Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Drew Barrymore Finishes Playing With Her Toy

I think all of us could see this one coming from the first time that Drew Barrymore and Justin Long went out. In what should not come as news to anyone, Drew Barrymore's publicist told the world yesterday that Drew and Justin were done. Well considering that most toys break long before this, I'm actually surprised that she held on this long. Justin presumably has a busted heart. See, Justin thought this was going to be more than just a dating thing. Every time I saw a photo of the two of them together you could just see the puppy dog expression on his face and know this was going to end badly.

To me, and to anyone that I talked to about this, they could all see what apparently Justin could not. Drew was just out to have fun and Justin wanted more. It doesn't have to be a celebrity relationship. I'm sure that all of you see this everyday. It is what happens when someone makes an emotional commitment and the other person doesn't. Justin fell hard and is probably crushed. Drew, on the other hand is probably looking for another guy as we speak and is going to have some more fun.

I think this is pretty similar to the Kate Hudson and Owen Wilson situation. Kate was in the having fun mode and Owen was in the lovestruck, and then get heart crushed kind of mode. I don't think and certainly hope that Justin will not react the same way, but I also have lost a little respect and love for Drew.

I think that if all of us could see this coming, that Drew herself should have known it was happening and maybe distanced herself from it or found a new plaything before it got this far. I also am wondering, and perhaps speculating whether Drew is changing as a person. It seems as if every time we see a photo of her when she is not on a set that she is drinking, and I wonder if this is maybe the reason she had blinders on when it came to Justin's feelings.

I'm totally Team Justin on this one.


  1. They looked so cute together-- I was hoping it would work for them, but Drew doesn't really have a great relationship record.

  2. She is addicted to the thrill and rush of a new relationship, and when things shift into "normal" mode, like they always will, then she's lost. You can't sit around making out with someone 24 hours a day, hoping everyone will see how "in love" you are

  3. She is addicted to the thrill and rush of a new relationship, and when things shift into "normal" mode, like they always will, then she's lost. You can't sit around making out with someone 24 hours a day, hoping everyone will see how "in love" you are

  4. I'm getting sick of this double posting. Pretty sure I only hit that button once.

  5. isn't her buddy Cameron Diaz a serial dater too?

  6. It would be a wonderful world if everyone could be very aware of everyone else's feelings, but that's just not the way things work. I wouldn't be too harsh on her. Sometimes you try to convince yourself that you'll like them more later. Or you tell them 59 million times that you don't want something serious and think they understand. And they don't. So you finally end it. And you are a hag because you didn't do it sooner.

    Hmmmm.... I must be a serial dater. Oops.

  7. lol Kara...I agree with you. Sometimes people think they can change you "this is different" and people believe what they want to believe....

    I have no problem with serial daters - just don't want to date one...lol...

  8. brendalove, I agree.

    Eh, he'll get over it.

  9. My gut is that she and her buddy Cammy are serial daters with GUYS for a reason...

    Me too, Ent. I feel badly for Justin--super talented guy. Loved him since Galaxy Quest, glad he is successful. Deserves a great gal, hope he finds one.

  10. Well, since I've been told many times that I look like her (well, at least when I was younger & thinner), I can't really think bad of her.

    But anyways, haven't we all had similar relationships? The ones that really work are the ones that have both parties on equal emotional footing. But that's very rare, at least in my experience.

  11. If you started to like people surrounding less every time they break up with someone, you'd probably end up with no-one left to like at all. People break up with people for a reason. And nobody but the two parties involved will ever know what was really going on.
    So no reason to lose respect for Drew.

  12. i saw him at chipole in bev center and he was checking me out hard ( i didn't notice my friend did) she was all, the mac guy is hawking you. he was with drew a month or two later. he's horribly skinny in person, but aren't they all?

  13. drew is a serial dater and shes been married twice already. she always looks in love with everyone. cruel but not unexpected given her track record. she is in the public eye so he should have known better.

  14. i feel bad for the guy..he finally gets the girl and she dumps him to go whoring with Cammy.

    girls who serial date are fucked up,its innatural.

  15. but it is ok for males celebrities to serial date from women to women and thats ok cause there guys.....there doing the same thing in my book. or does it make people uncomfortable because she is a girl and doing that. even though i could care less about sarah larson everyone was hating on her yet clooney came out smelling like roses.

