Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Sarah Jessica Parker Doesn't Like Wealthy People

In an interview with the National Enquirer, Sarah Jessica Parker states that she really dislikes New York now because there are too many people who are affluent and that it isn't real anymore. She thinks that it is too expensive too haughty and just doesn't like all the wealth on display.

Ummm. Is she really going there? Her? The woman who has made her fortune by being one big piece of gaudy wealth and fashion? The woman who made her money off a show which had as its basic premise a certain superficial shallowness that anything worth having cost a ton of money and those who didn't were less than human.

I don't seem to recall SJP's character in the show wearing clothes from Old Navy. Come to think of it, I don't think in real life she owns anything from Old Navy or if she does, that she wears in public. Yes, she did the Gap ads, but do you really think she used their clothes for anything more than to give to one of her nannies or maids or other servants she has. How much is that purse she's carrying in the photo? More than most people pay for rent for six months? SJP prefers the New York of 1976 when it was broken and poor and destitute and wishes for a return to those glory days. She suggests it still may be possible to find such a thing in Queens.

I'm sure the people of Queens will welcome you with open arms Sarah for comparing their borough to New York in the 1970's which was one of the most uninviting places in the world to be.

This is why celebrities should just go to work, get paid, and go home. When you start relying on celebrities for something intelligent or thought provoking, or even interesting you are going to end up disappointed. What makes SJP's opinion matter more than the guy who bags her groceries or the woman who is her doctor, or her neighbor who laughs at Matthew Broderick's clothes everyday? Just because she was on television she is better than the rest of us? I don't think so.


  1. Anonymous10:50 AM

    okkk... you know I luv you ent...

    but SJP has a great line for sale at steve and berrys (or dave and berry's - i always confuse it)

    I've spent on her line - and i have to say, $200.00 will buy you a months worth of clothes in her line.

    she is not effing joking when she says she wants fashion to be more affordable.

    make fun of her for many things (husband)

    but I've gotta disagree with you here.
    She does cater to the thrifty.

  2. I love how magazines and newspapers can now just "cite" other sources and then twist the quotes to fit their story instead of doing any real research. She is "quoted" by the National Enquirer magazine "as saying" rather than "interviewed". What she said was pulled from a longer quote from an interview with her in NY Mag and she even said that she shouldn't be saying it b/c her show is part of what made NY change so much (I like how they conveniently left that part out). Its sad that media outlets dislike certain stars so find the smallest parts of the shortest soundbites to write an article around. She came off smart and sincere in the article, even when talking about how NY had changed. Read the article here to get the full story: http://nymag.com/movies/profiles/46660/

  3. PM... I was just about to mention how she wears her own almost exclusively and her clothes are EXTREMELY affordable.

    You can literally get an outfit for $30 if not less.

  4. yea shana- someone who reads,comprehends and thinks. This post's "writer" not only shows a severe lack of basic reading comprehension skill sets but total ignorance of the SATC premise, plot lines, characters and NYC herself.

  5. So I'm guessing the next rant will be against her exploitation of sweat shop workers because her clothes are too cheap.

    This is pretty stale for the day after the Fashion Institute gala.

  6. Anonymous11:26 AM

    MAVEN -- i actually refer people to her line all the time. It's a great way to buy essential pieces without spending a ton.

  7. The bottom line is that SJP complained about Manhattan's wealth, thinks Queens is more "real" and said SATC had nothing to do with NYC becoming so wealth-oriented. She is a typical limousine liberal.

  8. It's Steve & Barry's--I went through High School with Barry, & forgetting SJP, Barry is a great guy--so shop where everything is $8.98!! He deserves his share of the profits because he was & still is a nice guy!
    SJP is a phoney--she still keeps talking about having her big family like she came from--the problem is she is 43--what is she waiting for?

  9. oh no you didn't EL.
    are you fucking nuts? your site is filled with mostly women and you are going try and trash St. Carrie Bradshaw two weeks before the Holy Day? some balls man...some balls.

    ok sorry to disagree my friend but SATC was not about that. The clothes were a bonus to look at and appreciate it hardly had to dow ith the plot or characters other than we all knew the chicks dug designer gear. so what? Ally McBeal wore Prada and D&G for 5 seasons and we didn't care. Most women and men on tv are kitted out in high end clothes,that's marketing babay!

