Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Tatum O'Neal Is Full Of Crap

As I was reading the tabloids this morning, I noticed that each of them dropped to their knees and said, "of course Ms. O'Neal," as they opened wide. Tatum O'Neal has got them all saying that she didn't use and that the police saved her from her terrible demons. Therefore she is calling the police heroic and is so grateful they caught her before she could use.

While Kneepads and the others may believe her, I don't. Her excuse is that she was so shaken up by the death of her dog that she wanted to use. The dog died three weeks ago and apparently each day was worse and worse as she tried to deal with the grief of losing the dog. She says it was her trigger. This was of course after the cops refused to believe her story about the fact she was buying for a role she was playing, and the always popular do you know who I am line. So, now it is the dog dying. Uh huh. It may have well been, but most people who haven't used in years as she alleges, don't just wander off to the park and then buy as much as she was buying. I mean coke and crack? How about starting off slow on your return to drugs? Do you really need both? And so much of it at that? Were you planning on sharing? A little party perhaps?

Oh Tatum you are so fortunate that the cops got to you just in time. Tell them that in rehab. I heard you were headed there next. I'm sure they will also tell you how fortunate you are that you never lost your sobriety. You know what? All of the other people in rehab who were busted for drugs? It was their first time too.


  1. At least she didn't claim the drugs weren't her's.

    She screwed up, no two ways about it. I still wish her well.

  2. Good thing she held on to a ceack pipe for this kind of emergency.

  3. well they did point out she was holding a clean pipe and screen.
    lol oh addicts! so silly.

  4. Yes. And did you guys know everyone in jail is innocent? I bet you didn't! It's true! They'll tell you themselves!

  5. They did a SATC top ten last weekend and they showed an episode with cameo by Tatum the night before this happened...bizzare

  6. Of course she is lying. But considering her history, I can't seem to work up anything other than sympathy. Here's a woman trying to fill the big empty void that is her soul. I hope good things happen for her.

  7. Yeah, gotta agree, Tatum is one of those fuck-ups I always pull for. Any woman who has had to deal with Ryan O'Neal and Johnny Mac has had punishment enough.

  8. Another hopeless addict. I wish her the best, but if you're her age and still using hard drugs, the prospects are pretty bleak.

    But then again, if Robert Downey Jr. can finally get clean, there is some hope.

  9. p.s. She may want to keep in mind the next time something bad happens and she wants to use, the fact that she still has kids who have to be mortified right now at seeing mom on the front page of the Post in a squad car.

  10. Even worse than the obvious lying was the fact that she was clearly ecstatic to have all this press attention.

  11. You're right Mooshki, of course this is all good publicity.

    Hell, I didn't even know there was a show called Rescue Me but then vaguely remembered it after Googling.

    Every article about the bust stated she's talented in her role, the show is in it's fifth and sixth season, blah blah blah

    Every GD occurrence is another publicity stunt. Drugs for everybody!

    Or throw in a suicide or hit & run every now and then...
