Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Welcome Back Jason Beghe

Jason Beghe has seen the light, and guess what, it shines lots brighter when it doesn't have to travel through Tom Cruise's ass. A guy who was best man at David Duchovny's wedding has made a video all about Scientology, and what he has to say is not positive. Imagine that. "Scientology is destructive and a rip-off."

He also says: "It’s very, very dangerous for your spiritual, psychological, mental, emotional health and evolution. I think it stunts your evolution. If Scientology is real, then something’s f**ked up."

Beghe is an OT5 which is the same level as John Travolta, Kirstie Alley and Tom Cruise. I've actually decided that since no one ever mentions what level Leah Remini is, that she is either really low, or even tells Tom what to do. I know, I know, Andrew Morton says Tom Cruise is second, but I think Leah is a crafty person and she is always around isn't she? When Tom Cruise has a party you don't see Kirstie Alley there, but Leah is right there. Jennifer Lopez has twins. No Travolta, Cruise, or Alley, but lo and behold Remini pops up.

Anyway, below is the trailer for the longer video that Jason made. Watching it will be the best three minutes of your day. Unless you have sex. But for me that is like 1:00, maybe 1:20 so really this is the best three minutes.


  1. Weird.

    I wonder what they're going to do to him. I also wonder why he's out and going public.

  2. Anonymous9:50 AM

    jlb - expect CoS to explain why he's disillusioned with the church and he's a disgruntled member.

    Good Luck, Jason. You're going to need it unfortunately.

  3. He's just a wee bit crazy himself dontcha think?

    The higher OT levels must do that to you.

  4. Anonymous9:57 AM

    have to admit, he does sound a bit disgruntled - Co$ didn't deliver on something he was expecting. I wonder what he was promised - a nice high-profile career? I am curious on why he's speaking out, but more power to anyone who gets away from that group.

  5. I was approached by Scientologists on Friday at my train station for a Stress Test. I wanted so badly to take it, but I was in a hurry. I need to find a day when I don't have to be anywhere after work and pay them another visit. I'm so curious about what they'll say.

    I didn't get to watch the attached video because the sound on my computer isn't working, but I was wondering the same thing - what happened that made him decide to leave the group now? I really wish him the best...it doesn't seem like they ever really let people go, especially ones who turn so vocal against the "group".

  6. Anonymous10:34 AM

    Cue the Scientology Legal Strike Team. I fully expect a huge backlash against him, citing that he's just doing it for attention after a failed career (remember Cruise's comments on Brooke Shields, anyone? Yeeeeeeah). Still, he is my hero for doing this.

  7. JLB,

    I think more people are speaking out right now because of Anonymous. The spreading of information at wikileaks.org. And Jenna Miscaivage speaking out about being disconnected from David Miscaivage.

    What it really boils down too is Scientology for many many years kept their critics in fear and now with all the people coming out of the woodwork there is nothing left to fear from an organization still stuck in the 50s.

  8. According to this link: http://www.truthaboutscientology.com/stats/by-name/l/leah-remini.html
    Leah Remini was OT 5 in 2003. I'm betting she is higher now, and on top of that her mother is/was OT 7, so that probably helps, as well.

  9. This guy may have gotten out, but he's still completely brain-washed.

    I see a lot of deprogramming in his future.

    Good luck, sir.

  10. good for him..he's passionate about letting people know what a crock of SHIT this 'religion' is.

    i didn't see anything crazy,programmed or disgruntled about him.IMO

    he's pissed off and rightly so.

  11. I agree - the tide of anti-COS is definitely growing, giving the people who want out a bit more voice / security in numbers.

    I think you're dead on DN - one of the minions will say this guy is disgruntled etc. I'll bet he didn't get something he was promised (acting role / moving up a level) so now he's have a public fit - double PR.

