Thursday, May 01, 2008

Who Hasn't F**ked Amy Winehouse

At this point I think it would be simpler to just talk about people that Amy Winehouse hasn't had sex with. Even while Blaaaaaaaaaaaake wasn't in prison, Amy wasn't exactly the most chaste of women as reports indicated that she slept with Pete Doherty, female hookers and her drug dealers as well as many of Blaaaaaaaaaaaaaaake's friends.

Now with Blake behind bars, Amy is a little more free to pick and choose. OK, just choose, because she isn't picky. This week she has allegedly slept with her manager's assistant and now has finished off the Babyshambles by sleeping with the one member she somehow had missed in the past. Babyshambles guitarist Mik Whitnall has been bragging to everyone that he finally had sex with Amy.

I'm not sure I would be bragging about that or that there is anything special about it. At this point, I'm sure Amy is considering stealing one of those ticket taking machines you see at bakeries to bring some sort of order to the people who want to have sex with her and line up outside her house. Hey wasn't Prince Charles in her neighborhood recently? The reason she probably beat up those guys last week is they probably turned her down when she offered sex.

Anyone who would want to have sex with Amy at this point is just as crazy as she is. Someone just needs to grab her and throw her into a rehab center and then come get her in about six months. Don't let her out for weekends, holidays, family visits, or anything to do with performing. Just let her sit there and get better because I figure she has another month or two at her current pace before she is dead.


  1. She looks like she doesn't bother washing.

  2. Yeah, but luckily a lot of guys see past dirt and dumbness as long as there is an available hole.

  3. ew-- I just got an image of a beehive in a certain place, & now I feel nauseous. bleh!

  4. Adrian - them ain't bees crawlin' around in that mess!!!!!

  5. Sometimes when a picture of her is taken just right, she reminds me of the ape Zira from Planet of the Apes.

  6. its not as if the people who've been with her are at a top level above her!

  7. six degrees of STD's

  8. Amy. What kind of fuckery is THIS?

    damn girl needs to wash it and put it AWAY.

  9. She's not just sexually liberated. She's a f'n biohazard!

  10. Anonymous12:13 PM

    probably already has AIDS the way she has been going at it with drugs and sex partners.

  11. she must sleep with dirty dirty people for them to sleep with her! gross, swapping of dirt and stds, good time to be had by all.

  12. So she's the HIV+ singer from a few months ago, right?

  13. The way she's standing in the doorway like that, you can imagine shes saying, "Next"!

  14. Just for the record, what are the laws re: involuntary commitment in the UK? Would it be at all legally possible for her dad, being her next of kin, to have her hauled in and locked up for her own safety? I feel guilty even reading items about her, as she's so far gone now--right now, I'd say she's definitely got LiLo beat in the Dead Pools, and it's a damn shame, because (a) she's talented, and (b) she's a human being badly in need of help, damn it! *sigh*

  15. LOL @ adrian.

    Srsly tho, there has GOT to be a blind about her somewhere - I've seen that y'all have alluded to it. I think she needs a LOT of therapy - at least 2 decades of. And hugs.
