Monday, April 28, 2008

Today's Blind Items

#1 - This B- film actress was on a flight with her girlfriend and hid her face under her blanket the entire flight. Why? She could only afford Business Class. Not too bad except when two people from The Real World were laughing at you from First Class.

#2 - Ahhh. I love a good trailer trashing story. Especially when it is a female. This female film actress who is the offspring of an acting family is filming a movie right now. Seems as if the water was never the right temperature in her trailer. After complaining about 100 times, and always being told it was perfect, our actress decided to take matters into her own hands. Literally. She got a crow bar and smashed the entire trailer beginning with the bathroom. After holding up filming for about 45 minutes so she could finish beating the trailer into submission, she emerged from the trailer, and said, she thought she had finally fixed the problem. A new trailer was delivered that very day and the $50,000 for the trailer charged to the budget.


  1. Please tell me #2 is not Drew Barrymore.
    Kate Hudson, maybe?

  2. #1 - Jessica Biel maybe?
    #2 - I'm guessing Drew Barrymore - I can see her 'taking matters into her own hands'

  3. nr.2 - rumer willis?

  4. Rumer Willis couldn't afford to smash a trailer on a big movie.

    No. 2: Michelle Rodriguez.

  5. Did I sleep through Monday, or is Ent REALLY early today?

  6. I'm guessing Ent was/is at that music festival and is posting remotely...

  7. 1. lilo and ronson?

    i love the early posting!

  8. I was also wondering if number one meant friends or "girlfriend".
    OOOOOOhhh, looking forward to some juicy Coachilla gossip.

  9. #1 - Gotta be Lilo
    #2 - Rumor Willis filming anything? The lack of A, B or C list description makes me think it's someone who's only claim is her family ties...

  10. Is Lilo B- list though for number one?

  11. Anonymous7:44 AM

    and correct me if I'm wrong, but I think Ronson's doing pretty good for herself so I think she would've been able to afford first class. Or at the very least between the two of them, they would've.

  12. Number One has to be BLOHAN!



  13. Number One has to be BLOHAN!



  14. Heh... Rumer is currently filming a movie called "Whore"

    Also starring Ron Jeremy.

    This is so freaking wrong.

  15. Anonymous8:50 AM

    Damn EL is posting at the crack of dawn in EL time LOL.

    #1 Hmm Lohan or Biel? Biel doesn't strike me as being broke...if she was so hard up that she had to fly business class, couldnt she just get it from Justin? Would Justin ever let his fake girlfriend be seen doing something so lower class?

    #2 I don't know who it is, but I do wanna slap her. I'd like to say Rumer, but do lower tier stars like that get their own trailer? Hmm...

  16. #1 I tend to think this is Jessica Biel (the butterface)only because of the B- moniker and the fact that she has a "girlfriend" (rumored to be her "trainer"). Plus, I just can't stand her.

    #2 Has to be Kate Hudson or Rumor Willis. I tend to think only Hudson could get away with trashing a trailer though. Rumor doesn't have that kind of clout to be getting away with such stuff. However, I've never seen Kate Hudson being a total diva bitch to do something like trash a trailer but she could get away with it.

  17. 1. Definitely sounds like Jessica Biel. She's been filming Nailed in SC and El aready mentioned her "trainer
    was with her. I think it's completely ridiculous that someone from The Real World would laugh at her though.

    2. I really like the Kate Hudson guess.

  18. I like the biel guess for number one, but I do think she could afford it

    how about eva amourri or whatever susan sarandon's daughter's name is? my first thought was rumer, but I don't think she has the clout, as someone else said


  19. I am leaning towards Lilo for #1. I did read that her and Ronson flew to NY together very recently and were in business class, too. I forget where I read it...but it was very recently.

  20. I think #2 is hilarious. Not that I condone that kind of behavior, but the actress did complain 100x and was told everything was fine. Extreme measure, but they should have seen it coming.

  21. Anonymous11:31 AM

    #1 HoreHan

    #2 Drew

  22. i have no guesses for the blinds just yet, but OFF TOPIC, have any of you seen the pics of elijah wood at coachella fest?
    he is looking SKINNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  23. I'm pretty sure Gwyneth would break in two if she tried to lift a crowbar (note to crew: never give an actor access to tools on a set.)

    I'd say Drew, but she's actually a pretty good businesswoman and has her own production company; I can't believe she'd do this. In fact, she probably owns all the trailers and is leasing them back to the production company as part of her deal.

    #1 -- this girl is so dumb. Sounds like she was given a FC ticket and traded it in for 2 BC, maybe with some frequent flier miles. You'd think she'd be proud of saving all that money, but I guess I'm showing my age here.
    And, frankly, with the way these girls get around? I hope the attendants burned the blanket afterward.

  24. I almost want to call bullshit on the #2 BI. It sounds close to the episode of M*A*S*H* where Margaret Houlihan shoots her trunk in order to get a new one.

  25. No, I think #2 is true. I once bashed the living daylights out of a typewriter at work to get a new one - did it with the boss' blessing too. It was the only way to get an upgrade to an electric typewriter. God, I'm so old. :(

  26. #2 That just isn't Drew's style and Kate Hudson should know better. I think it is Rumer. Didn't she trash a hotel room with friends a while back? Bruce/Demi/Ashton don't seem to hold her accountable for anything. I don't think it would be anyone who has been making movies for very long and even as a nobody, she might rate a nice trailer because of her parents.

    #1 I agree it's LiLo. I don't know about Ronson's money, but supposedly Lindsay spends money faster than she makes it.

