Thursday, July 03, 2008

Lainey Blind Item

First fellow has been the subject of gay speculation for years. He’s had the luxury of hiding behind those with a higher profile and then later in obscurity while others have dominated the smutty landscape. Not that it would matter either way but it’s been decided for the greater good by committee that he remain vague about the fact that he likes boys better than girls.

Vague is better than fraud. And picking up in Gaytown is much better than doing it 70s style in the forest like George Michael. Now that he’s single, having broken up with a longterm boyfriend, with whom he was living openly back home, he was seen at 2am very recently in an area where the homos hang, propositioning a male acquaintance to join him back at the hotel. Unfortunately he had his signals crossed. The object of his sleepover was not interested.

Second fellow is a full on fraud, and it would appear that his now defunct relationship was an attempt to cover a close friendship that was tingling all our smutty senses. The man who made him has since leaked several stories to make sure his female fanbase doesn’t defect. Which is why, the next night across town at the afterparties, he felt secure enough to make out hard and wet, boogie and get down, with a boy rather light on his feet, in more ways than one, but much less famous. Now he and Britney have something in common.


  1. Anonymous11:02 AM

    Wentworth Miller #1

  2. #1 - JC Chasez
    #2 - Chace Crawford
    #3 - Ed Westwick

  3. I forgot where I read it, but on #2 it was pointed out that the 'boy rather light on his feet' must obviously be Wade Robson (that would be what number #2 and Brit have in common). But I have no clue who #2 actually is. Not sure that I care, at this point it would be more interesting to write a blind about the five people left in H'wood who are still straight than all the rest who are "secretly" bi/gay.

  4. #2 is Kenny Chesney, as in grounds for annulment: fraud. There have been multiple items about him recently that seemed publicist-leaked.

  5. Wade Robson? The guy who broke up Justin and Britney?

  6. i'm totally lost on this one, so i'm going with janele's wonderful guesses!

  7. Oh, and the "close friendship that was tingling all our smutty senses"? That was Peyton Manning. So many people thought they were an item. Apparently they spent a lot of time at Kenny Chesney's place in the Virgin Islands together, and some people said they were often very touchy-feely with each other.

  8. Yep janele, that's the one. Of course said site where I read the comment could be wrong. But with that supposed hint, it did make sense. "Much less famous" implies that the guy does have a little fame, just not much. Wade is well-known for a choreographer (oh, and for being the guy who broke up Justin and Britney), but that hardly equals being household name.

  9. Uh, my first thought was Anderson Cooper for number one. I obviously have NO idea what Lainey is talking about here. This is as convoluted as one of Ted's idiotic blinds.

    Am I the only person who's bored to tears by blinds that supposedly *out* people?

  10. Yeah gayla, I wish someone would out those five straight people. But they might be as horribly mistreated in HW as gay people have been in the rest of the world.

  11. If number 2 is Kenny Chesney, this:

    The man who made him has since leaked several stories to make sure his female fanbase doesn’t defect.

    could include the story that he'd rather have people think he's gay than think he cheated with a female groupie.

  12. Yep, that's the first one I thought of, Leslie.

    I'm ashamed to admit this, but I'm not yet bored by blind items that supposedly out people. I don't like the ones that are so generic they could be half of Hollywood, but the more specific ones still grab my attention, though they probably shouldn't.

  13. Put me on the side of the ledger that says "Huh?"

    acetomato- everytime someone says Wenty is gay, I die a little death. Of course, considering I more often than not have an attraction to "masculine" gay men I cannot rely on my gaydar for that one.

    Having said that, the only reason I doubt it was him is- who the heck would turn THAT down? I'd cut off my tits and wear an Oscar Meyer if he'd come and play with me...well, maybe not that extreme, but almost. :)

    Ernestine- no, "outing" is so 80s. It's not just you.

  14. Anonymous11:38 AM

    Kenny Chesney looks very gay. But than again I guess 99% of hollywood actors/actress are gay/b.

  15. #2 Tobey Macquite (sp?) tingling smutty i.e. spidy senses....

  16. This one has been around for a while:

    1. JC Chasez -- hid behind Justin, then Lance Bass came out and also redirected focus away from him. He had a long term BF.

    2. Chace Crawford -- rumored to have been "buddies" with JC; this blind also suggests that Chace hooked up with Wade Robson, who is rumored to have previously hooked up with Britney and ruined her relationship with Justin.

    All's fair in love and whores ...

  17. Lainey talks about things making her "smutty senses" tingle all the time. It's just a stupid phrase she made up that she's hooked on so it probably doesn't have anything to do with Spiderman.