  10. Not only that but it was always very apparent that her fashion addiction led to her being constantly broke. Though it glorified superficiality it also knocked it right back down. Quit hating, Ent. Besides, what the eff do call Miranda's character? She totally got the shaft, that was not fashion.

    Maybe you should pick up the SATC box set, get a few pints of ice cream, and make a weekend out of it like the rest of us girls did. Only then can you have an opinion about what the show was about.

    *steps off Jimmy Choo shoe box*

  11. wow kids,

    i was going to go on a rant, correcting all of Ent's inaccuracies, but it looks like my work here was done for me....Alrighty

  12. I love SATC, but never really cared for SJP herself. But I read through the article Shana posted, and I think I've come to like her more. I guess, in my head, she was always vapid and spending all sorts of money on clothes she would only wear once. Reading about her talking to random people on the streets and looking at her Bitten line, I have more respect for her.

  13. Whether or not you like the messenger, the woman's got a point. NYC has changed - and not for the better in my opinion, either. It's one thing to not go back to the crime-ridden 70s but these days of $12 sandwiches and $3,000 rent (and that's low-end, friends) are creating a city geared only to the wealthy. And when you aren't wealthy and this is your home, what do you do?

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  15. josie the 'crime-ridden 70s'? Honey the 80s & 90s were just as bad until Giuliani's reign & losing alphabet city to JFK Jr & such. For those of us who actually live/grew up in the city know that there's always been the have/have not divide. Suggest After Hours by Scorsese for a view of what it was. The writer of the post here & others who get their info from the web just don't get it. Her remark about Queens was because of the island & now Brooklyn being infested by wannabe hipsters. To make it you've got to think and be outside the box.

  16. zenie LTNH! Too true. Most people don't get that Candace's column & time as a SATC girl were from that era & before, tail end of 54 even. By the time the show aired it wasn't real anymore. You can't teach people how to get past the velvet ropes - they either have earned or bought recognition from the movers, shakers or players. Glad to see you're back.

  17. zene we're @ Tony's same #.

  18. and could Rachel afford to live with Monica on a waitresses salary?
    or Phoebe doing massages? never in a million years...

  19. Every city has a have/have not divide - that wasn't my point, Zene. The point is that NYC is becoming a city only for the rich and is losing a lot of its character as a result. And as someone who is from here (and doesn't need a Scorsese film to show me what it's like) it's sad to know that I'll soon be priced out of the city I consider my home.

  20. NYC has ALWAYS been this way. Different times, different issues. If you really are from here josie you'd know this. Change, progress (not that I'd call it that) ARE part of the attraction. Those of us who really have NYC pedigrees know who or what without asking. Jersey, LI might be your best bet.

  21. LMAO @ this. Never comment but I have to now. Just the phrase " crime-ridden 70s" marks you as a wannabe. No friggin' way. Moving here & trying to live the LOL Friends (thanx Jax) or SATC experience is too precious & YOU don't get to complain about reality. SJP either. Same boat, more money. We have no problem with you leaving josie because of the lack of NYC character. FYI After Hours IS the funniest, saddest and true version of what was.

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  23. Yeah that is SOOOOO true slonegal there is NO way anyone who is from here would say or write that. Too many poseurs who move here & then they fucking complain. Sick and tired of 'transplants' claiming rights, especially you josie. Bullshit, you're not from here. We all know it, don't like it LEAVE. Really no one will miss the gawker comments and what you didn't contribute. Does anyone care that she couldn't make it here? Bitch please. If you grew up here you're not paying anything over 2 a month for a two bedroom w/ NO room-mates and all your BS posting & pasting won't change it.

  24. I can't believe I'm getting called out on my NYC credentials. I'm a born and raised NYer guys and I love this city and I was agreeing with what I think was a valid complaint. Pedigrees? Wannabes? You've got to be kidding me...

  25. i've never watched sex and the city and have no desire to. i've got nothing against her, kinda liked her as a geeky kid, and, sorry to say, i like matthew broderick, and i liked his dad.
    the thought of new york city scares the crap out of me (but i'm working on that, thanks to a friend *waves* HI, ADRIAN!), but then, so does L.A., and i live here.

    anyway, i don't get the infighting on this one. i could have sworn there was more snark about this movie when it was filming.

  26. Aw, Buns--the worst that ever happened to me in NYC was having a chain ripped from my neck in the middle of rush hour. Since Bloomberg
    took over, the city is really wonderful & cleaned up, but as everyone said, expensive. You just have to avoid a few "off" avenues for safety issues. Unless of course you are loooking for drugs & hookers!

