Monday, July 14, 2008

Mark Ronson Blind Item

So, any guesses on who Mark Ronson decided not to have sex with. Allegedly when the reporter he was talking to mentioned a name, Mark smiled and winked. I'll tell you who that was later today.

"I've said no to a very famous, white, bland and very boring English soul chick, whom shall remain unnamed."


  1. She's British, & it's NOT Kate Winslet!

  2. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Joss Stone, duh.

  3. Yeah,

  4. If it's Amy Winehouse, that was a good call. I imagine her to be a very boring and stupid person. Look who she married. A moronic street hustler, and she hasn't been able to figure that out yet. Funny shit, 'cept for the AIDS thing.

  5. What a class act he is.

    You can call Joss a whore all you want, but he's still the douchetard who's bragging about it. And in MY OWN PERSONAL EXPERIENCE, some dudes LIE about these supposed conquests in order to make themselves look all macho or some shit.

  6. Joss Stone. But how comes only women "f*ck for tracks?" How do the boys get their beats?

    Why do the Ronson's look like they need a bath? Although he looks a lot cleaner than Samatha, there's something unwashed about him.

  7. So he finally turned someone down. Well, it's about bloody time. He already slept with Amy Winehouse, didn't he? And the crazy thing is that I still find him yummiliscious!

    I agree that it has to be Joss Stone, and that it's disappointing that he is so proud he turned her down that he has to brag about it. Not very gentleman-like.

  8. In all fairness, he didn't say who it was. I think ENT is trying to spring some kind of surprise on us - "I'll tell you who that was later today."

  9. I hope he turned down Winehouse!! I can't even finish my thought....I feel so sick just thinking about it.....

  10. Joss Stone

  11. Oh please. I don't believe this for a *second*. "Sour Grapes" Ronson is at it again. Asshat.

  12. Duffy? The Welsh girl that sings Mercy.

  13. I second the Duffy guess. Could also be Adele...

  14. I thought of Duffy too, but Joss Stone makes a lot of sense, she's definitely more famous. But mainly I thought, what kind of a jackass goes around talking about who he's supposedly turned down having sex with?!? How exactly did that come up in the conversation, I'm confused! What a jackass.

  15. I don't think anyone in Britain likes Joss Stone lol

  16. Since Ent already said who it was, I just wanted to say that I still find his relationship with Lily Allen VERY interesting.

  17. I just want to say there is a very high level of ironic stupidity going on here in bragging that he didn't sleep with Joss after hooking up with the ultimate disease carrier Winehouse.

    The only way it would make sense to think it was something to be proud of is if he's the kind of guy who likes to fuck for the sake of fucking, and not because he has something that the other person wants. I.e., sleep with me because you want to sleep with me, and not solely because you just want me to help you out with your career. (In which case, he should actually be a little offended or humbled that Joss apparently only wanted to sleep with him for her career.)

    I wonder when this supposedly took place; I mentioned the rumor that she slept with Raphael Saadiq for tracks in the picture post so I wonder if that was after she tried to get some tracks from Ronson and he turned her down.

  18. Wino? Duffy? Joss? Adele? Gah!! The bland music is clogging up the works, huh?

  19. Enty confirmed Joss Stone. But, this guy looks skeevy, so I expect him to brag about things. He also looks wasted too, just like his sister. They do both need a bath!

  20. nicola--it's the freckles and the cowlick.

  21. Well, duh. It's Samantha Ronson who's the bland, white, boring English chick he didn't want to have sex with.
