Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Today's Blind Items

#1 - What does this female talk show host/ B list actress enjoy doing on her weekends more than anything? How about sitting in front of her television all weekend and ordering jewelery from home shopping channels. Thousands and thousands of dollars worth. And the funny thing is she doesn't really wear any, she just likes the shows and buying.

#2 - Despite reports to the contrary, what really broke up this celebrity couple was not interference but rather the fact that when our female got home one night her boyfriend was waiting for her. While she was digging for the keys in her purse, a torn condom wrapper came fluttering out. Considering she and her boyfriend didn't use condoms this was distressing to him, hence the breakup. Now any time he spends with her is just to get back at her and is not out of any kind of sense of love.


  1. Whoopi for one and Romo/Simpson for two.

  2. Jessica, jessica...

  3. definitely romo/simpson for 2

    "interference" ?? ent, you might as well have said "creepy papa joe added to the break up but didn't seal the deal for this couple"

    ugh my friend works at SNL and he told me when jessica simpson sang there she was in her (tiny) dressing room that was packed b/c of hairstylist/makeup artist/etc and papa joe refused to leave even when she was changing. what a creepster!


  4. I thought I heard Jess was two stepping out on him .. but cant remember with who ..

  5. Is Whoopi still B list?

    How about Ellen DeGeneres?

    Don't want #2 to be Jessica Simpson, because I believe that the blind a few weeks ago about the singer who likes to be choked during sex is her and the real reason she broke up with Romo.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I think Whoopi is still Blist because she won an Oscar....

  8. I think Whoopi is still Blist because she won an Oscar....

  9. Obviously everyone is on the same wavelength here

    Jessica S

  10. Does Tempestt Bledsoe still have a talk show? Vanessa Huxtable is a LEAST B-list, right?

    Nah. I'd say either Rikki Lake or Whoopi for the first one. I think Whoopi is pretty A-List, though. And she doesn't strike me as the cubic zirconia type, but Enty alluded to the fact that it's the shopping itself that she enjoys, not the actual items.

    WAAAAH. What a SAAAAD addiction compulsive shopping is! Cry me a fucking river and donate that money to orphans or some shit, please. GUH. That amount of self-pitying materalism makes me want to hork.

    2) Totally Jessica. Wow. Way to cover your tracks, homegirl.

    But why would Romo put UP with that? There are too many stories surrounding this couple, and it's tragic that I actually care.

  11. I think it's safe to say the Purity Pledge
    is not a smart route

    every girl I know who was raised in that Christian Chastity Circle has turned into the biggest Ho on earth and seems incapable of maintaining any relationship.

  12. 1# could be Kelly Ripa too.

    2# I would assume Jessica Simpson but I wish it was Jessica Biel instead. Horseface!

  13. No, it's Whoopi because she talked about this obsession on the View.

    I think it's a scream coz she doan wear no jewelry.

    #2? who cares..

  14. If #2 is Romo/Simpson that's more information than I EVER wanted to know...ugh.

    But how is it getting back at her by spending more time with her?

    That part I don't quite understand...

  15. Tyra for #1 and Romo/Jessica for #2
    I swear that Jessica would screw up a free BBQ. Run Romo run! I am sure that when the break up "happens" it will be the whole-she is working on the album and he is away too much with his team.
    Jessica just needs to stop.

  16. Yeah I have nothing to add here.

  17. So does this mean that Tony/Jessica or whover are having unprotected sex?
    Seriously--after John Mayer? Forgetting about STD's or worse, how about an "unplanned" pregnancy?

  18. In this day and age I'm just boggled by this statement "Considering she and her boyfriend didn't use condoms"

    So either they both already have an STD or they are really dumb fucks?!?!?!?!

  19. elle,

    He's probably getting back at her by calling her a worthless whore every second they spend together.

  20. Anonymous1:49 PM

    adrian - if she's on the pill, little (3 in 1000 chance of failure) chance of pregnancy. But as many STDs are floating in LA County, I'd be bagging anything.

  21. DN-- I put "unplanned" because if it is Jessica, I coud see her & Daddy planning an "accident" to hook him. You know, being a good Christian, she would NEVER consider an abortion!
    And I don't care how effective the pill is, they should still be taking precautions for STD's. Even Spitzer's hooker had enough brains to use a condom.
    And, if she was on the pill, why would she use a condom with someone else? Maybe she just said she is on the pill to get him to sleep with her unprotected, but doesn't want to risk pregnancy with someone else.

  22. adrian, that's an ewww shudder kind of thought. I know women really do that crap but that's some lowdown hodown kind of shit to pull imo. I don't put it past pimpa and ho though. Hell, I don't put it past ho and pimpa to make the baby together and try to blame Romo. ACK!!! Mental Picture Be Gone!!!