    I loved your photo--I just haven't had a chance to write anyone--more tests this week. :( After Thursday I will answer everyone.

  27. Josie779 your comment "crime-ridden 70s" marks you as a poser and not native born, whether true or not. Maybe you are from Jersey?? B & T???? That's a headline. web article and not the way we talk EVER. You've been outed, so what. Stop WHINING and BE a NYer if that's what you want to be. Shit or get off the pot, you know, like us. Yeah you have been called out, johnny pump.

  28. Damn all these non nyers with opinions. Josie MIDWEZT the gig is up, no one is buying that. If you can't make it in THE CITY get the fuck out. THAT is the point. It only costs alot if you don't know the place and Friends/Sexitc fantasies won't pay your rent. Survival of the fittest and thank god for that.

  29. Nope, I'm from the UWS, I've lived here my entire life, and I work for the city. If I was any more NY I'd be pissing egg creams. I was referring to EL's remarks about the 70s in his post. God, based on these comments I can't imagine why everyone thinks NYers are so rude and unpleasant...In my experience people who need to brag and assert themselves as being "sooo NY" are actually the ones who aren't from here. And I'm not going anywhere so you're stuck with all I don't contribute, A.

  30. Josie779 not feeling the citygirl BS. UWS Credentials? Bitch please mention a neighborhood and some people or get the fuck out of here. YOU ARE A FRAUD & only the bunny is buying it. Godddd I'm so rude and unpleasant................ I can be anywhere in a few minutes if you'd like to debate in person. LIAR

  31. Josie hope you have no attachment to your moniker here, find another. You've been outed - just leave it no one's believing you anyway. Really "referring to EL's remarks about the 70s " AGAIN just highlights your obvious ignorance. Not trying to be mean but come on- show us a school phot on your web apge or SHUT UP already.

  32. Hi my name is Josie and I've rented a dump on 110th for 5g a month with 8 other people and now I'm a REAL new yorker y'all. Want to hear about thed 70s????

  33. This is insane! Am I actually supposed to argue with you about whether or not I'm from NY? I live alone and I pay less than $1,000/month, but that's because I've been here forever and pay well below market rates. I've tried to help several friends find apartments in NY and I've been saddened to see how much rents have gone up, up, up. If I have to move I'll face it too. If you want to believe you've "outed" me as not being from the city in which I was born, more power to ya. I'll be drinking $9 pitchers at Rudy's for the rest of the night.

  34. josie no not insane you've actually answered all. You're not a native as you stated - "I've lived here my entire life" now you've just lived here "forever. No neighborhood - they ALL have names sweetie that's the authenticator. You're paying $3k a mo in previous post but now " live alone and I pay less than $1,000/month." Name a neighborhood, name a family business you patronized and how come no answer to johnny pump???? These are AUTOMATIC NY reflex answers you don't have. When were you born, what hospital and what doctor faker? Do you really think you can pull this bullshit off? You're insane to think so - quick answers

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  36. Oh josie just stop. No NY kid would have missed the obvious. Who cares? Really no one gives a shit about you here. You're anon & probably posting under several difffernt names but we NYers ALL know you didn't answer any specifics because you can't. Hey you're just like 99.9% of the nation - embrace it.
    We'll take care of the NYC portion, thanks anyway.

  37. Hey josie - I'm Paddy your neighborhood bartender you don't patronise because??? Maybe you don't live here??? Question: why would a "native born & bred UWSer " be claiming to paying for a cross town trip to go to tourist Rudy's for a $9 pitcher? That alone is bullshit. Sorry but I count at least ten bars in my immediate radius alone that says " I googled bars for a non-native answer". Surely you can just walk out your door and find me now.

  38. $100 to anyone who gets a picture of "native NYer Josie" drinking @ Rudy's!!!!!! The bigfoot of Manhattan.

  39. I see the Irish is up LOL. Far easier would be to call "josie' out on her "crime-ridden 70s' statement defense. Nowhere did the ignoramus who writes this blog use those words, they're hers alone and THAT marks her as a bigfoot. We're all having a laugh on Columbus.

