Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Kathie Lee Gifford Is Your Moral Authority

I didn't know that hosting the 8th hour of the Today show each morning also came with the right to be the moral authority for the world. If I had known it was that sweet of a job, I might have taken it. Not that they were offering, but still, to have that kind of power. Nice.

See, Kathie Lee Gifford has in her own obnoxious kind of dingbatty way started expressing her opinions on everything from what soap works best, to what religion you should practice. See, the thing is that the world is very hypocritical and Kathie Lee knows that and takes advantage of it.

Last week was wedding week on Today and so as usual the show sent Kathie to be with the people, because there is nothing more painful or humorous to watch than Kathie Lee Gifford dealing with "everyday people." Oh, she pretends to be an everyday person, but you can just see how uncomfortable any interaction with someone not working for her makes her. This whole being with people and interacting them, is causing her to waste more water than Celine Dion in an effort to get clean.

Anyway, last week, she was posing questions to members of a wedding party. They were multiple choice and in one of them, Pagans were referenced. Kathie Lee immediately called them the "nasty, bad pagans." Umm. Last time I checked, Paganism was an official religion and entitled to nonprofit status from the IRS.

Who made Kathie Lee the moral arbiter of the world? What if Kathie Lee was a pagan and referred to Christians or Jews or Muslims that way. I don't think they would be too happy. What if it had been Scientologists she had called nasty. Wow, Tom Cruise would have been back in Matt Lauer's face quicker than Paris Hilton smiles for a millionaire.

I'm not a pagan, but I know I have readers who are. As far as I know, Kathie Lee has not been forced to apologize or issued a statement saying she misspoke. So, no big deal right? Well, depends on if you are a pagan, or if you think that Kathie Lee will now be emboldened knowing there are no consequences and move to the next item on her morality agenda. To be proud of who you are or what you believe is one thing, but to demean something you are not is quite another.

NBC and Kathie Lee should apologize. If you don't want to watch the entire clip, she goes off on pagans at 4:44.


  1. I for one am an avid reader of Ent, and a long time Pagan. KathyLee is an idiot. What she says means nothing to me.

  2. While not a pagan, I have a lot of connection with the various religions that make up Pagaism. Why? Because I think it's one of the only world religions that is fairly compatible with science. There ARE forces guiding the universe, in paganism and science. Science and pagaism strive to harness these forces. Pagans are cool!

  3. Well, I am not that surprised.

    If Oprah did a show about how pagans are nasty, bad people, I would be upset. Kathie Lee's comment is the equivalent (IMO)of Paris Hilton calling pagans "not hot". Pffft.

  4. Thanks EL. I'll add this to my list of reasons to not like KLG.

  5. I agree with Ayesha. I'm a pagan and Kathie Lee's an airhead. Her opinion means NOTHING to me or our religion.

  6. I agree, she's a moron. But it bothers me that she's allowed to push her opinions on people while getting paid what I'm sure is a ridiculous amount of money.

  7. This seems a little hypocritical after all the nasty things ENT has said about Scientologists.

  8. I'm not a pagan, but I think if I were one, I wouldn't give a good GODDAMN what kathie lee gifford has to say about it.
    stfu kathie lee, doesn't cody need his diaper changed or something?

  9. There's nothing 'nasty' or 'bad' about paganism. Many people know nothing about it, and just allowing a commentator (however dippy) get away with saying that will leave that impression in people's minds.

    Yes, she should apologise, and maybe follow up with a spot on the show about paganism.

    Carolmr - Scientology is a dangerous, mind-manipulating money-grabbing cult. Look into the definition of 'cult' and you will see it fits right in. Paganism is a 'nature' religion with a long history.

  10. The anti-scieno movement is about the illegalities of the "religion", which holds people prisoner, murders, pays well below minimum wage, and separates families. They can believe in Xenu for all I care, but the other stuff must stop.

  11. Who is Kathie Lee Gifford?

  12. Anonymous11:57 AM

    I saw it up to the part where she makes her stupid comment. I guess she has something against the Pagans to be making that comment.

    I think she should have kept her comments to herself.

  13. Well, I'm sure she'll shut up once someone whispers 'Anita Bryant' to her.

    But in the meantime, she's not a blip on my radar. She's way too self-righteous.

  14. She may be an unimportant little gnat to us, but she's also a media personality who is watched by a couple hunnert thousand people each day.

    It takes a minute to email NBC.


  15. I'm just really confused as to why she would consider Pagans 'nasty'. I mean, really. They worship the earth - how is that nasty??

  16. dirt is GROSS, big sur!!!!


  17. Kathie Lee Gifford is totally irrelevant.

    That said, I'd love to see her grovel a bit.

    (Where's the argument about whether Christians are the victims or perpetrators of religious intolerance?)

  18. Speaking as someone who was at the forefront in getting Wicca and Paganism declared a religion in the eyes of the IRS and the State of Georgia, you better believe I'll be dusting off my soapbox.
    I might be one of only a few voices but I for one got one big damn mouth.

  19. well to play the otherside--for real, doesn't she have freedom of speech?

    she's on a very unscripted daytime tv show and is being paid to interivew and give her personal commentary on a wide variety of issues.

  20. ITA, Blah. Nasty, bad Kathie Lee. She is to judge no one.

  21. Nasty, Bad exploiter of children for personal gain in the sweatshops!

  22. Wow. When will people learn to watch what they say? (Okay, I'm known for putting my foot in my mouth, too).

  23. Lulu:
    If it's a Freedom of Speech issue, then why was Imus ostracized for his commentary?
    Or, back in the day, Howard Cosell and Jimmy the Greek?
    Surely the same argument applies?
    Just sayin'....

  24. She's the modern-day equivalent of Anita Bryant & her gay-bashing remark.

    Can we shoot her now, please? People like her & Elizabeth Whatsherfuck give me hives.

  25. When Chelsea Handler went on the
    dreaded 7th hour to promote her book she and Kathy really went at it over alcohol etc in the snarkiest most fakest way. It was great.Kathy must have viewed Chelsea getting her late nite diggs into her brand of B.S. earlier in the week.
