Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Purity Ring? What Purity Ring?

I've never been a big fan of the purity ring, and even less so when the wearer makes a big deal of it in public. Combine all that with the wearer being a celebrity and it just all gets to be a bit too much crap one has to wade through.

Purity rings aren't new by any means. I mean they were around when I was growing up and the people who were wearing them were not any more pure than a person not wearing them. The only difference was that the wearer usually had their parents fooled so if you were going to have sex with one you needed to do so someplace other than the wearer's house.

The fact that the three Jonas Brothers have gone out of their way to remind us repeatedly about their purity rings has been annoying. Not as annoying as Britney Spears repeatedly claiming she was a virgin, but close. The problem I have with the rings is that even if one of the guys does decide to have sex, do you think he is going to shout out to the world that he had sex with as much vigor as he has been proclaiming his abstinence? Hell no. He will keep wearing the ring and will be a raging hypocrite.

Hey, everyone is a hypocrite at some point, but all of their fans will see the rings and wonder how they can stay so pure while their fans cannot seem to. Their fans start feeling bad for themselves and think they are somehow inferior to the band, when in fact the band are running around getting laid left and right, but in order to keep their image, are pretending otherwise.

The reason I brought all this up is that one of the brothers, I believe it is Joe, although I don't know which one that is, gets all hot and bothered thinking of Cheryl Tweedy Cole Tweedy Cole.

"Oh my God, Cheryl Cole! All of Girls Aloud are beautiful but Cheryl is just like, wow!"

Yeah, let me know how long that whole purity thing lasts if Cheryl decided to do Joe Jonas. Cheryl standing there naked, and Joe Jonas reminding himself to be pure? Please give me a f**king break. After he has sex, do you think he will still proclaim his purity? F**k yeah which makes it all the worse. If you want to be pure or abstain, fine. Do what you will and what makes you feel good, but keep it to yourself. Just like you wouldn't run around calling yourself a slut, you don't need to advertise that you are Mr. Purity either.


  1. Oh, Enty, leave them alone. They are probably being directed by way too many handlers at this point. Blame them and their parents for not stepping in and making some changes. They're gonna get a couple more years of fame and then it's off to obscurity. And Nick marrying my daughter. That's what my daughter says, anyway.

  2. After Enty's sermon...

    And the church says, "Amen!".

  3. Methinks Enty needs to get out of the basement and get a little bit of lovin... There's only so much Rosie Palm one man can take... Hee!

  4. Purity rings just tell the world that the wearer is into oral - for the time being.

  5. The Jonas brothers make me feel old.

  6. amen EL amen...make your damn music and stfu...no one needs to hear your personal opinions on sex b4 marriage. if the fuckin Osmonds could do it then so can they.

  7. morality seriously is lacking with a lot of young kids. i cant believe how much they do these days and so young. so even if it is bs, its refreshing to see a more positive idol out there for them.

  8. Heard somewhere today that the brothers said they were going to marry young....

    So they can f*ck with impunity.

    Best part, no one could call them hypocrites. Pity the first wives, everyone. A terrible wedding night, the hatred from the prepubescent masses for "ruining" the brother, saggy tits from the babies, then shown the door when they decide to marry for love, not for sex.


  9. It's all in the marketing. They are supposed to appeal to 8-12 year olds.
    Parents like that no-sex stuff, & will buy their merchandise, whether it is true or not.

  10. Anonymous1:09 PM

    You know people who brag that they haven't had sex yet like Britney Spears when she was living with Gay Timberlake and Jessica Simpson when she was dating/engaged to her ex which turns out they were having sex is a bunch of BS.

  11. If I was one of the other two brothers, I would be pissed that I couldn't flat iron my hair too.

  12. I disagree that these kids ever meant to make a big deal of it. They were born into a culture that is into the rings so they happily, naively, joined in to something that seemed perfectly normal. Then they got famous (they did wear them before they were famous). They got asked questions, answered them honestly and then by the time reality sets in it was all too late (thanks to handlers who probably thought the rings would be a super cute distinction)...what are they going to do, flee from the fact of what they were doing with their lives, even if it was likely to turn out regrettably? Those rings are really just meant to get you past 18 without anybody getting pregnant, really.

    The Jonases deserve as much of a break as anyone else who makes a choice in their youth and they shouldn't have to apologize for it. The sad part is that now that they are becoming adults, no one will let them get away with saying "I'm an adult now and I've decided to change my mind, instead of doing exactly what my parents asked me to do when I was 13." Which is unfair and where the fuckupeddedness comes in. They are by far the least preachy of the mainstream Christian stars. When was the last time you saw them thank God,the Lord or Jesus on stage?
