Monday, June 02, 2008

Daily Mirror Blind Item

Which Tv star refuses to come out of the closet because he's terrified what the shock might do to his elderly parents?


  1. Kiefer?

    Never got the gay vibe from him, but he does have elderly 'rents.

    I'm assuming elderly parents are also famous, but that's probably erroneous.

  2. wait, i like captivagrl's answer far better!

  3. anderson cooper?

  4. Anderson Cooper Dad is deceased so parents doesn't fit.

  5. This is a Daily Mirror BI, so I'm thinking it's probably someone on British TV.

    Are the parents of Ricky Gervais still alive?

  6. Anonymous10:35 AM

    and anderson's mom was a fashion designer, I don't think she's afraid of the gays

  7. Daily Mirror = British.

  8. I think we need to start a petition to change the title of these Daily Mirror posts. Something subtle, like maybe "DAILY MIRROR IS A BRITISH PUBLICATION SO THEREFORE THE GUESSES ARE PROBABLY BRITISH!!!!!" Phew...feel much better now.

  9. I was going to say David Tennant, but it says parentSSSS and his mum died last year I think.

    Could be anyone, there are tons of tv stars. Ricky Gervais??

  10. last time i was in london they did get american tv. crazy.

  11. HAAA, y'all are funny today!

  12. Gary Lucy form Footballer Wives, or Ben Price from the same

  13. shegundala, you are hysterical. I
    2nd your subtle headline.

  14. ^ What was funny about it? Y'all know the Mirror is British, you've been here long enough. It doesn't need a flashing light on it just cuz it's not American.

    Just accept it and move on.

    TV star with elderly parents...all of them.

  15. Uber'nought - shegundala's comment contained sarcasm - I like sarcasm therefore I found it funny. You didn't. The world continues to turn.

  16. I don't have a guess, but I always wonder about this. If someone is old enough to have elderly parents, they should be independent enough to deal if their parents disown them. And older people should be wise enough to know that life is short and a child's gayness is not such a big deal. But then again, I am lucky enough to be from an environment and generation where gayness is just another option.

  17. I still think it's Ricky Gervais. Thought he was an openly gay man for years!

  18. Ricky has been with the same girlfriend for many years. I don't think he's gay at all. This BI is way too vague - could be anyone!