  16. Meh. I'm still a serial dater and fine with it. I tell everyone I don't want a serious relationship. If it seems like they can't handle it - I leave. Sometimes they do a pretty good job of acting like they're okay with it when they're not.

    I'm supposed to be more responsible with their emotions than they are? What if he lied to her? What if he was the one saying he was fine when he wasn't?

    I agree with whoever said it takes two in a relationship and only they know what happened between them. IMHO.

  17. I am a serial dater too and one day hope to be married but I am fairly young and if something starts to bug me I break up. Most people do this, some more then others. From the 90's-Don't hate the player-hate the game.

  18. there is a big difference with dating around for girls..thats all good. i am talking about serial daters who date around to get that loved up feeling and then crash when reality kicks in as Brenda said.

    girls and guys are wired different so it means totally different things when the behavior is coming froma female.

  19. I may be wrong, but a few weeks ago I read that Justin was seen out and about with a female not Drew. I thought it was over then, now I see this 'announcement.'

    Maybe it just took this long to come out.

    Also on Team Justin

  20. what a completely ignorant, sexist comment Jax.

  21. @ thegoldensockpuppet

    May sound ignorant and sexist, but doesn't make it untrue. Men and women are differnt. I don't understand why women have spent the last 40 years trying to get men to show their sensitive side and on the flip side having women act like men in relationships? Maybe it should just be the way it was ment to be. And yes I am a woman.

  22. Newsgrrl, I heard the opposite that Drew was at the Viper room holding hands with a guy but then everyone found out it was Justins brother. Made me think something was up.

    Mac, I am a woman too. Clue me in. What exactly do you mean by the way it was meant to be? Like to hear this one. So old school, sheesh

  23. My heart breaks for Justin.. Drew's a slag.

    It totally sucks when you are being played. When you are the one who loves deeply and it turns out you are just a plaything - Damn. Totally feeling his pain.

    Hope he can get over her soon and start to feel better. Not to go all teeny bopper .. but Love does suck at times.

  24. I dunno. I kinda feel bad for him in that we could all see it coming and he was obviously hoping it wouldn't go the way 100% of her relationships go. On the other hand, do we feel bad for any of Clooney's exes? Hell no. They should've known. He should've known. *shrug*

  25. Wait.... Justin Long was the kid in "Galaxy Quest"???? How come I never realized that?????

    /hits self on head

  26. I feel bad for him as well. He has a sweet nature almost vulnerbility about him that yeah Drew probably should have looked out for. But do we even know for sure she broke things off, maybe were jumping the gun and he broke up with her.

  27. Kimi, this is the blog I read about that I referred above to Justin and while I don't read that blog much, one I do sent me there... I would still take it with a bit of salt... but I dunno. http://preview.tinyurl.com/6cstrs

  28. I have no problem with the serial daters of either gender, as long as they're up front with the people they date. I feel like too many people stay in relationships that aren't working, so bravo to people who end things if they aren't right. They weren't married, so no biggie.

  29. can totally empathize with Justin.

  30. My whole problem/annoyance with this is that it was Drew (her publicist most likely) who got them on the cover of a bunch of mags saying, "Drew Is In Love" -- everyone knew it wouldnt last, especially since she was sitting on his lap in every pic etc -- i wouldnt be suprised if he actually dumped her -- she seems very clingy and co-dependant with every guy she dates, insecure

  31. Poor bastard. He was totally in his own Seth Rogan film where the runty, nerdy guy gets to keep the beautiful Hollywood princess just because he's a nice guy. I hope his friends prepared him adequately for the inevitable breakup, but I doubt it.

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. ... I thought Justin Long was G_Y? After all... he *did* publicly "date" the now acting-"career"-'DEAD' Brittany Anne Murphy around y2k. Google it up for pics.

    ... THAT was most certainly an'OTHER' FAKE "relationship" of Brittany's way back then... being She was "secretly "Em"volved with" *a certain Detroit cRapper CRETIN* at the time... and like Her 'RICWB' "co-star" Drew B., Britt's mucho "Bi" HerSelf.

    9:59 AM

  34. WAY too blanket a statement to be true. Sorry, but coloring all men with a single brush stroke is wrong, as is all africans, as is all Jews....those are the stereotypes you hold near and dear, I understand that, and those kinds of things are usually started by a kernal of truth, but in the end, those kinds of sweeping blanket statements do more to reveal your prejudices than reveal any truth about humanity.

    But if you want to expose yourself in that light, be my guest.