  40. OK Josie's a liar and was trying to make a point with obvious fiction she probably read somewhere. NY is expensive - DUH. The best usually is - DUH. Lost it's character - never. That's where she lost it, trying to sound like native when she isn't. We know it's just a slightly different version well worth the effort. If anyone could get it - success and happiness in the big City- well it wouldn't be as dear. Of course it changes and evolves, you have to be the best to stay in the game. BIGFEET thank god do slow the bumpkins down.

  41. SJP is a butt ugly bitch who is married to a faggot and whose highest and best use was as JFK Jr.'s semen receptacle

  42. I don't like when celebs get called out for this kind of thing. Maybe they do like to give their opinion on everything, but the fact is, we're begging them to give it to us. (We = the press and public.) A lot of people complained about random celebs giving their opinion about the Britney situation, but if you watched any of the paparazzi videos, that was the first question they asked absolutely everyone for a few weeks. I have a 150 IQ, and I say stupid shit every day. They shouldn't have to be afraid of saying something dumb. I still feel bad for Katherine Heigl for getting attacked for (rightly) saying that Knocked Up was a sexist movie.

  43. Wow - I see people continued to go after me when I left last night and yet no one had the courage to come meet me in person? I'm a little shocked at all the rage I exposed by asserting an opinion on my own town. This would be sort of hilarious if it weren't so mean-spirited. Tell you what, NY CDANers, I'll be back at Rudy's (which isn't crosstown from the UWS, btw, and I drink there because the manager (Danny) and the bouncer (James) are longtime friends) weekend after next, Sunday at 3 PM. I'll bring with me my birth certificate, school photos, rental agreement, and whatever else you've demanded. We can sit around for hours discussing neighborhoods and crime rates in the 70s and what NYers call fire hydrants (yes, I know what a JP is) and the name of the doctor who birthed me (wtf?). By the way, I'm doing this not because I owe it to any of you but because I can't wait to show you all how misguided your cruel remarks were. I look forward to looking you each in the eye and telling you how it made me feel to have a group of people I've never even seen question my entire background and call me a bitch and liar. Oh, and I'm not reading the comments after this. I'm done being the punching bag. Show up or don't. I have nothing to hide.

  44. Uh josie I don't see anyone that called you a bitch, pathetic yes, but I DO read "you doth protest too much". I'm now firmly with the group that says you're BS because of several things YOU have probably inadvertently highlighted :
    1) that you would actually expect ANY NYer to go over thirty blocks or more to meet a sad anon commenter who posted the very silly foreign to NY phrase "crime-ridden 70s"
    2) You were still actively commenting & being defensive when johnny pump was brought up but waited a day.
    3) Post as your avatar a picture & relevant neighborhood info of when you grew up in the "crime-ridden 70s".
    4) I'm strongly leaning towards lonely old lady drunk/druggie who's now posting under another name on this blog I'm sure.

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  46. Started reading this last night because the bartender was entertaining us w/ the saga of the fake NYer. I mean you hear about the BS people put out there on the web and then there's josie, taking it to a new bullshitting level. I had to come back to see the snark capture another googler, my private vice. So glad I did, josie's fuc**** pricelss. LOL cause "rudy's" has been reviewed to death by out of towners yet names of googled employees are supposed to convince. NY women would NEVER invite anonymous bloggers to a face to face confrontation. Brings back so many memories of being a kid and calling out the "retards". It's like she's asking to be terrorized, another mark of either a foreigner or just extremely stupid. Not trying to be mean but come on, no one bought this for a second yet she's still there "not reading the comments". Does this person know how easily accesible IP addresses are on blogger? I see a Law & Order episode.

  47. I've been forced to view this site as my work was stolen and posted as a "guest author" of the fake model story. Are you people that lonely, uneducated and bored that you will beieve ANYTHING posted by the obviously emotionally disturbed personality disorder sufferer "entertainment lawyer"? As a nylon I have many options for remedy but all my male friends in NY & LA are leaning towrads illegal violent persuasion, Discuss, we'll vote as BLOGGER/YAHOO is very amenable to copyright infringement and accountability.

  48. I've been forced to view this site as my work was stolen and posted as a "guest author" of the fake model story. Are you people that lonely, uneducated and bored that you will beieve ANYTHING posted by the obviously emotionally disturbed personality disorder sufferer "entertainment lawyer"? As a nylon I have many options for remedy but all my male friends in NY & LA are leaning towrads illegal violent persuasion, Discuss, we'll vote as BLOGGER/YAHOO is very amenable to copyright infringement and accountability.
