Thursday, April 17, 2008

Mark Ronson Likes Bush

Mark Ronson has found someone to love and it turns out it is the daughter of Gavin Rossdale. You know the secret daughter? The one that almost broke up his marriage. Her name is Daisy Lowe and as far as I know she is no relation to Rob Lowe so therefore will not have to answer any questions about sexual harassment. She will have to talk about what its like for an 18 year old to run around with Mark and Amy Winehouse.

Apparently Daisy was his Mark's secret date to the BRIT's in February and has been wining and dining her all over the world since. Well that is one way to make an 18 year old fall in love with you. Honestly, it is probably the only way a 32 year old is going to get an 18 year old. Oh, you didn't know Mark was that old? Yep, but you know what, Daisy is a lingerie model so she is used to old guys staring at her and thinking about her that way. The only difference is that Mark kind of pays for that privilege in an odd kind of way. It would be kind of funny to see Mark Ronson having to call Gavin "Dad."

It has been awhile since Gavin admitted that Daisy was his. So now of course Daisy's mom wants child support for the past 18 years plus interest. Guess Gwen better get back to work.


  1. He better keep her away from Samantha--she is much prettier than Lindsey!

  2. Anonymous11:36 AM

    Wonder why the mother decided now to request child support.

  3. Yes that's fair...don't tell Gavin he's the dad, let him miss out on her childhood but play the role of Godfather, and then want money when she is grown. I think Gavin ought to sue Pearl.
    And BTW, Gavin does work, check out his IMDB and his new album is out soon. God forbid he enjoy life and ever take a break to enjoy Kingston or play some tennis.

  4. sorry biotch when you keep the child secret until daddy is a millonaire married to another millionaire...goldigger!

    why should man have to pay back child support on someone he never knew was his? and if she got this far without it then why does she need it now? that's BS. its not like the girl is a child now.

  5. And if he is asked to pay child support, the money should go straight to the daughter which by the way I am sure is the way Gavin handles this. I can't imagine he wouldn't support his daughter.

  6. Anonymous11:59 AM

    DID this issue really almost break up his marriage? I'd think that was a little harsh. I dont think I'd be mad at my partner if he found out he had a daughter he didnt know about. What, like I'm supposed to get mad that once upon a time he was fucking someone else? I just dont get it. It wasnt his fault that she kept it from him. And obviously, her motivation in revealing it so late in the game, was about MONEY. Greedy bitch, robbing him of his daughters childhood, but still wanting back support for it. Ugh.

  7. She must look just like her mom.

  8. Anonymous12:14 PM

    Their should be a rule where DNA tests are done once a woman has a baby. Their have been cases where the father thinks the baby is his and when they divorce turns out it wasn't his and he ends up being stuck with child support.

  9. Daisy does look like a prettier version of her mom.
    But Daisys mom also has a book to hock now. About the trials and tribulations of the model and rockstar lifestyle...
    way to go mom, write a cautionary tale, then send your little lamb to the slaughter.

    Daisys well, shes well dressed at least 40% of the time, but she hangs with the Geldof girls. That can't be good lol
    And the shoot with her exboyfriend where he's sucking her underage nipples was a bit far.

  10. Trix, maybe it wasn't that he had a daughter, but that he never told her about his daughter. That kind of thing makes a woman wonder what else her guy is keeping from her.

  11. he didn't know about her. gwen just hissied out at not being able to give him his first child if i remember correctly. shit happens.

  12. Naughty little minx and amoral old kook. His drugs better be good.

  13. Interesting header, Ent. Can't deny it's an attention-getter, though.

  14. What I heard (whatever THAT'S worth lol) is that Gwen was mad because he told her he'd never slept with Pearl Lowe in the first place.

    So obviously, child turns out to be his = he did INDEED sleep with her.

    Yeah, I'd be mad. If he never denied sleeping with her, yeah, fair enough, he didn't know she was his, etc etc. But saying flat out "I never slept with her" and then having irrefutable proof that you DID...yeah, again, I'd be mad if I were Gwen ;)

  15. I DID know that Mark Ronson was 32, which is why I didn't feel like a dirty old woman crushing on him. However, I can't compete with an 18 year old, or one that has Gavin Rossdale genes.

  16. mark ronson...le sigh.

    what is it about him? i think its the naughty schoolboy look with his skinny ties and 'slacks' lol.

  17. I don't get the Mark Ronson appeal. The man's always so coked out that he can barely spit out a sentence, he's not that cute, and I think his music is overrated. That said, EL - your headlines just keep getting better and better...
