Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Jolie Admits Killing Pets In Drug Den Clip

That headline was screaming out at me this morning, and I was saying to myself, "wow, she really was a crazy freak when she was growing up." Then of course I read the actual article. You know, where they actually put down what terrible deeds Angelina Jolie did to her pets. I was expecting that she sacrificed them, or dissected them while living. What else would you expect from a woman talking about death in a drug den. Don't you just love that term drug den? Evokes images of 30 or 40 people all sitting around a condemned building smoking crack or injecting heroin with filthy needles. Kind of like Amy Winehouse's house.

Anyway, lets go over the destruction Angelina inflicted on her pets.

A mouse died when she dyed its hair blue. Umm. Where are my chants to Satan and the cruel and unusual part? Yes, it was horrible of her to dye the hair of her mouse blue, but I'm guessing she didn't probably think it would kill the mouse.

A hamster died after catching pneumonia because she had taken the hamster in the shower with her. Well if he was a guy hamster he probably went out the way he wanted to go out, but still not seeing drug den worthy images. There is one more though. I know this one will be good. I mean look at the headline. It screams crazy pet killer and I want crazy pet killer.

A pet lizard died after it was left out in the sun too long. Seriously? That's it? Where are the guns and the matches and the knives? Where is the crazy part of the killings? I guess the good news is that she appears to have learned her lesson. It has been a few years since she dyed any of the hair on the kids.


  1. My Lord, she looks stunning in this pic!

    Genetics + surgery + hugely pregnant = perfection.

    I really think these two are head over heels in love. It just glows off of them!

    ...and I'm not even a Brangeloonie...

  2. Anonymous10:06 AM

    Stupid tabloids. We lost a hamster once because it bit my child, she spilled her OJ on it, and it died. Had to have an autopsy done because although they are not often rabid, there was a chance...

    And my girls once had two pet mice and would take them outside to play, they put them on the fender of the car and the hot metal caused their tails to fall off.

    Good thing they aren't famous, or there would be articles about their crazed pet killer pasts too!

  3. who knows what surgery angelina has had done? I mean *actual* surgery, not just "oh her lips"

    I'm v. curious as to what's been done. I know halle berry has had a nose job and a boob job to get that "perfect" look


  4. i like that st. angie is still naughty enough to flash her boobies on her very public hotel balcony.

  5. I love how she shows off those huge baby boobs. I bet Brad doesn't mind either.

    I'd hate to tell you the pets (both our own and the neighbors) we've "lost" on our block. Sometimes it was an accident, other times not so much.

  6. OK, what she did wasn't as bad as the headline made it out to be, but she does come off as an idiot.

  7. Anonymous10:33 AM

    @UJ check the old pics of Angie. She's had her nose slimmed.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Wait.

    She took a hamster in the shower?

  10. my question is WHY Angie is taking a fuckin hamster in the shower?

  11. Maybe the hamster was smelly?

  12. I now officially hate her.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Hamsters are stinky, I can see why you'd give one a good shampoo. I wash my dog in the shower frequently. She looks like she wants to die, but so far no pneumonia.

  15. Angelina's a freak. Here comes the shit storm.

  16. Awww, a child killed a pet by mistake... That NEVER happens, so it must be newsworthy.

    I killed tons of lizards when I was a kid, and it was totally intentional. I guess I'm a serial killer. Watch out, GEICO, I'm coming after you next...

  17. First off, some of you need to get a grip. Small animals around kids sometimes meet an untimely demise -- either intentionally or unintentially.

    My son has mental retardation, "monkeyhelperl." I'm more worried about people like you who throw around the word "tard" than I am about someone who accidentally gives their hamster pneumonia. Sadly, you run around trying to convince everyone to treat animals humanely, when you are unable to treat people with mental challenges humanely.

  18. My father was once about to teach our gerbil how to swim--he filled the sink up with water, & we caught him just in time. Sometimes someone just doesn't realize how stupid they are being, unintentionally.

