Friday, April 18, 2008

Was Jessica Simpson Also Trying To Get Pregnant?

You remember when Jessica Simpson was in the hospital for a few days at the end of last month? Do you care? Did you even notice? It's ok. No one really cares. According to her spokesperson Jessica had a kidney infection. According to Star, Jessica had a bladder infection, a urinary tract infection and a bladder infection. That is a whole bunch of infections.

Star says it was caused by Jessica's out of control boozing. They also said she had a pregnancy test while she was there. When it came back negative, Pimpa cried himself to sleep for a week. Instead he gets a baby that is going to be born with eyeliner.

Jessica was allegedly three weeks late which is why she wanted the test. It probably would have been easier to go to a CVS or Rite Aid and just pick up a pregnancy test there instead of drinking and boozing enough so you would land yourself in a hospital. Maybe she thinks she needs the drinking and boozing to be a country star.

I just wonder if she isn't somehow competing with Ashley and wanted to upstage her. If Jessica was pregnant, and it was Tony Romo's baby, it wouldn't matter if Ashlee was knocked up, Jessica was going to get the top spot in the tabloids. The lily white couple of Tony Romo and Jessica Simpson is much more acceptable than Ashlee and her swings both ways future husband.


  1. Instead he gets a baby that is going to be born with eyeliner.


  2. When you're in the hospital for a bladder/urinary infection, they automatically test your urine to see if you're pregnant, especially if they do any sort of scanning on your abdomen to make sure it's not a kidney stone, etc. I know, because the last time I went to the ER, they charged me $150 for a pregnancy test without asking me if I wanted or needed one. It's standard procedure.

  3. ent- come on. didn't you enjoy logging on to your site and seeing 102 comments, or 97 comments, or even 60-some comments? when was the last time anyone besides jax, trix, or brendalove really posted? when was the last time you got more than 20 comments on anything really? maybe we used to have some class "a" catfights on here, but that must have brought some great traffic at least. now no one cares to even comment because the "new regulars" will just dominate and kill all the fun. it's a shame. i really thought this would be the next big site. make up another timmy/shimmy blind. make up something to entertain us. i could read most of this crap on any other gossip site, and at least then i'd know hez didn't ghost write it all for you.

  4. A lot of times urinary tract infections (which can lead to more serious bladder infections) are the result of sexual activity/being sexually active. If not taken care of, it can lead to a serious enough condition to be in the hospital (fever, pain, etc.) and you need antibiotics. My guess is that it is standard procedure to do the pregnancy test before administering the antibiotics/whatever, just in case she is pregnant not to harm the fetus.

    I don't know how you end up getting a UTI from boozing in an otherwise healthy woman. I don't know who Ent's source is to say she was three weeks late, but it doesn't sound legit. (Much ado about nothing, not that I am a big Jessica Simpson fan).

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. anon, I post all the time, as well as many many other people. he gets more than 20 comments all the time. did you just crawl out from under a rock or perhaps the rock crawled up YOU?

  7. Sorry, Andrea, didn't see your post or I wouldn't have repeated the same thing!

  8. plus, anon, obviously everyone who reads is not commenting. i read this site everyday for a year before i decided to break my silence. lots of people just have nothing to say.....
    you should become one of those people.

  9. Last time I had kidney stones, I got a UTI from passing them. When I called my doctor, he phoned in a prescription to CVS for an antibiotic, no pregnancy test needed.
    I also had kidney stones while 12 weeks pregnant--I was hospitalized & on a few different antibiotics, but I was pregnant & it didn't seem to matter.

  10. What Andrea and link88 said. I mean, hell, I got knocked out by a swinging door once and they gave me a pregnancy test before they'd even X-ray my **skull**!!

  11. oh here we go again the hall monitor.

    EL- they automatically give you a PG test before they give you meds for the infection.

  12. Adrian, maybe the key factor was not the antibiotics but the stomach scan in the hospital, like Andrea said happened with her. Many antibiotics are safe if you are pregnant, hence no pregnancy test (and they already knew you were pregnant the other time and gave you safe antibiotics for your situation).

  13. That I know--the 2nd time I had kidney stones I wasn't pregnant, but I wasn't given a pregnancy test either.
    I don't think pregnancy tests are automatically given, but I may be wrong. Different hospitals may require them, & Jessica may have thought she was possibly pregnant.

  14. Anon, it's not true that this site gets so few commenters. It is true that several commenters are "regulars" and can be counted on to comment several times on most items and have conversations with each other. Nothing wrong with that - I just wish they would acknowledge that they enjoy being prominent voices on this site and are frequent commenters, instead of some of them acting insulted and making rude comments back to your rude comments.

