Thursday, May 29, 2008

Today's Blind Items

#1 - This B- list television (hit network show) and film (top ten film 3 different years) has turned into a bit of an obsessive compulsive. He has always had little quirks and superstitions, but now his habits are starting to change his life in a negative way. He hates going anywhere now, and when he does it is a process that can take up to an hour. For some reason, when he arrives where he is going he is fine, but it is the leaving the house that just gets longer and longer.

#2 - Speaking of obsessiveness, this former film A lister with the really bad hair issues and now a comfortable B has changed the entire carpeting in his house five times over the past year. He is single handedly keeping a store in business. Seems that he has to like the way the carpet feels on his bare feet. The store has offered to provide him samples, but our whacked out actor insists that the carpet has to be in the house and in its place for him to get a true sense of its feel. Uh huh. Maybe he should just wear slippers. Total cost this year has been about $175,000 on carpeting, installation, removal and labor.


  1. #2 Travolta or Nick Cage

    no idea on #1 though... :-/

  2. 1. Steve Carrell (sp?)
    2.Matthew McConaughey (sp?)

  3. howie mandel?

  4. For some reason, I think of Steve Carell as, like, an A-list T.V. star and a B-list movie star. But I think he's closer to A than B -- he's won Emmys and shit, right?

    For some reason, the first person I thought of for the second one was Jude Law. He's got a mega-receeding hairline that's diminishing his sex symbol status, and he's been looking pretty "whacked out," as they say.

    And he's totally nailing Kimberly Stewart. Ewwwwwwwwwwwww!

  5. i figured out the spelling..... guess i have my own ocd issues?

    1. Steve Carell (TV: The Office, Film: The 40 Year Old Virgin, Little MIss Sunshine, Evan Almighty)

  6. #1. Tony Shaloub?

    #2. Travolta?

  7. I don't think number two is Matthew M. Doesn't Tex McSweatyabs live in a trailer with his (disproportionately hot, IMO) knocked-up girlfriend, anyway?

  8. 1-Dominic Monaghan (Lost) and each of the three Lord of the Ring films

    2-Matthew McConaughey/Nic Cage

  9. In receeding hairline issues i would call it a draw between Jude Law and McConaughey. They're definitely thinning out..... and whacked out for that matter.....

  10. 1 - Sean Astin. Three LOTR films, and in some American TV drama I can't recall. Had mental health issues, bipolar like his mom. If not him, Dom Monaghan, same films plus Lost.

  11. Not sure on the 1st one but Nicolas Cage totally on the 2nd one.

  12. Never mind, Brandon Fraser was never A list.

  13. Whoever it is for #1, I hope he gets help. That's sad.

  14. MMcC just bought a house in Malibu last November. He's supposed to have been remodeling ever since....

  15. I'm not sure Nic Cage is B list yet--the National Treasure films were big hits. He may be odd, but he still manages starring roles.

  16. #2 is def. Travolta

    he and his wife have claimed that their son Jet's "condition" (they insist it's NOT Autism)
    was caused by exposure to chemicals in the carpet.

    #1 - seems like Steve Carrell but IDT he's B-

  17. 1. Mike Meyers
    2. dk

  18. If Kelly Preston had shaved the carpet, there wouldn't have been any exposure, now would it?

  19. #2. ben "toupee" affleck?

  20. why did i think keneau reeves for 2?

    steve carel for one

  21. #2 Travolta.
    Got nuttin' yet for #1.

  22. Awww, I hope not Steve Carrell for #1.

  23. Don't know for #1, but I feel bad for them.

    #2 seems like Travolta.

  24. Carrell doesn't sound right to me since it has to be a network show.

  25. 1.) Steve Carrell, this blind just screams him.

    2.) Sounds like Travolta

  26. I thought Gary Sinise for number one.

    For number two, all I can say is that I wish I had that kind of money.

  27. #1 : "top ten film 3 different years"

    Regarding Steve Carell...
    2003: Bruce Almighty : #5
    2004: Anchorman: #30
    2005: The 40-Year-Old Virgin: #19
    2006: Little Miss Sunshine: #51
    2007: Evan Almighty: #28

    That might be stretching the notion of "top ten film" a little too far.

    Put me in the LOTR supporting actors club instead...

  28. What about Bill Paxton from Big Love for 1?

    Apollo 13

  29. Isn't Big Love on cable?

  30. Harriet-yes, it's on HBO.

    Sinise is a good guess.

    I'm not sure about Ransom being a top 10

  31. #1. rob lowe (austin powers movies)

  32. 1. David Spade
    2. Nic Cage

  33. What about Tim Allen for #1?

  34. No, it's Nic Cage for #2. Travolta no longer has any carpet anywhere in the house.

  35. 1. William H. Macy
    2. John Travolta

  36. Oops! Didn't see your comment Sarah.

  37. #2: What about Bruce Willis?

  38. Howie Mandel is obsessive and he admits so. He won't touch money. His wife has to touch it for him, or he uses his credit cards.

    Mike Meyers is this one. I'ver read other places that he is near a breakdown, and that he wants to come out as gay, but doesn't.

    #2 is Travolta. Hell I'd do it too if it wasn't such an inconvenience.

  39. ok, everyone agrees it is Cage. Yep he is a weirdo.

  40. Number two has to be Tom "Fuck Me Up The Ass" Cruise.

    Tom CRUISE. Get it?

  41. In the words of GG Allin, I kill everything I fuck.

  42. Not sure about #1, but for #2 Travolta was my first thought, too.

  43. I figured Johnny Depp for #1 --his 21 Jump Street show was on network and he made it a big hit. And all 3 Pirates films, too.

    I agree about Jude Law being #2.

  44. #2 is Jude Law. He is way too young to be losing so much hair and he is known to be whacked out.

  45. I don't see how the first blind screams Steve Carell. He seems by all accounts to be a normal square family man with no untoward issues. Plus, as the previously posted list indicates, his only top 10 movie is Bruce Almighty, not 3 top ten movies.

    Sean Astin is a better guess, but I think he is further down the celeb list, like a C rather than B, although his celebrity parents may up that ante. But what is his hit network show? I thought Mike Meyers, too, with the Austin Powers and Shrek movies, but I cannot search correctly to come up with his #1 movies.

    For #2, I thought Nic Cage but for some reason Nick Nolte came to mind as well: remember that mug shot with the crazy hair?

  46. Gary Busey for #2! That sounds just like him!

  47. Bad hair issues = Nick Cage

  48. not Cage. by def, he is an A lister. he opens big films and is an oscar winner.

  49. I really like the Bill Paxton guess for number one ... he seems just off-kilter enough for it to be believable.

  50. #1 -- Will Farrell. Was on SNL for years and has had 3 hit films in top ten -- Austin Powers (1999), Elf (2003), and Wedding Crashers (2005). He's a solid B list actor with great name recognition, but those SNL folks do tend to be quirky.

    #2 -- Travolta

  51. #1 - i guess jason bateman, not sure why, he just stuck out first

    works been so busy! it's so hard for me to get on & comment lately.

    & number two, i just don't time to think!!

  52. #1 jim carey
    #2 nic cage
