason to watch the 2nd series episode that features David Bowie. David Bowie goes off on Andy for being a pathetic little guy- in musical form- in a very posh, very public place! For some reason I think that would appeal to your sensibilities.

  9. P.S.- I think it was the last episode of the first series or the first episode of the second series- but the one where that god-awful agent meets Robert DeNiro and gives him that undressing lady pen!!! I chuckle to think of it.

  10. Ricky Gervais just makes my skin crawl. The Office was painful (good word) because it was too close to life. I've never liked the comedy of embarassment. I did like Extras though, because the guest stars were just so willing to send themselves up. As well as the Dan Rad and Bowie episodes, I loved Orlando in the first one of series two. keep with it Ent, but if one story doesn't work for you, just move to the next.

  11. Oh- one other recommendation, Ricky Gervais' "Animals". That DVD made my ex-boyfriend (a longtime Ricky Gervais/The Office hater) admit that the guy really WAS funny. Out of all his shows, I think that is the one I can wholeheartedly recommend to anyone who hates "The Office" and "Extras" as it's stand up and actually is really funny.

  12. OMG! Other than the fact that this review is about 2 years too old, I LOVED Extras!

    Ricky G. is the sh*t and Karl Pilkington has a head like an f&ckin' orange.

    Don't criticize!

  13. Anonymous2:49 PM

    I tried to watch this show, and got very bored. Pass me a copy of Shaun of the Dead anytime, please!! now THATS good British humor!!

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. so true elle, he is the sh*t, the show is brilliant. Certainly very different character & show from The Office. I'm guessing that those who profess to love that but not Extras probably didn't get half the humor in the Office. The parody of "are you havin' a laugh?" is the point. You either get it or you don't is so true.

  16. F*&kin' brilliant show! Sorry you didn't get/like it.

  17. Shaun of the Dead? That was a joke right? Comparing orange & upside down pear heads? This show IS brilliant, genius and just like the other ground breakers (Larry Sanders, the Office, Curb, Sopranos) it's not a sitcom laugh track with over the top slapstick. It's intelligent and fiercely funny and assumes you are capable of linking the dots on your own. But if you have to ask, you can't afford it.

  18. To be fair zene it's absurdist vs tongue in cheek topical comedy. 'British humour' is not Benny Hill or Little Britain anymore thank G*d. The majority of people won't get it but so what? Be thankful there are occasional gems amongst the new reality and there are still people who read books, appreciate talent vs image and we'll occasionally get great artists' work.

  19. I agree that the second season of Extras was the best of the two. David Bowie is amazing, so are many of the other guest stars.

    I think I read somewhere that RG likes to make people feel uncomfortable and squirm a bit.

    I kind of think that part of the show is to make the viewer cringe and squirm.

    Ashley Jensen and Stephen Merchant are truly wonderful to watch.

    When the Whistle Blows is so totally absurd

    Are ya havin' a laugh?? Is (h)ee havin' a laugh??