  19. Now I feel like just repeating the word "tard" over and over again. Sorry, but I'm not going to stop using the word "retarded" because people with retarded kids get all huffy over it. Hell, look up the definition of the word! It basically means slow, delayed, things like that, and that is what a retarded kid IS! If you want to use the sweety-sweet PC terms, go ahead, but don't expect everyone else to follow along.

    And this is going to sound kinda shitty, but your kids and their feelings are YOUR problem, not mine. if I wanted to be concerned about kids, I'd have some (I'd rather die). Sorry, but I honestly don't give a crap about children, and I'm not going to pretend to, just because parents think everyone should care about their children. Once again, that's the PARENT'S problem, not mine. But I do promise that if you keep your kids away from me, they'll never have to hear me say "retarded". Everyone will get what they want....I won't have to hear your brats, and your delicate sensibilities won't be offended! It's win-win!

  20. wow and you guys call me a a bitch.

    Smoke- no one expects you to care..we do expect you to have respect for other readers as they do for us.
    and you're right. it did sound shitty. now back to ranting and flaming.

  21. Anonymous1:37 PM

    Heh looks like someone is trying to fill the empty spot I left behind when I hung up my bitch shoes.

  22. As someone who actually watched the full-length video posted by the Sun, I'm going to point out the obvious here

    She was like 8 when she took the hamster into the shower and the lizards got left in the sun.

    Furthermore, I used to put salt on slugs to watch them melt and fry ants with magnifying glasses and I turned out just fine.

    It's a dumb story and monkeyhelerl is pretty much a moron and smoke just took this whole post off track trying to get attention.

  23. Anonymous1:51 PM

    Kids are kids. At the age they are at they are not going to understand that what they do to their pets is going to kill them.

  24. Anonymous1:52 PM

    Oh I think it was the Star magazine where it showed that Angelina had her chine, cheeks and nose done. Still wonder if those puffy lips are real or not.

  25. See, here's the issue about using the word "tard" -- it's hate speech.

    And it takes a special kind of jerk to think that hate speech against anyone is ok.

  26. Sylvia, you really wonder if her lips are real? Have you seen Shiloh's lips? If Angie's lips are surgically/medically enhanced, how did she manage to pass them on to Shiloh?

    I guess she has the same procedure done on her toddler?

    And if it were possible to get lips like those from a needle, wouldn't we see more of them?

    Sorry, the bitchiness seems contagious today.

  27. She's had the big lips since she was little but I agree she's had her nose defined.

  28. He's totally checking out her mama jugs in that pic

  29. Anonymous9:39 AM

    My sister killed our fish. She put them "to naptime" in the kitchen drawers with little paper towel blankies. She was 6.

    Later in life, my cat died. I had a houseplant that I didn't know was poisonous. He ate it. Dead cat. I wasn't even a child, it just never occurred to me my cat would eat my houseplant.

    oh the humanity!

  30. Yesterday, after reading about this horrible article and then seeing people's casual attitude towards the killing/injuring of small animals I wanted to express my outrage... Unfortunately, in my anger and haste to respond I used a term that I don't normally use, but did use because I thought it expressed my utter disdain over the topic very clearly, however the word/term I used was in fact, quite offensive. I actually was thinking about what I had posted after I discussed this article with a friend and had come back to change it when I discovered that lo and behold I had in fact already offended a person I hadn't intended to offend.

    So, I came back today to delete the offending post and to offer my sincerest apologies to the woman who I inadvertently offended with my words and to repost my original thoughts in a more appropriate manner...


    "Wow... I had no idea how many people there were out there who were entirely too stupid to be allowed to purchase small animals as pets or supervise their small children with them. Dying their hair?!?! Taking them in the shower?!?!? Forgetting them in the sun?!?! Allowing children to fry their tails off on a car?!?! Death by OJ?!?! I've always been something of an Angelina fan but... Christ, what a big bunch of f*cking idiots."

    There, much better.

  31. ...all I meant by "surgery" is the nose and possibly chin. The nose was obviously done at some point, however no question the lips are real.

  32. I think she's had rhinoplasty to refine her nose, a chin implant to sharpen her profile and cheek implants to give the impression of dramatic cheekbones.
