Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Now That's Creative

Honestly I don't even care sometimes if a publicist lies to the world if it is as good as the one Peaches Geldof has. You know that alleged drug overdose from the weekend? Well we were all wrong. Yeah, she didn't die because of drugs, she died because she colored her hair with the windows closed.

I know, I know. Now when I bust out the Grecian Formula I am going to have to make sure that window is wide open and the fans on because nobody is going to come check on me down in that basement.

According to Peaches' spokesperson/agent because lets face it Peaches doesn't really need a full-time spokesperson, they said "Peaches' recent collapse was due to her accidentally inhaling ammonia fumes from hair dye. She simply forgot to open a window while she was doing it, collapsed and the paramedics were called in." Now, the spokesperson didn't have any answer for why Peaches had to be revived, but my guess is that as she fell due to the overwhelming ammonia fumes her foot slipped on the CD cover to either the best of the Boomtown Rats or Band-Aid which caused her newly dyed head to smack into the corner of the bathroom sink which then caused her to fall backwards into the already running shower which had filled up because someone had tossed the box to the hair dye and it was blocking the drain. Her head then fell under the surface of the water where she drowned, but luckily her friend just happened to be there and was wholly unaffected by the window not being open because she has super human powers. While reviving Peaches with one hand, she speed dialed paramedics with her toes.

When paramedics arrived, Peaches was already up and alert and didn't want to go to the hospital with paramedics not because of the publicity but because when she fell into the water her dye ran out so she had to start again and wanted to finish before supper.

Simple isn't it. And here we all thought she had a drug overdose.


  1. Don't worry Enty, with the tiny bit of hair you have left, I'm sure you won't be using enough Grecian to poison yourself. :)

  2. Oh yeah...that happens to me ALL the time when I'm coloring my hair...

  3. She did a piss poor job of coloring her hair if she already has roots not two days later!

  4. lmao Now that is a creative spin.

  5. SPIN SPIN SPIN .. how these people keep their heads on their shoulders is a modern miracle! Sir Bob has some mighty fixers ...

  6. I sort of wish that people like Amy and Pete and this dumbfuck would just finish the job so we won't have to waste our time hearing about their self-destructive, pitiful little lives anymore.

    It doesn't even bother me to see talent go to waste anymore. Now I'm just pissed about the fact that they each probably spend thousands upon thousands of dollars per week getting fucked up and I can barely pay my goddamn bills.

  7. Wow, better make sure the hair dye companies all know so they can begin adding warning messages to their products.

    How did this celebutard ever even become famous?

  8. Ditto Flora - if she had just dyed her hair, wow, those roots sure grew fast! *rolls eyes*

  9. Good call Flora! I was thinking the same thing. Do they really think we are Paris Hilton-stupid enough to believe that closed window BS? Seriouly? I do it all the time, and so do hair salons. Sort that out that Mr. Publicist.

  10. I don't even have a window in my bathroom, and I have dyed my hair on numerous occassions in there with no ill effects. Anyone who has dyed their hair will know this is complete bullshit.

  11. took the words right out of my mouth!

    Who is going to help this girl?
    I thought Bob Geldolf went on record as saying that he would do whatever it took to make sure these girls didn't abuse drugs.

    I'm not blaming him but maybe he should come and speak out about it to put Peaches on notice that she can't hide it any longer.

    Better a little tough love than a funeral.

    My brother was a druggie back in the day and it caught up to him.
    He died when he was just 20 frickin years old and I don't think I will ever get over feeling the sadness.

  12. Anonymous10:05 AM

    Dead / not dead - the more important issue is:

    Holy CRAP that's an ugly dress.

  13. usually when my hair is colored the roots are done first.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Oh, 'drug overdoses' arer so passe. EVERYONE is inhaling hair dye fumes these days, darling...

    *rolls eyes*

  16. Cute little redhead,
    I'm so sorry about your brother.

    There's no way Peaches dyes her own hair with the kind of money she has. This story is stupid on so many levels.

  17. So here are the main (and quite obvious points):

    a) lots of people dye their hair every day to no ill effect
    b) she had roots the next day
    c)why would she be giving herself a Nice n Easy bottle job when she had a red carpet event to attend, and even the most Z-list stars hire stylists for big events?

  18. Hi, redhead -- I just wanted to say that I'm truly sorry about your brother, and I definitely didn't mean to sound flippant about drug addiction in my previous post. It just upsets me when people like Doherty, Wino and now this chick seem to ignore the concern shown by their families and fans and continue to debase themselves.

    That's all. They live in a world with lots of money and available help. But not everyone is so lucky.

  19. I agree with Flora. ROOTS!

  20. Thanks April and Ernestine......and
    Ernestine I didn't think you sounded flippant at all. I got what you were saying.

    It is incredibly frustrating to you say....that they have the family support and money to get the best help...and they don't appear to take it seriously.

    I know drug addiction is a huge monkey on your back and incredibly hard to throw off....but damn I know we all wish they would try harder!

    I personally get sick of one more story about how Amy W. is gonna go to rehab...blah, blah. And the next day she's back to wandering around in those dirty slippers looking high.

    And Ernestine...I am so with you about the money thing!! Amy has millions probably and I just practically had to sell one of my kids to pay off the heating oil bill!!!

  21. LMAO @ barbara's comment.

    Redhead--I too am truly sorry to hear about your brother, so just know that my comment is not directed at you when I say I have a hard time pulling together any sympathy whatsoever for this spoiled little cunt. Who's going to help her? Please. This bitch has access to way more resources and opportunities than the average person. What's going to happen to her? I couldn't care less. If she'd lift a finger to help herself...but hey, why should she? She's never had to work for anything in her entire life, nor face any consequences for her own self-destructiveness. No matter what she does, she'll always get a second chance...and a third, and a fourth. Her bills will never go unpaid. She'll never be out on the street with no place to live. She'll never have to fend for herself. It's hard to feel sorry for someone in such a privileged position.

  22. Thank you shiny_special_one. I get what you're saying and it's all true. It's hard to feel for them, I know.

    My daughter is hooked on that show Invention and some of the people on there and how they act when they are drunk or high is hard to take.

    I still feel bad for them though and I think it's because of my brother. When he wasn't using he was the dearest sweetest person ever. But under the influence...
    not so much.

  23. In the style of the immortal words of my beloved Michael K--

    What the hell kind of GD hairdo is that???

    F*uckity f*ck! That is hideous.

  24. cute little redhead-- my deepest sympathies. I am so sorry about your loss.

    Has anyone called Clairol about this phenomenon?

  25. cute little (may i call you cutie?)
    sympathies don't cover it. my son tried for years to kill himself with drugs and alcohol, and by God's grace survived in spite of himself. my heart goes out to you.
    to peaches, not so much.
    when i was a young bride, nobody told me not to mix bleach, ammonia, and lord knows what else i mixed together, in an effort to make my kitchen floor feel clean. did i screw up my breathing? yes. but i didn't even pass out, much less die, at least to my knowledge. and i understand i made a pretty deadly mix.
    and i don't use asterisks, so this spin is utter bullshit!!!

  26. Thanks Bionic Bunny and yes, i=of course you can call me cutie!

    I'm sorry about your son. It's so tough to watch someone you love more than anything just not be able to let go of the damn drugs.

    I'm so glad your son is still here.

    :::mom hug:::