  27. #1 Mommy Demi Moore has been too busy in the last few years hooking up and then marrying her younger lover, and openly admits on TV that she recently flew to Austria for a "cleanse." Her priority is not her children -- obviously. Hence all the Rumour stories and Rumour rumors because that girl (and her sisters) has been exposed to their parents' promiscuous lifestyles, not to mention while living in Hell-a.

  28. 1. Lindsay Lohan definetly.

    2. Kate Hudson is a good guess. She had box office stanima and is "Americas Sweetheart" Rumer Willis doesn't have that kind of clout yet, she would have been reprimanded severely I believe. It could also be Ali Lohan.

  29. I'm with Grace on Demi Moore's distracted life. If she were well, my mother would be the first to say that anyone who has 5 children under 21 and isn't on her guard every second is shaking hands with Satan.

  30. Rosie O'Donnell really opened my eyes when she said that Harriet the Spy would be the last movie she ever did -- she said she was never home and never saw her kid awake. And that's just for one film.

    Contrast that with Nicole Kidman, who has filmed 24 movies since adopting her first child, Isabella, in approx. 1995.

    And Demi Moore, who has filmed 29 movies since the birth of her first child.

    Did these two, not to mention others, ever even see their kids growing up?

    Make no mistake -- we all now know that Kidman never raised her kids and never lived with them since her 2001 split with Cruise.

  31. #1 What is the big deal about flying business class? And these nouveau riche wanna be Real World people are pathetic to think that is so "embarrasing". Stars have their heads up their asses.

    #2 Sounds like Kate Hudson. I think that if it were Drew Barrymore she has the clout as a producer to not have to ask 100 times for a new trailer. Drew would have the authority to switch trailers. No way Rumour Willis has the clout to get away with something like this.

  32. Who is spoiled enough to destroy a trailer for lack of the perfect temperature of water?

    Of course someone from an acting family -- someone who has to feel entitled, like royalty. A diva...


    List of acting families

    Barrymore (Drew)
    Cusack siblings
    Frye-Peluce-Goldberg (Soleil Moon Frye)
    Gyllenhaal siblings
    Howard (Bryce Dallas)
    Huston (Angelica)
    Paltrow-Danner (as in Gwyneth, whose perfect manners would never allow her to destroy a trailer, although she does behave as if she is above the plebs...)

  33. Isn't Ashley Judd known to have some weird obsession with her water temperature?

  34. You better have a king size set of cajones to laugh at Jessica Biel because she could put you through the airplane frame.

  35. Found this on Celebritology: "Janet Jackson demands water chilled to specific temperature"

    NOT an acting family but another diva who MUST have perfectly chilled water.

    Maybe I should, too?

  36. LOL. You're right, Andy!

  37. ed- for some reason I think Ali Lohan has even less clout than Rumer. I mean, having one used up hooker/sister a celebrity does not make.

  38. Anonymous4:25 PM

    If I wanted to shower in my trailer and the water was always too cool, I'd complain for sure!

  39. Lilo
    Kate Hudson- uber bitch.

  40. #1 is Michelle Rodriguez, if we'd think she's B-.

    #2 ...I like Ashley Judd. I hear she's a COMPLETE bitch. But she's not really filming and her family is just famous...not an "acting" family. Hmm.

  41. I don't think #2 is Kate Hudson. She is just too laid back for that, regardless of anything else with Owen Wilson's suicide. I think in my eyes, it is someone like Maggie Gyllenhaal who is a raving lunatic sometimes. The person would have to be hellaciously famous for a new trailer to be absorbed in a budget.

  42. Are you all high? No way is it Barrymore or Hudson. They work in this town-and produce. Bijoux Phillips.And for #1, I'm thinking the Bee girl-the one who was Anne Hathaway's friend in Princess Diaries.

  43. 50.000 for a trailer? You dont get a SUV for this money. So it seems to me that this is a low budget stuff.

    "After complaining 100 times..." also says that she is not really important. A Rumer would ask daddy to solv the problem, and he would call or buy one himself. There is no way that some studios would fight with Willis over a cheap trailer.

    If acting family would mean that parents are just enough (since there is not said thats an acting dynasty), plus there is no A-D Ranking on the family, those fitting this low ranks of acting and behaving would be somebody in Brooke Hogans category.

  44. @ Jamie's Girl

    you charge everything on the budgets. First you have some tax deductions, then the studio / prod. com. keeps it and uses it again.

    plus, they will charge her, one way or another, but after the movie is wrapped up. Like charging her the damages when royalties arrive. You often hear they fight over money later. This is one good reason for studios not to pay some bills. of course - low budget actors are really hurt later if they need to pay something like the restworth of a trailer... but they learn to behave... :-)

    there is a reason why not everybody is regularly trashing trailers, at will.

    at this stage they are doing everything to eliminate any delay - the costs are by far higher.

  45. As crazy as number 2 sounds, she does have a slight sense of humor with her anger. I vote Maggie Gyllenhall. However if we are thinking young and dumb, we did forget about Julia Roberts niece, Emma Roberts. Now that is an acting family!

  46. Sarah:
    Heather Matarazzo (Welcome to the Dollhouse) was in "Princess Diaries". And NOT in an acting family.

    Heather DeLoach was the Blind Melon "Bee Girl".

  47. #2 - one of the Gummer sisters, spawn of Meryl Streep. If'n I'd been named "Mammie Gummer", I'd be tearin' up stuff too!

    j/k - doubt it's them - just throwin' it out there

  48. Kraymond-Heather for #1. Not a famous family in the blind. Thanks for the name.
