Friday, April 04, 2008

Nicolas Cage Whines And Whines

Kathleen Turner had to say sorry to Nicolas Cage for alleging in her book that Nicolas was arrested twice for drunk driving and for also stealing a chihuahua. Apparently Nicolas Cage didn't want all four of his fans to think he was some kind of menace on the roads or enjoyed the company of dogs.

Fortunately for us, all of this apologizing stuff is limited to the UK. The rest of us can just laugh and laugh at Nicolas because he wouldn't have any kind of chance of winning over here in the US.
You know if he had just let this alone it would have been done. The whole purpose behind all of this was he really does think he has a bunch of 10 year old fans because of the National Treasure films. Maybe he does. How many ten year old kids are begging their parents to read them excerpts from Kathleen Turner's book? Does he think Nickelodeon is going to break into programming to say that Nic Cage is alleged to have stolen a dog 20 years ago? Hell no. Are kids taking the time each morning to read The Daily Mail? What do you want to bet that maybe he made a move on Kathleen all those years ago and she turned him down. She was decent looking back then, and now he just wants to get back at her.

I think the chances are much higher that a 10 year old kid is going to be horrified by his acting in Peggy Sue Got Married than in anything he may have done off the set. I notice he doesn't seem to care that a kid might turn the channel and see him killing himself with booze and hookers. That is a great example to set for the kids. One paragraph about dog napping and drunk driving in a 300 page book is kind of going to get lost in the shuffle when a kid is watching Honeymoon In Vegas and asks his mom why the man from National Treasure is selling the woman from SATC to another man for money.


  1. this is HYSTERICAL...thanks for the chuckle...

  2. That being said, Leaving Las Vegas is a great movie. What a way to go.

  3. I can't stand him, after this - never will one dime go to any movie he's in. I hope others feel the same way - no box office, no career. It will take 3 flops in a row, but dammit he'll be gone for good.
