Friday, April 25, 2008

Just In Case You Didn't See Nightline Last Night

This is Nightline from last night. Not just Jenna Miscavige, but also Astra Woodcraft who was a co-founder of Ex-Scientology Kids is also featured. Watch it, and share it. Lots of great Tom Cruise being maniacal clips as well.


  1. L Ron took it up the ass, just like Tom Cruise

  2. how original.

    aside from the abortion scandal..the rest was a yawn fest. Nightline must have some decent sized kneepads becasue they didn't even dig, no explanation on the history or anything.

  3. My work cpmuter won't let me play videos. What do they say? THough it soudns like from above they didn't say much of anything.

  4. Wonder if Nicole had any abortions. I don't really get why kids weren't allowed, though. Was that made clear? I also don't understand why T.C adopted two and then had a third biological child with Katie if kids weren't an option. So many inconsistencies, it makes my head hurt.

  5. littleolme- on Nightline they said that if you were a member of Sea Org (their admin dept for the church i guess) you were not allowed to have kids, you either had to have an abortiuon of leave the church for good. Jenny stated that she knew women who had multiple abortions because of this.
    Sci response?
    "We have no policy on abortion and leave it up to individual couple"
    wha? event he most liberal free thinking church would have a better answer than that.

    Although El i must say the very last part where Scientology gets to respong to JM claims? Their 'no comment' was a page long! LOL.

  6. Anonymous10:17 AM

    Kat, they were talking about Sea Org members, the real fanatics on the inside runnin' everything. Nicole and Tom weren't Sea Org, because they weren't peons. The abortions weren't exactly mandatory, but the point of the story was that the members were so fanatical about their devotion, that abortion was almost casual in how often it was used, because Sea Org members were not allowed to have children. It was either have an abortion, or leave Sea Org.

    Its not terribly compelling, but what can you expect...they won't release any real good dirt, they're just Kneepads magazine, on TV. They're simply stating, watered down, to the general public what most of the blogging and internet community world knows already. Middle America now knows Scientology sucks, whoopee! lol

    Thanks for posting these EL...I wanted to watch, but after last night with Lost, 30 Rock, the Office, Scrubs, My Name Is Earl...I was TV'd out.

  7. Oh good, I totally missed it last night. I'll have to watch these when I get home.

  8. Nightline did a terrible job in this story. The village voice calls them out on this and I totally agree with their opinion.. They had a great chance to showcase Jenna's story and they end up doing a softball interview.

  9. Anonymous11:44 AM

    I guess Nightline didn't want to be on their hit list LOL.

    Everytime I see Gay Cruise laughing like crazy I wonder if he realize how crazy he sounded LOL.

  10. Sea Org kids were so emotionally neglected that they ended up in hardcore LA gangs, and used Scientology "tech" (practices) to justify staying in the gangs. Scientologists believe in reincarnation that they expect kids to be full adults (because they are millions of years old). Remember Katie's comment that Suri is a [name her limited use of adjectives here] "woman"?

    What else can you expect from a founder who believes that during the week after a baby is born, it should be wrapped up and left alone (and never cuddled or picked up to be touched)?

    Sorry, I'll get off of my soapbox. Scientology is evil. The more you Google the experiences of ex-members, the more you know. Celebrities are treated like gods and never see the darker side.

  11. Looks like the Gayliens took the YouTube video down. :( No surprise there.

  12. lol flora..all this time and we never put the gay with alien.

  13. aren't Bella and Connor rumored to be Sea Org's children and that's how Tom & Nicole were able to adopt them?

  14. Damn! The videos have been pulled!

    Caught part of it last night, but hoped to see the rest. I'm sure it'll be up somewhere, soon.

  15. The thing that gets me about that report was that they let the Co$ allegations that Anonymous is making bomb and death threats go like it was fact without any attempt to give the other side. I'm not involved with Anon, but you can go to any Anonymous-linked website and see that they deny any and all threats come from any Anons. I'm just a random person on the internet and I can head on over to's Project Chanology pages and read the denials, why couldn't Nightline?

  16. Well Nightline did not do any hard research because they are either in bed with COS, scared of them and lack any shred of Journalistic Integrity as with all of the MSM.

    Celebs in the church are mushrooms and the celeb centre is a mushroom farm, kept in the dark and fed bullshit.