  18. I'm going with the JC Chasez guess for number one.

    (And I'm posting way too much. Sorry.)

  19. When I first read this, I immediately thought #1 was JC Chasez, except I couldn't figure out who his long-term, live-in boyfriend would be, since he lives with his brother. Adopted, but I'm pretty sure that NOT a boyfriend.

    I don't know that Wade makes sense for the makeout partner of #2, either, because Wade is married. He could be bi, obviously, and he did screw Britney when he and Justin were BFF so it's not like he has morals... oh, okay, it could totally be Wade. But the Britney reference could just be for her tendancy to date people much less famous than her. Also: K-Fed was a dancer as well.

  20. how about george clooney for #2 and that italian guy who has been pictured with him a number of times- most recently at a dinner with him and renee z while they were in italy?

    and the rumor for the female fanbase... how georgie already moved on prior to kicking sara to the curb...

  21. Cannot be Kenny - Lainey ruled him out. Also ruled out Ricky Martin, Ryan Seacrest, Robbie Williams, Jude Law, Orlando Bloom, Mike Myers, John Travolta, Justin Timberlake. JC Chasez sounds like a good one for #1.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Shoot. That was the first time I thought I had one right.

  24. Andrea- I don't think that the Britney reference means that the person in question is within six degrees of Britney Spears or has anything to do with her.

    The Britney reference- as the blind was written- can go two ways (huh-huh, get it? Swings both ways. {knee slap} Oh, slay me!)

    "The man who made [him] has since leaked several stories", which I thought Shady Lufti for Britney's "manager"/"keeper" who had a symbiotic relationship with the paparazzi.

    The second is that the person in question went for someone somewhat "below" them in celebrity stature. Probably like Britney going for her backup dancer, marrying him, and birthin' his babies.

    Susannah Leigh- you've still posted less than I have for the past 24 hours, so I think you're safe. :)

  25. I also think 2nd guy is Clooney.

  26. Lainey hinted that at least one of the boys is a boy-bander (ie) "Close…but without so much world flavour." So I think JC works for #1.

    For #2/3. . .is one of the Gossip guys any more famous than the other? That could be the relationship that has everyone's smutty senses tingling, #3 is someone considerably less famous.

    Possibly the event referred to is the MuchMusic Video Awards. Timing is about right and I think the program that Lainey works for covered it. Not sure about #2, but how about Blake McGrath for #3? Somewhat famous via his reality shows and he was at the MMVA. #3 is clearly a dancer with the "light on his feet" and also the Britney reference (I think this just means getting it on with a back-up dancer like Brit did with K-Fed).

  27. In regards to the outing blind items, whenever my friends disbelieve me when I tell them that so and so is probably gay and they get so shocked and upset, I tell them to think of the drama people they went to high school with, then it begins to make more sense to them.

  28. Anonymous3:01 PM

    Flora ROFL - Wentworth Miller is pretty appealing, must say. I've never seen Prison Break or anything with him beyond here, but I figure if I didn't guess Ben Affleck, I had to give Wentworth a go.

  29. I have no clue on #1.

    But my guess on #2 is gerard Butler.The man who made him is his manager and close friend(also gay).
    Butler has a huge female fanbase who all dream that he is hetero sexual in hope he will once marry them.

  30. Paragraphs 1 and 2 are about one person.
    Paragraph 3 is about a second person.
    I think JC Chasez is good for #1, and there are some really interesting guesses here for #2. Both Cloon and Butler are good. Could also be Zac Efron.

  31. gerard butler was a serial shagger in his Glasgow University days. And those shags were women. Its no him!

  32. gerard butler was a serial shagger in his Glasgow University days. And those shags were women. Its no him!

  33. "Decided for the greater good by committee"? Perhaps a reference to the fact JC sits as a judge on America's Best Dance Crew?

  34. I would happily grow a penis if it meant I could hook up with Wentworth.

    Gayla - no kidding! I am a big Owen Wilson fan, and when I came across a few gay rumors about him, I figured literally no one was safe from speculation.

  35. How about James Franco for #2? There's a rumor that his ex-girlfriend caught him with another fellow and the "tingling all our smutty senses" could be a Spiderman reference.

  36. #1 is viggo mortensen. Christian Bale recently said in an interview that he ran into him at 2 am on a street in Italy I think.

  37. Please for the luv of gawd leave Christian Bale out of this one!!
    That's one homo reveal that would
    ruin private momrnts with the bedroom door locked.