    I don't watch the View but Whoopi seems to be the popular guess so I'll go with Whoopie ENT for $1000. :)

  23. Ha Ha Rhianna--you think Pimpa had that little talk with Ashlee, & dhe took his advice? She is now Mrs. Wentz, with a bun in the oven.

  24. Well, I'm proof that that .3% chance of getting pregnant on the pill happens... Twice in my case... Fun times! (well, that's what got me in 'trouble' in the first place anyway...) LOL!

    Yeah, Whoopie admitted to this herself a few weeks ago on The View.

    And, well,... SCREAMS Jessica.

  25. why would they use condoms? if you in it long enough to have sex and go on vacation then shes was prob on the pill. i dont thin kid date anyone that i suspected was carrying a STD.

    its 2008, get tested b4 a new partner(s).

  26. The first one isn't even a blind. Whoopi actually discussed this for about five to ten minutes on a recent episode of The View.

    The second one isn't that blind either. Slow news day?

  27. I went to an event last year in NYC and a gift from Whoopi was unwrapped and it was very expensive. I was told that she burns through money like water and that everyone on her show got very, very expensive Xmas gifts. So I'm going with her.

  28. I think it's pretty common practice to stop using condoms in a serious relationship when both parties are supposed to be monogamous, thus the pill is all that is needed (to prevent pregnancy). If that were the case, a conscientious cheater would use a condom with his or her fling to prevent STDs. Seems to make sense.

    But it does sound like Simpson/Romo.

  29. @jax: right, after both parities are tested

  30. I swear that Jessica would screw up a free BBQ.

    That's the funniest thing I've heard all day.

  31. my ex worked at a recording studio and said he heard jessica and john mayer fucking in the bathroom. she was still married to nick then. 2 months later they were over and her and mayer were a couple soon after.

    jessica is a tramp.

    i want that whole choking thing to be true....

    so if it was not simpson and romo with the choking thing then who?

    this does seem romo and simpson

    but i like the jessica and justin thing too

  32. us weekly is saying there back together and about to be engaged i guess time will tell and i agree with others, it is not unusual to stop using condoms if dating awhile and in a supposed monogomas relationship. and if cheating in la the person would hopefully at least use a condom.

  33. i was watching tihs movie, teeth, last night...and i thought of Jessica. I felt kinda bad. Especially its more Paris with the teeth down there...

  34. HA Teeth was fun. LOL

    moosefan - first talk show host I thought of was Tyra, too. But if Whoopi actually said she DOES this (and I have to trust you guys since I'd rather rip out my eyelashes one by one than watch that..."show") then I guess it's gotta be Whoopi. Though I wouldn't be surprised if it was Tyra ;)

    Yeah, probably Jess. Poor thing is such a disaster.

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. 'any time he spends with her is to get back at her' that one by me again? the point of this is what exactly?

  37. Regarding an old Blind Item:

    Thursday, October 18, 2007
    Today's Blind Items

    This married, aging, raspy, B list television and film actor who uses a fake name as his stage name had to file for bankruptcy in the past month when he ended up losing most of his money in a hedge fund in which he had invested heavily. Unable to meet some margin calls, he had to get a mortgage on both of his homes which had been completely paid off. He also had to sell many of his prized collector's items, but in the end he just couldn't get it all together and was forced to declare bankruptcy. Look for him to be almost everywhere in the next year as he attempts to start trying to build back his fortune. A male talk show host was also involved in the same fund, but had enough personal assets that he made it through ok.

    I think we know who the male talk show host is now:

  38. #2 George Clooney's ex?

  39. If #1 is Whoopi, than EL mis-listed her. she won an oscar for ghost-- doesn't that make her A-list? I thought Kelly R

  40. On which planet is Tyra a B list actress? Jeez, people, read all the clues, k?

  41. #1 kinda sounds like something Kelly Ripa might find amusing....

    #2 "interference" ? Oh, yeah. gotta be a girl involved with a football player, and i haven't heard that Tom & Gisele are dunzo, so I'm on the J. Simp bus here.

    BTW, there's a restaurant here called "Barbecue Beach" and its logo is of a girl-piglet dressed as Jessica Simpson in the "Daisy Duke" phase on a surfboard. I swear, that little piglet looks like Jessica. It's not even an insult, I'm just tellin' ya, she looks like the "Surfing Daisy Duke Piglet" from the Barbecue Beach logo.....

  42. I'm gonna go with Tyra again for #1...


  43. THANK YOU, Ragdoll! I was furiously skimming the responses for someone who picked up on the football "interference" inference. (say that ten times fast).

    At least we know Jess doesn't liter! I suppose that's a point in her favor, and that she can always go after Woodsy Owl after Romo does the final dump. beat me with my baseless assumption by using a real life reference. I figured the excess CZ would make really nice gifts, particularly to "industry" peeps.

  44. 'any time he spends with her is to get back at her' that one by me again? the point of this is what exactly?

