Monday, April 14, 2008

I Don't Think This Is Much Of A Surprise

US Weekly is reporting that Ashlee Simpson is pregnant. Considering I said the same thing last week as well as a million other sites, I don't think US really stretched out on a limb here. When a guy as anal and controlling as Pimpa gives his blessing to the guy who has admitted he likes the dudes as much as the ladies, you knew there had to be a catch. The catch just happens to be a kid. Pimpa knows he is stuck with Pete Wentz forever and ever. The relationship might say bye bye, but Petey will be around forever unlike that pesky Nick who soiled his other daughter. Not to say that Pimpa wouldn't mind Tony Romo soiling his daughter. Pimpa would probably cream himself if that happened.

Seriously, I am happy for Pete and Ashlee and know that Pimpa probably hates it which makes it even better. Now if some unemployed dude who Michael Lohan hates could just get Lindsay Lohan pregnant then this would be a really good week.


  1. Anonymous11:16 AM

    I guess in order to be engaged or married you have to be pregnant first.

  2. Anonymous11:25 AM

    i still think its bs

  3. Awww I'm sure Pete Wentz will be a good baby daddy. Who gives a damn about Pimpa?

  4. I'm sure LiLo has been pregnant multiple times. She does not strike me as the type to use birth control, and I doubt the sleezes she hooks up with use condoms. She probably has a clinic on speed dial.

  5. Anonymous11:47 AM

    Im happy for them. WD said they looked like they genuinely loved one another. It seems suspicious that he suddenly was a lot nicer to her after the nosejob...but they really do seem genuine. Who cares if he likes guys, too. And what the hell does it matter if they're married or not first...its not the 1950s anymore!

  6. as long as they don't combine his douche music and her bad performing,then i got nothing to say.

  7. I read at 16 Lindsey Lohan was put on two different birth controls to prevent ANY possibility of an accident. Not sure what happened when she was out on her own.

  8. They've both had so much plastic surgery, their kid probably isn't going to look anything like them.

  9. I've always thought Pete was a cutey...

  10. Oh this is not good. Pete is/was/always will be obsessed with that Jeanae chick, the one he referred to in his RS interview as "my muse". He's a pig. Nice way to get more press, weirdo. Date a Simpson. He disgusts me. Good on her for getting knocked up by someone that *denied* their relationship, claiming he's attracted to "creative people and train wrecks". I can't stand this douche bag.

  11. Huh. According to MTV, Pete is denying the whole thing:

    Here's a little of what he said: "There is a witch hunt for people to be pregnant whenever they get engaged in Hollywood."

    Hmm, he's not wrong, though I wouldn't really use the term "witch hunt." Doesn't really make sense in this context.

    Anyway, the item goes on to report:
    Asked again if he was denying reports that Simpson is pregnant, Wentz, 28, replied, "Yeah."

  12. jax said...

    as long as they don't combine his douche music and her bad performing,then i got nothing to say.

    lol i totally agree!

  13. I have to say that I totally disagree with you ENT. I think they are trying to stir up rumors so that A: people will really believe that Pete and Asslee will be getting married and together forever, and B: it creates buzz so that people will buy her shitty record thats coming out...