    Be proud, Jax, Twisted Sister, Trix, brendalove and gossipmonger (and anyone else I missed) -you DO comment regularly and repeatedly on every item, most every day. As long as you don't act like you own the blog or you are an exclusive clique, there shouldn't be a problem. And if any of you twists what I said to somehow be an insult or call to fight, you are just too far gone for me and I ain't biting.

  15. I don't post on every item, but thanks for the shout out, link!

  16. Anonymous11:33 AM

    probably bimbo jessica didn't read her bill which indicated she already had a pg test and wanted another just to say she might be pg.

  17. i dont think any of us have acted like this is our blog or that new people arent welcome. in fact if you look back you will see we welcome these people with a hello or whatnot.

    the only time people get pissed is when people come on here and have nothing to say but to bitch us out for no reason...or they are just plain nasty to us. i don't deny im on here all the time, i never have but it gets frusterating for people who are just commenting to be attacked for it. so damn lame.

    the more comments the better in my opinion...from everyone. if someone is too shy it ain't my problem!

    thnx for your comment Link...and happy friday!

  18. Okay, I've been gone for a while in a trial, so I haven't commented for a few weeks, but I read for a long time before I started posting a month ago or so. And I was welcomed by quite a few of the regulars and also by a few other newbies. Everyone is welcome to voice an opinion. If I read a post late and it seems like everything has been said, I don't comment at all. Simple.

    Anyhow, on topic ... while I'm posting I just thought I'd offer that I had a UTI/Bladder/Kidney infection over the summer. Had to go to minor emergency. They have to do a urine screen to confirm the diagnosis and they gave me a pregnancy test also. I work for a law firm that defends clinics, hospitals, doctors, etc., and know that it can vary from clinic to clinic but a lot of places, for malpractice insurance reasons, pregnancy test any woman in of child bearing years if they are going to administer any kind of test or prescribe any kind of medication. Not every time or every clinic, but a LOT. Just sayin'.

  19. Link, will you be posting again so you can be a regular poster, just like these posters are:

    crazy peanut
    Alpine Summer

    and countless others?

    I hate seeing people's names left out of lists like this, since they're all great at contributing.

  20. my girlfriend just went in for a bladder infection and they mentioned they were also running the pregnancy test as a precaution. Her husband said they better also run a dna test if it came back positive because they hadn't been active for quite awhile!

  21. Anonymous12:03 PM

    Indigoblue since the hospital is administering a pregnancy test to protect themselves why are they charging the patient for the test?

  22. Anonymous12:09 PM

    Wow, anon, that's hilarious that you're going to slam on the fact that there isn't enough participation here for your tastes, then turn on the people who are contributing here and keeping up active conversations on a daily basis to contribute to an overall community, which in turn does bring more commenters...

    And since when was the value of this blog determined on how many people are leaving comments? Perez gets tens of thousands per the repeated "PEREZ UR GAY" and "FUCK THE JEWS" posts somehow make his blog that much more relevant?

  23. When I was in the hospital for a horrendous kidney infection, I was just asked if there was a chance I was pregnant. The possibility was there for me to lie or to have just not known. There was no other mention of a test and nothing on the bill about one. Good thing too -- I was still on my father's insurance, and he would have flipped seeing the itemized bill.

    Twisted: Glad to see I made your list. Haha.

  24. OOO! I made the list. It is like the "I Love Lucy" when she joins the Friends of the Friendless.

    On a sad note, Bionic Bunny's father-in -law passed away a few days ago, & she is having a tough time with her own recovery.

    By the way, when I started posting instead of lurking a few months back, I felt extrememly welcome by most regular posters.

    Also, I think people may post just to get the follow-up comments. I don't think there is any other way to get updates without going back to the original post otherwise.

  25. @dancersmom - *High-larious!!* Thanks for the Friday chuckle!

    @anon - there are so many people who come to this site to read EL's items and the comments and mostly don't comment, like me, because I usually read this site late everyday and most of the time anything I want to say has been said.

    I love the vast majority of the comments here, I have never been on a site where people are as considerate as these commenters are, despite occassional passionate debates or misunderstandings. I guess it's your choice: quantity or quality. If you want quantity go to Perez and if you want quality, stay here.

  26. When you have a possible urinary tract infection, the lab analyzes your urine to determine what kind of infection is present. A pregnancy test is also performed automatically. I highly doubt that they actually ran the test because they thought she was pregnant.

  27. Dancersmom,

    The reason you get charged is because it is considered, for those places for whom it is their policy, a precaution that protects not only the hospital/clinic, but also the patient. Just like pre-op testing. They could operate on you without it, but it wouldn't be in your or the clinic's best interest. You pay for those, too. The theory is that just because something is done in the regular course of business doesn't mean it doesn't fall under patient responsibility.

