Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The World Of WD

Something new and interesting that I will never do again...

So I'll try anything once. Well, not hard drugs, don't want to get addicted. Oh, and not anything too sexually depraved. And definitely nothing too dangerous that's not carefully monitored. Now that I think about it...I'm not so daring. So how the hell did I end up standing in the middle of a street staring down a car and waiting for it to hit me?

On July 1, a hands-free cell phone law goes into effect here in California. We are the state that needed it the most and from what I understand somehow we are implementing it last. Actually, the law passed 2 years ago BUT for some reason doesn't come into effect until July.

In any case, a friend got me involved in a PSA being shot for this new law. It's quite funny, actually. Bob Saget (Full House, America's Funniest Home Video and now 1 vs. 100) is driving and talking on his cell phone without a hands free and he hits a woman crossing the street, then hits a girl on roller skates, avoids hitting two hot girls jogging, then runs over a little old lady, then hits Ralph Nader and...you get the idea. When it's all done, he has hit 12 people. It's actually hilarious unless you are the one being hit by Bob.

The thing I have always said, from the minute I got into stunt work was that I WOULD NEVER DO A CAR HIT. Never. Yes, it's a stunt. Yes, the car is driven by a professional and Cole McKay is as pro as you can get. Yes, there is a stunt coordinator (Steve Hart) who's top notch, and knows what he's doing. Yes, you get to wear some padding. BUT, and this is a very big BUT, you are still getting hit by a car. An actual car.

There is no way to fake it. There is no camera trick. You can learn how to dissipate the impact. You can learn how to land in the least painful way. But, there is no escaping the fact that you are still hitting concrete when you land, after getting hit by a car.

I saw a friend do one once and I almost ruined the shot by gasping so loud when I watched him get hit. It took everything in me to NOT run over to him afterwards.

So cut to me standing in the middle of the street waiting to get hit by Bob Saget. Replaying the conversations I had with my friend and desperately trying to recall why I actually said yes to this.

We did it three times. Three times. The first time I got stuck on the hood which they had tried to make more comfortable by placing a little bit of padding on it. The problem was that as I landed on the hood, it was so soft, and concrete is so hard, that my subconscious took a little convincing to get me to push off.

The last two I managed to flip myself off, land on my feet and then drop to the ground. So those weren't so bad. And where the camera was placed, the hit sold.

I also wanted everyone to know that I just found out that I'll be stunt coordinating a feature film! That's in May. I also got the job as the spokesperson for the commercial I told you about a few months ago where they made me audition other women who were trying to get my job.

In the meantime, I'm teaching one the producers from Never Back Down how to do high falls. So, I'm keeping busy, and definitely staying away from oncoming cars!


  1. Where can we see this?

  2. Holy moley, you are a hell of a lot braver than I am! I don't care how "safe" or well-managed the stunt was, that must have scared the living daylights out of you. Looking forward to seeing the PSA, and you are right, California needs this law desperately.

    Congrats on all of the upcoming work; a nice case of "when it rains, it pours"!

  3. Jebus. Hope they paid well.

  4. Wow. Tres cool WD. :)

    Bob Saget is hilarious, maybe not so much coming at you doing 60mph. lol

    Stunt work still sounds dangerous to me, supervised or not. :0

  5. Anonymous12:16 PM

    From the America Young website:
    03/08/08 - Went to the premiere party for Never Back Down. Fun!

    Hmmm... :)

    WD, thanks for writing us again. It's always good to hear what crazy things people make you do. Congrats on the commercials!

  6. Anonymous12:24 PM

    Wow, I'd be shakin' in my boots, too, no matter how "safe" its supposed to be! Woo!

  7. As my husband and I always say to things like this..."Two words....F THAT!"

    You're very brave WD!

  8. hey it's better thasn being hit ON by Saget.

  9. Workin' for the Man, eh? I guess you gotta do what you gotta do...I work for the Man too.

  10. Workin' for the Man, eh? I guess you gotta do what you gotta do...I work for the Man too.

  11. I hope the car was going slow! Yikes.

  12. This reminds me of that scene from Entourage where Drama and Turtle get c*ck blocked by Bob Saget.

  13. You are one brave girl, WD. And probably very sore and bruised too.

    This very same law just went into effect in Montreal (not sure if it's province-wide) a few weeks ago. Don't know how it's doing (I don't live there). There's usually a grace period when new laws come into effect, where they just give out warnings instead of actual tickets. But it's a great thing. I hate seeing people making wide turns with one hand on the wheel and the other on their cell.

  14. I couldn't do that. But then, I actually did get hit by a car a few years ago, and I think the main reason I didn't get any broken bones was because I'd spent enough time inline skating to know how to fall safely. It was bizarre; I saw the car coming at me, jumped back, and this whole sequence flashed through my head--don't land on your hands, you'll break your wrists...don't land directly on your elbows you'll break them...make sure your head doesn't hit anything--all in a split second.

  15. I'm a massage therapist. Thanks for helping to keep us in business.

  16. WD, you are brave. I feel the need to share my own story...

    I was once hit by my own car. I let a friend drive my car as DD. We stopped at a grocery store. I was standing in front of the car on the passenger side talking to my sister.

    My friend was looking the other way & decided to start moving. He wasn't going fast & a friend saw what was happenning & pulled me away.

    Still, I was hit by my own car. Not hurt, though. And I laugh about it!

    Congrats on the new jobs & surviving Cole McKay's driving.
