Monday, June 09, 2008

NY Daily News Blind Item

Which scoundrel politician has been carrying on an affair with a married socialite heiress for the past year, according to Miami dinner-party gossip?


  1. There's only one politician that truly qualifies a "Scoundrel"

    God, somebody neuter him, please.

  2. I don't know Brenda, I think "soundrel politician" is extremely vague. That'd be a long list, IMO.

  3. There's no way Bill is the only scoundrel politician as well as the fact that he's no longer a politician. I just have no idea on this one.

  4. Someone from Florida, no doubt. Miami dinner table gossip. If it was Slick Willy, it woudl be "New York dinner table" or "Washington dinner table". I don't think Bill has any connection to Miami.

  5. Come on, it's Florida! The other Bush brother who fiddled the election and gave W the White House. Dont come more scoundrel than that.

  6. Anonymous10:01 AM

    Bush came to mind when Florida was mentioned.

  7. From what I've heard, Bill is dicking around right and left, so I doubt he'd have a long-term affair with anyone.

  8. Governor Crist is the "scoundrel" and Darlene Perez kajillionaire-developer(and Donald trump buddy) Jorge Perez's spoiled-but-neglected wife...

  9. They carry on in Palm Beach, though, never here. Here, she's waaaay too connected. Besides, they get to use Mar-A-Lago in PBC.

  10. Who's the very pretty woman Gov. Crist has been photographed with?

  11. Who's the very pretty woman Gov. Crist has been photographed with?

  12. hi..longtime lurker. first time poster.

    Gov. Crist isn't married and she's divorced/separated plus he's rumored to by gay. I'm going with Jeb since he was carrying on with someone else when he was in office...

  13. It's Crist. He's a playboy and never thought anyone would blink about his personal life until McCain started sniffing in his general direction. Now he'll have to ditch her and find someone respectable to be Second Lady, and, isn't it so interesting, he just happens to be pretending to be serious with someone right about now.

  14. If it's Crist, he's planting stories to try to get everyone to believe he's not gay.

  15. There's only one politician that truly qualifies a "Scoundrel"

    Brenda, we'll all love and respect you in the morning but that statement is so wrong I can barely type. Let me help: they're ALL scoundrels.