  12. Every time someone comes forward, this guy or David Miscaviage's (sp?) niece, and says what a crackpot cult this is it thrills me. I think, perhaps, finally there are little cracks forming in the bubble that Scinetology has placed it's "members" in. The truth will get out. You can ignore something if one or two former members say something but when several are all saying the same thing you can't hold back the floodgates. I also think Anonymous has played a huge role in people stepping forward. As for people saying that this guy should be worried - the minute you stop being fearful of the COS you've taken away most of their power.

  13. Anonymous12:50 PM

    I'm with Jax--I didnt see a bitter, disgruntled, or crazy person. I see someone who is disappointed that something that was supposed to be positive did not deliver as promised. At later levels in Scientology, you're supposed to learn how to fly and bullcrap like that, so what he's probably saying, underneath it all, is that these higher level people, the OTVIII'ers, KNOW that they've been disappointed: they're not supposed to be getting sick, they're supposed to be developing powers, and none of it is coming to fruition. Yet they stay and convince themselves they are happy. Insanity.

    I forgot to tell you all a great story. I'm sure a few of you remember me mentioning that the Scientologists had been regularly showing up at my apartment complex. Well, the Mormons are back in full force, too. I equate Mormonism with Scientology, because both you can basically prove are bullshit and were created as a money making scheme. You shoulda seen the look on their faces, when I grabbed the doorknob away from my boyfriend, looked right at them and said "You people are just as bad as Scientologists, get the hell out of here." The looks on their faces were priceless. No one has been back since.

  14. lol Trix, my bro answers the door naked for them. they told them they'd be back on sunday to save his sole and he told em 'fine thats the day my nudist satan group meets here"

    i'd do it too if it weren't for CCTV.

  15. shit YES i know soul is soul and not sole..like fish.


  16. Anonymous1:30 PM

    LOL still though the idea of someone showing up to save your fish, is hilarious. I wouldnt put it past PETA! LOL.

    My bf and I are very fond of guerilla theater...so thanks for the idea jax >:)

  17. Ent makes a really interesting point about Leah Remini "being everywhere."
    Believe it or not, there are a TON of people who still have no idea what Scientology is, much less how dangerous it is.

  18. Hi all,
    if anyone is interested in finding out more about Anonymous, this is a good place to start www.expectus.info

  19. Hmmm...makes the anti-Scientologist jokes on "Californication" last year all the more interesting. I had no idea that David Duchovny's childhood pal was in (and now out) with them.

  20. The reason I say he still needs deprogrammed is that his language is still totally entrenched in CoS lingo. Someone who knew absolutely nothing about Scientology wouldn't understand what he was talking about.

    The good news is he's made the most important break. He'll lose the CoS lingo the longer he's here on the outside. He'll stop speaking of whether or not people are "clear" and he won't think about people's "classifications," etc.

  21. Anonymous4:31 PM

    OK I looked it up: the level 8 OT's that he's talking about, according to the Scientology literature, are supposed to be able to "manipulate Matter, Energy, Space, and Time."

    Basically, once you get to that level you're supposed to have some kind of superpowers. Cuckoo! Cuckoo!!

  22. Here is an article done by Rolling Stone Magazine a couple of years ago on Scientology - interesting & helps understand some of the, ah, 'terms' that they use...


    On page 3 of the article, it says that (as of then) TCruise was an OT VII - perhaps now he is an OT III?

    Which leads us to a popular theory among friends which is: since TC can now move things with his mind, this is how Katie got preggers. (This is before the LRH sperm theory.)

  23. Jax and Trix, awesome stories!!
    I think EL is doing a great public service by putting this information out there. Thank you!!!

  24. I'm Mormon and def. don't think we're like Scientologists. I don't think we're nuts - btw the polygimist ppl are not mormon - our biggest "celebrities" are the Osmonds!! and no one gets paid.

  25. Amy, the biggest Mormon celebritites are the Marriott family and they certainly get paid.Mormonism is very much like Scientology. You both believe that your "rulers" reside on different planets. Don't even give me the Jesus argument. Your "Jesus" isn't the one we know of in the Christian world.The Mormons aren't Christians though they profess to be. It is a blasphemus cult that believes in and strives for a polygamist afterlife.I know because I was married to a Mormon bishop.That is one scary cult! I'm glad I got out.

