Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Next Time Look At A Catalog First

Now, I don't know about you, but if were planning to spend $50,000 or so remodeling my kitchen, I think I might look at some color samples, perhaps some photos, and if available a showroom to help me make such major decisions. Apparently that isn't the way things work in the Grammer household. Kelsey Grammer is being sued for about $150,000 because he failed to pay the company that remodeled his kitchen. Three times. That's right, the company totally remodeled the kitchen three times because it seems Kelsey's wife couldn't be bothered to make the effort to find out how it would look prior to the installation.

There was nothing wrong with the work performed. There were no drunk guys ransacking the house looking for sex tapes to sell. Nope. The only problem seemed to be that Camille didn't like the color. Not the first time, the second time or the third time. After the third time the company just gave up.

Hey, Camille this isn't telling your husband to move the couch twenty times so you can get a better angle to see yourself in the mirror. This is a project that took about two weeks each time. Two weeks and $50,000 and she couldn't bother figuring out if she was going to like the color before they put it in. It's not like she uses the damn kitchen in the first place. Do you honestly believe that Camille has ever heated anything in that kitchen other than possibly microwaving some wax to for her stache?

It's people like Camille that give celebrities and their spouses a bad name. That and the fact that they think because they are not "everyday people" that they can go ahead and stiff the company for the work as well.


  1. was she an adult film star or "dancer" or something before?

  2. Hey! Who's got time for that crap when you're busy doing....uh...ah...ummmm...busy doing stuff!!!!!!

  3. I don't care if your're worth a billion dollars, I consider that an extreme waste of money. Live with the damn kitchen and give the rest to a friggin' charity. She's should be thrilled she has it so good..

  4. Have you no sympathy for the woman's raging Irritable Bowel Syndrome???


  5. I would just like to interject and say that back in the day my now boyfriend banged Kelsey Grammer's daughter. That is all.

    Thank you.

  6. Did he bang her in the kitchen??

  7. LOL

    Good one, lyz

  8. I helped with my mom's kitchen remodeling. Those people deserve to get PAID! It is some seriously hard work, a concept she clearly has no familiarity with.

  9. she obviously has waaay too much time on her hands. She should worry about her husband's health, not her kitchen.

  10. They could have donated one of the bad kitchens to me!

  11. Do you just get lazy when your rich?

  12. That is really cunty.

    Honestly? I think she is doing some passive/aggressive shit to get back at her husband for some petty shit. I KNOW these bored rich housewives and they are the cuntiest cunts on the planet and the most miserable humans ever to have lived. One would THINK that they would be dancing with glee to have tons of money and free time, but that's really not the case.

    They are bored and angry and vicious.

  13. "...other than possibly microwaving some wax to for her stache"


  14. Yes Kris, Camille has an unsavory past. When she and Kelsey were first together she was open about how she had been a stripper, but now that they have children she has changed that to "model". At least the poor daughters don't look like her; I hope they also managed to miss out on inheriting her mental prowess and total lack of logic.

  15. lol...LOVE your response Reese...

  16. Okay, here's the dope on Camile. I used to live in Manhattan Beach, Camile was a barfly, Kelsey who has a serious drinking problem picked her up at a bar called H2O. He loves the trashy bleach blond, and she hit the barfly lotto with him. I think she's a complete idiot, but she managed to get a wealthy troubled guy to marry her. I think it's part stupidity, and part he has more money than god. He's living atm machine to Camile.

  17. Ayesha, I think we should now call her Cunty Cunt. It fits.

    I'm sure this couple has been the source of many a blind item over the years. I wonder if it's true she had a surro baby because she didn't want her body to change for a pregnancy. How loving towards a child. I also wonder if they were the subject of the BI a couple of years ago of the couple at the hotel and the husband told the bellboy she had a thing for men in uniform so he was to treat her the way she wanted - in every way.

    That's all Cunty, too.
