Friday, May 16, 2008

I Hope This Was Just A Picnic

So, lets see what's wrong with this photo. Hmmm. No helmet, no seat belt, wearing flip flops and oh, she's about a million months pregnant. There are no before or after photos to this and so we are left guessing as to whether Jamie Lynn Spears just happened to find the very easy to tip ATV just sitting out in the middle of nowhere and decided to hop on, or if she just got done taking it for a little spin and is no resting by eating some kind of meat on a stick. It is entirely possible that she just needed some time alone and was wandering and came across the ATV hidden in the woods, but that doesn't really seem likely.

I would complain about her setting a bad example, but honestly she kind of does pretty well of that on her own without me adding fuel to the fire. I will say that if she was driving, I would be pretty pissed because she can do whatever she wants, but she is about to give birth and if she were in an accident, I don't like to think what could happen.


  1. let's hope, one hand eating a fudgepop, the other holding her helmet.

  2. The heavy vibration must help her think ;-)

  3. Anonymous11:18 AM

    Those things don't have seat belts...not even riding mowers do. And just playin' devil's advocate here for a sec, we don't knwo when this was taken, and she's facing the other way, can't even tell if she's pregnant.

  4. She's going to be feeding that baby formula and Benadryl from day one. Then it'll graduate to a sippy cup of Kool-Aid and Benadryl. (for those who don't know, Benadryl makes most kids sleepy)

  5. INFdaily is pretty good about posting current pix.

    hey reason 345 why a 16yo shoulnd't be moms! maybe she's trying to move things along and is further along that we thought?
    not smart but no one said the Spears were rocket scientists.

  6. Just another day at the Spears Ranch.

  7. I think she's just sitting on it. She wouldn't have her legs up like that if it were moving.

    Then again, this is a Spears, anything's possible, I guess.

  8. Yeah...
    She's not the first, though. Anyone remember Saint Angelina riding the motorcycle while pregnant with Shiloh or Condy Crawford back in the day doing the same??

  9. I think I saw some other pics of her from a month or so ago riding an ATV, no helmet - nothing...

  10. Ent, it's tha Durrrrty Souf! Having been raised there, I can tell you that what they're not showing is the cigarette in her hand & the Lynchburg Lemonade in the other!


  11. c17---

    or some Skoal in her back pocket, LOL!

  12. Theory.....

    She was never preggers to begin with

  13. Godofhardcore: I have suspected much the same.

    Something about her says "not really pregnant" to me...

  14. @Godofhardcore and de anne:

    WTF? Seriously? So, what's the motivation for a 16 y/o to tell the world she's pregnant, especially when she's the sister of the original car crash?