  26. Anonymous11:01 AM

    The reason why I equate Mormonism with Scientology is because 1. the us vs. them mentality 2. it is documented, and proveable, that the origins are BUNK, full of lies and deception, and with the intent of creating a money-maker. There's not a word of the Mormon stories that I can believe, not a word. At least with Christianity and Islam, and Hinduism and Buddhism and Daoism, I cant PROVE someone was just out to make money...but with Scientology and Mormonism, you CAN. CULT.

  27. I attended Narconon, but they did not want us to discuss "Scientology" although L. Ron's name was all over the literature.

    I think the program has a better structure than AA, or any 12-step program.

    What was odd was that there was a disproportionate number of Mormons enrolled in the program. It was my first encounter with members of the Mormon group, and they all look sort of related.

    Has anyone seen the Mormon episode on South Park?

  28. They are both cults based on brain-washing techniques that begini at birth. The following links are very interesting and talk about what these people don't want you to know, but what they honestly believe.

    "The Dangers Of Mormonisn"

    "What is Scientology"

  29. Ok nevermind, I don't really want to get into religious arguments/dicussions. I'll just keep it to the gossip from now on. Hope we can still be friends so I don't have to go back to loser commentless lurking-only status.

  30. i completely agree about scientologists and the mormons, and this is fully understood by leaders in both organizations.

    for lulz watch greta van susteran defend the fdls which is NOT REALLY that different from the Mormon idea of the celestial kingdom.

    those mormon women and totally brainwashed and in-bred. criminals. harboring criminals via brainwashing. they are like the manson girls were--that singsongy voice.


  31. correction:

  32. Well, what I get from the Jason Beghe video is that he must have had some gains if he continued to take services for several years up to OT-5. Somehow these upper levels did not meet his expectations, yet I sense that he still has some respect for the organization, since he quotes, "I don’t have an agenda, Right now I’m trying to help. And I know the Scientologists are just trying to help. They’re just trying to help; I think that’s what most people are trying to do, they’re just trying to help." The Scientologists I've known are great bunch of people, do a lot for the community, and willing to go out of their way to help, so I agree with Jason on that point.

  33. Trix and TheWatcher, I know this is from a looooong time ago (took my a while to dig up) and I don't know if you still have the same profiles/email addresses but I hope so. I wanted to let you know I finally got a clue and dumped mormonism!

    I wish I could say your comments got me there, I guess I remembered them due to my good memory but they didn't really put any doubt in my mind. Don't feel bad, the fact is a person isn't going to look into mormonism for themselves or be willing to believe certain things about it until they are ready or come across it on their own.

    As for why I stayed a member as long as I did I would say there was just a LOT I didn't know. I never took part in the temple ceremonies so I wasn't aware of 1. how freaky they are and 2. how they are lifted from the masons. maybe going to them ever would have freaked me out and helped me leave sooner but that stuff was bad enough just to read about so I think attending myself would be maybe made for PTSD.

    I guess I still don't think mormons are near as bad as scios but I can definitely see the reasons mormonism is called a cult now, there is a tremendous amount of control over never looking at info outside of what the church publishes (because if you do you are likely to be like me and realize its all bunk), and now that I know about the temple rituals I can definitely see them as cultish. There is also the things that fit the definition of a cult such as pretty much in blind faith following 1 leader and allowing them to control what kind of underwear you wear.

    Thankfully I was never in too deep, never went on a mission, never wore the underwear, never did the temple thing, always disagreed with a lot of the social things like their obsession with getting married and having kids, disagreed with their involvement in prop 8. Still, it was a hard journey these past few months to realize something I was part of my whole 27 years was bunk.
    I definitely feel lied to in many ways and like an idiot for believing their whitewashed history as it was taught to me.

    Just thought you might like to know!