    Sometimes that may vary in a private doctor's office more than in a larger institutional setting. Doctors have more individual discretion.

  28. whoops, a little more

    also, this is likely only if you actually go to the hospital/ER for the infection. if you just call your doctor with those symptoms, or go to urgent care, the odds are greater that they'll just prescribe antibiotics and trust you that you're not pregnant. the test comes automatically only if a urine sample is analyzed.

  29. RIP Mr. Bunny.

    our thoughts are with your family Bionic. :o(

  30. Apologies to those regulars whose names I failed to mention - I was typing quickly.

    Adrian, you're right in saying a lot of the time we post and the rest are follow up comments.

    Bionic Bunny - sending positive thoughts your way and hope to see you posting again soon.

  31. Hi gang,

    I lurk this blog daily and would love to be welcomed (espcially since you guys are talking about welcoming newbies). I've always observed friendliness and tolerance of opinions on this site. I hope to contribute one myself soon. Cheers!

  32. Hey Happydog - welcome! Don't wait to contribute, just jump in.

  33. welcome happydog!! glad to have you!! the more guesses we get, the better. multiple choices make things easier!!!
    & twsited is right, jump in, the water's fine!!!!!!!!!!!

  34. Welcome, Happydog!

    And thanks for the shout out on the regulars list, Twis! :)

  35. Not to beat this one to death, but Anon's comments about number of posts on this site -- I'm not a bad writer and feel like I have a good sense of humor, but it's almost intimidating to post as there are some incredibly gifted satirist who comment! The comments are witty and intelligent -- which is why I'm blogging on a celebrity gossip site. This is a site for wonderful writers (and I include EL high on the list, too). For what it's worth.....

  36. oh please, happydog, stick with me, my thoughts are anything but intelligent! :D

    gotta agree with you about ent being a wonderful writer though!

  37. Welcome happydog! I feel that way too about commenting sometimes, but I just suck it up and do it anyway, haha. And writing is what I do. It's kind of sad.

  38. I hear you Happydog. There are editors who hang out here. It makes me feel I should be more serious about the apostrophe thing. Almost.

  39. Happydog- i say dumb shit all the time..who cares? just come play!!

  40. @alpine summer:
    I know exactly what you mean. I wish itemized bills were covered by HIPAA, because I had a similar situation when I was on my parents' insurance in college. Had a lung infection, and I had no idea what they even tested me for. Suddenly I've got an intervention with them going, "What is this about CHLAMYDIA?!?!" from the bill.

    Years later I found out there are 3 types of chlamydia, including chlamydia pneumoniae, which is NOT an STD. I sent them the whole study and made them read it, seeing as how I was hacking up a lung and they were more worried about my sex life.


  41. Sunday is a full moon (blue moon)in Scorpio. People are starting to get riled up and need to vent. I for one will be heading to the bar.
    Take care out there this weekend.

    PS...haven't posted in ages. Shows a definite lack of Christian Bale fotos ENT.

  42. Sylvia -

    Sorry about the brainfart! I'm sorry I thought the question was from Dancersmom for some reason!

    And sorry Dancersmom, too! duh!

  43. Anonymous4:23 PM

    Just wanted to add my two cents - I've been reading ENT for over a year now but have never posted. I might jump in every now and then with a guess if that is all right!

  44. Izzybella, welcome! And post a comment anytime you like!

  45. Hey all- another lurker here...

    I'm 'out of the business' of having babies (hysterectomy 2 yrs ago) BUT prior to that whenever I had to have anything medical done or prescribed my docs would ask and/or test for pregnancy. In my opinion, this was good. Just the CHANCE of taking medication that could risk a pregnancy was worth the cost of such a test... I could not, and did not, complain about that. And the docs, many of whom are clients of mine, need to do whatever they can (as prescribed by their malpractice insurors) to minimize risk... they HAVE to do this whether they really want to or not.

  46. Just wanted to say hi to everyone and acknowledge that i still read and exist!!

    I have just been too lazy to post...

    anon- everyone is entitled to their opinion and I am glad you voice yours... But hey, I also like Les suckno too; it is the variety of gossip, snark, wisdom, laughter, Co$ reality show, hoe pimping, and everything else that makes me read this site...

    So bye for now... and one of the funniest moments on this site was when Denise Richards publicist kept blazing away in the comments as well as the Paris Hilton rap on hoeing out fords...

    c u all around!!

  47. Hey Noel, good to see you post again. Don't be a stranger!!

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