Thursday, April 03, 2008

Mel Gibson Has A Secret

Maybe Mel Gibson is afraid churches all over the world will come looking to him for money, or his own church wondering why he didn't tithe what he was supposed to. Maybe he is screwing profit participants or investors, or doesn't want his wife to know how much he makes. For whatever reason though, Mel Gibson wants all the financial records having to do with The Passion Of The Christ sealed so the public will not know the movie's domestic and foreign box office receipts, production costs and distribution expenses.

What's the big secret Mel? Right now Mel is being sued because he lied to the co-writer of the film. He told the writer the budget would be about $4M in order to get the writer to accept a much smaller than normal payment. The writer agreed. When the budget turned out to be $35M, needless to say the writer was pissed and sued. The aggrieved writer, Benedict Fitzgerald is also suing Mel for fraud in the action which would allow him to get punitive damages. That means big bucks.

Fitzgerald's lawyers will still be able to see the financial documents of the film, and hopefully the judge will let all of us see it as well.


Anonymous said...

If it makes you feel better Mel, I know I PERSONALLY couldn't think any less of you, so I wouldn't worry about being exposed as a lying, cheating thief too. :)

Anonymous said...

What a disappointment Mel has come to be.

Amber said...

I want that shirt.

Anonymous said...


Sydney in Wonderland said...

Maybe it's that he's a raging jackass.

Oh, wait . . .

Annesudz said...

Mel Gibson is a two faced racist. He was exposed after being arrested and cursing at the African American officer. He's a total big and I have no respect for him whatsoever!!

RobertInLB said...

Ahh, such Christian like behavior! No doubt the Jesus in Mel's so called church would have done the same.

Unknown said...

If Mel was that stupid to dupe the writer as is alleged, then I surely hope Mel loses the suit and gets hit HARD with punitive damages, assuming the writer and Mel don't settle which probably will happen.

Anonymous said...

uuh - everything about him is WRONG!

captivagrl said...

drunkin' fool with his immature rant........but, i'm sorry, "sugar tits" is funny.

MnGddess said...

He is everything that's wrong with being Catholic. I got sick of the snobbery and the deceit and the way priests and nuns are treated like saints while they get away with heinous behaviors. Oh, and how only the Catholics are going to heaven while the "others" are left behind.

And Mel, hope you like it hot 'cause your're gonna burn. BUT it's not for me to judge...

Unknown said...

I don't like violent and gratuitously explicit depictions of torture anymore. I am too old and have become to soft that I no longer enjoy movies anyways.

Isn't racism, like, so five minutes ago?


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