Monday, June 09, 2008

Anne Hathaway's Boyfriend Stealing From Kids Now

I'm not sure what kind of hold Anne Hathaway's boyfriend has over her, but it must be big. Something like photos with Anne and another woman or Anne and a basketball team going at it. I just don't understand how someone who from all outward appearances has it all together can continue being with a guy like this. Well, I take that back. I guess there are lots of people who stick out abusive relationships and Brittany Murphy's husband is no winner wither. At least Anne hasn't married her guy yet. Or has she? That would explain a great deal.

According to the NY Post, Raffaello Follieri's children charity is being investigated by the NY Attorney General because it has never filled out any of the forms required of charities. Anne used to sit on the board. She got off the board last year. Nice timing Anne. Because she got off the board her rep got all indignant with the Post wondering how Anne would know anything about crooked behavior if she wasn't on the board anymore.

Umm. How about she's f**king the guy huh? Maybe she noticed that for awhile he had stopped stealing from her purse and she asked him what was going on. He said that he had found a new way to get a few bucks. Start a charity with the noble purpose of providing vaccinations to children in 3rd world countries. Get a bunch of money from donors, go to Costco and but some Tylenol in bulk to ship to the poor kids for what ails them and pocket the difference.

Well, that's how I would do it. Follieri's lawyer says this all just a misunderstanding and routine. Kind of like the $215,000 check Follieri bounced earlier this year or the $1.3M he allegedly stole from some investors so he could afford his high flying lifestyle.


  1. Does anyone else find it ironic that Ent uses the term "I'm not sure what kind of "hold" Anne Hathaway's boyfriend has over her" - kind of reminds me of Lainey's How He Holds Her blind item.


  3. It's also ironic how Ent mentions they are not married...and maybe they are. Lainey said the subject of the blind is "waiting for the right time to cut him loose, while he keeps pressing to make their commitment more permanent."

    Now I'm definitely convinced the answer is Anne.

  4. hmm could be but i thought that one might be megan fox

  5. Nope - Megan Fox was the answer to Sick Week -

  6. im not reading anything into it other than he's a dick and a thief.
    don't be thrown by the fancy name Anne.
    although i will say she dings my gaydar.

  7. It seems sad that someone could use an abortion as a reason for blackmail. I'm guessing the reason for it was that she didn't want to have this prick's kid, if it indeed is Anne Hathaway.

  8. Anonymous12:02 PM

    Whether Anne is gay or not her bank account seems to be getting lower and lower.

  9. I don't think an abortion would shock too many people nowadays. There is so much worse going on.

  10. jax... wasn't there a rumor about Anne and Heather Matarazzo?

  11. Oh, wow... here I thought the whole time that the blind about the starlet who'd married her guy on a lark and now couldn't get rid of him was Jessica Alba. Perhaps Anne is not only How He Holds Her, but also the married on a lark chick. Damn. That would explain a lot.