    Well, assuming that it's Jess/Romo (and yep, I was skimming to see if anyone picked up on 'interference' too, flora) I'm betting that it's referring to break-up sex. He has no intention of getting back with her even though she is probably really, really sorry! And every time they are together, even if they aren't having sex, the time he spends with her gives her that much more false hope that they can work things out.

    I read it as his way of cutting her with the same knife she used on him. And that is the saddest part because he probably wouldn't take the time to even go to that extreme if he didn't love her at some point. I can only imagine how sad Joe must feel, bleh.

    If the blind is them, Jess has some serious problems. I think she really loved Nick but she couldn't be faithful. I think she actually loves Romo for more than just a meal ticket, but again she couldn't be faithful. What gives?

  45. Jess has been indoctrinated by her father from childhood that her only value is all tied up with sex.

    A youth minister in my old neighborhood reminds me of Joe - teen girls at his house all day long and his wife dresses just like them, in her daisy dukes and belly shirts. Christians, indeed!

    Oh, and Pimpa Joe would race his girls to the abortion clinic if that pregnancy interfered with his income in any way.

    Ashley is the rebel in that family. I can't imagine they embraced Wentz when he showed up in eye liner and skinny girl jeans. Ash hasn't been photographed with a family member in a looooong time. And getting knocked up when she should be promoting her new album must kill her dad.

  46. 'any time he spends with her is to get back at her' ...

    Not to be crude before 7 AM, but maybe it is a reference to anal? She is supposed to be quite willing, & the "back" fits. Just thinking.

  47. OoooOOOhhhHHH my God. Tony Romo is the biggest douchenozzle EVer if he's playing Jess like that! Simply using her for break-up bootknocking is bad enough, but the emotional manipulation of dangling the relationship carrot or whatever in front of her face? DIABOLICAL. Well, if she DID cheat on him, perhaps she deserves it?

    I don't get it. I've never cheated, personally. In my current relationship, I've never felt the urge, and I'm too basically too lazy to go to the massive trouble infidelity must entail, anyway.

    Alright. So I guess the first one is Whoopi, though I'm proud to admit that I don't watch any daytime T.V. and am not really up on my hosts. Who are the other hos on The View right now? I can't abide by that show, man. It drives me insane.

    Kelly Ripa is an actress, though. She was pretty good when she hosted SNL. Cocaine cereal, anyone? Has anyone mentioned her?

    The closest thing Tyra's done in terms of acting were her George Michael video appearances back when she was still basically a BABY in the early nineties and Naomi wanted to scalp her or something.

    Anyway, TB is notoriously stingy, and has even admitted as such in print. The chick in this blind sounds like the antithesis of Tyra. I mean, Tyra gave her staff McDonald's cheeseburgers instead of BONuses. How deliciously bitchy of her. And cheap. She doesn't strike me as a compulsive shopper, but Whoopi is super weird and dresses like your average Wacky High School Choir Teacher or something. I can see her doing this.

  48. Kat and Ragdoll -- whoops. Shoulda read your comments before I posted this one. That's five wasted minutes thinking/typing. DAMMIT!

  49. oh, ADRIAN, and before I've had any coffee or anything!!!! Damn!!

    ....but I agree with you, too, about the possibility that "get back" has to do with her rep for, uh..."that act"

  50. Ragdoll. there was a blind a few years back--don't remember where I saw it, about a popstar who technically kept her prized virginity by allowing anal--I had taken that to be Nick & Jess. This was when she was considered a singer of some sorts.

  51. Wow...Jess is turning out to be a bigger mess than I ever imagined.

    Who cheats and keeps a used condom wrapper in her purse?

    Dumb, Dumb, Dumb.

    Maybe Poppa Joe doesn't know the whole reason why T&J broke up, and talked to Tony to try and "smooth things over".

    Tony decides to spend evenings out with Jess knowing that it will hurt her. But, Joe "Matchmaker" Simpson doesn't know that his baby daughter is a whore who cheated on her high-profile beau.

    I'm sure Joe wanted them to stay together through the promotions of Jess' country album.

  52. Adrian--

    Yep. That's the "rep" I remember, too. The "technical virgin" -BJ's and backdoor. And how sad is it that I can tell you that I'd bet my life that I read it on "3 A.M. Girls" back before they changed everything up....

  53. 1- Kelly Ripa
    2- Who would want to f*ck Jess? Gotta be someone else

  54. What's 3 AM Girls?

  55. adrian--

    they were a bunch of british gossip writers whose site went to hell after they got into trouble for printing some famous DJ's cellie number (forgive me for not knowing the DJ. I'm not into that kind of music. I only know, like, Samantha Ronson and DJ AM and people like that, for the obvious reason of who they date)

  56. I never saw that one, but I do try to figure out who Popbitch is referring to every week--those British Ce;ebs are hard to figure.
