Thursday, April 10, 2008

I Need Some Of Whatever Robin Wright Penn Is Smoking

How is it that whenever I cheated on any of my six wives I was immediately sent packing, and yet Sean Penn gets caught in the act by his wife while having sex with a pair of Russian hookers and she can't wait to take him back? Somehow she was wrong in this whole thing?

All this is saying to him is hey, I can have sex with anyone I want, even while on vacation with my wife and even when she's staying in the same hotel. This is a license to be single while at the same time still married. Now he doesn't even have to hide it. If she is willing to take him back from that situation, then he may as well just bring them straight to the house, and hell, even straight to the bedroom.

He can just tell Robin to sleep in another room or just tell her to scoot over more on her side of the bed because he just called some hooker from Craigslist over to the house. "Thought I would try me one of those BBW tonight, so going to need some extra room in the bed. I know you don't mind. By the way, you have any extra cash in your purse, I'm not sure I have enough to pay her for what I am going to ask her to do. Oh, and hand me my cigarettes."


  1. i an not surprised. as i mentioned when they split, clearly there is something wrong with her. now she is the bigger ass.

  2. I love how we just assume that the hooker story is actual fact. Seriously, we don't actually KNOW these people, and they could have had differences over anything from too much time spent working to not putting the toilet seat down. I think Robin is a fairly intelligent woman, and can't see her taking him back without good reason. I've seen her in a few interviews/documentaries and she always comes across as astute, articulate and unimpressed by Hollywood. If they are legitimately trying to put things back together, I applaud them. It's certainly an original concept when it comes to the entertainment business. I think she'd do just fine professionally without him, like a lot of divorced ladies do, but I think her family is more important to her. I hope they make it work.

  3. she's a complete idiot. he cheated on her repeatedly, was abusive and just a complete prick...but take him back fore the sake of the family.

    nice example you're setting for your kids...yes Daddy treats mommy like dirt but that's what happens when you get married kiddies.
    for better or THE worst.

  4. I'm all for trying to save a marriage, especially when kids are involved, but he's a cokehead who is violent and he's a serial cheater. Why should any woman put up with that abuse?

  5. I guess it's true what our mothers said: some women will do *anything* for that Mrs. degree.

  6. See, I'm thinking it's more to do with the substance abuse, and that he may have taken steps to overcome it, which is why she's come back to him. I'm not saying he's a wonderful guy, but I do not KNOW him, and none of here actually do, so how can we call him a cheater and abuser? Isn't it all speculation, really?

  7. Maybe she'll pull a Courtney Love, and he'll "shoot himself".

  8. kat - yes, it's speculation. although i can tell you he's an anti-american violent serial cheater and all around jackass.

  9. Lol captiva. Can't deny raising my eyebrows over the whole Chavez thing. Absolutely not defending him, because I've never been a huge fan of his but I do like Robin, and I feel as though she'd do just fine without him, which I think she is aware of as well.

  10. its a gossip site, we dont wait for fact around here. otherwise it would be called CNN.

  11. another site claims SHE was having a torrid affair - that she thought she was IN LOVE and now its ended so viola they're back together.....

  12. I remember when he was with Madonna and she had to call the police who arrived and found her tied to a chair. Good times.

  13. I guess she learned from Silda Ward Spitzer........

  14. ah, but in that case she didn't want them to untie her.

  15. Anonymous11:28 AM


  16. hi all! just HAD to comment on this one. couples who stay in unhappy marriages screw up their kids big time. i have an aunt and uncle who hate each other but are married still, sleep in different rooms, and barely speak to each other. this has been going on for more than 15 years. they have a son and daughter, both of college ages, how do you think they like their home life? in the guise of keeping a family "together" my aunt and uncle have damaged my cousins for life.

  17. Anonymous1:00 PM

    I wonder if Sean and Madonna are the answer to that blind about the guy who kept pictures of his ex in various states vegetables.

  18. Trix - if so, its nothing worse than anything that was in the SEX book Madonna did.

    I just hope Sean's playing straight with Robin. Abusers can talk a good game.

  19. Does ENT really have six ex-wives?

  20. Marina, no, he's always saying he's got six ex-wives, he lives in the basement and is really overweight, but nobody is buying any of that.
