Monday, July 14, 2008

NY Daily News Blind Item

Which pervy cad about town has yet another weird penchant ... for edible underwear? He makes all of his ladies wear a specially made licorice thong that he likes to slowly chew off of them.


mooshki said...

That sounds like a lot of effort - whipped cream is much easier.

irishstayc2 said...

and that's pervy because???

Murphy Brown 2020 said...

Ew. I LOATHE licorice!

But I LOVE the phrase "pervy cad about town."

A Pimp Named DaveR said...

This sounds like something Ted Casablanca would post about himself....

Alice D Millionaire said...

John Mayer

RagDoll said...

NY Daily News.

"cad" is a clue

C.A.D stands for "computer aided design" which is a program used by architects for drawings and renderings.

My guess is Peter Cook, Christie Brinkley's ex.

Unknown said...

LMAO princess buttercup!
He simply CAN'T be the answer to all these weird blinds!

great! Now the girls have to let him sniff their edible-thong wearing ass before he can pee on them????


On a side note, those edible underwear taste really gross. Don't ask...

firestorm888 said...

It's so 80s!

Cad = Brit.

Ladies = He's older than 25.

Cad about town = Play on Man about town. Reminds me of that song 'Englishman in New York'

Goona go with - Sting!

Gordon - reeeeaaallllyyy!

mooshki said...

Mark, Pervy = British too, right?

Dijea said...

EEEWWWW! Who likes licorice? It would be much better if it was strawberry or cherry or something, but licorice? Yuck!

mooshki said...

Oh god, please, no one shoot me, but I googled "Man About Town" and the first thing that popped up was the Ben Affleck movie. (Which I happened to have loved, but really, I didn't go looking for it, I swear!!!)

Anonymous said...

"a specially made licorice thong that he likes to slowly chew off of them."

Jeez that's kind of BORING. "Can we go ahead and just have sex now, sweetie?"

lutefisk said...

Mooshki--you beat me. I was going to put Affleck!

linoge1 said...

Gerard Butler.

jax said...

its usually red licorice too..gross.

Unknown said...

Gerry has a different kink...almost boring

Its Robbie Williams.

JM, As A Sim said...

i agree - john mayer.

i think every blind item is john mayer.

it's probably not but whatever...

Dassala said...

I was thinking more like...Hugh Grant. Definite cad. Pervy by reputation, a la Devine Brown.

Judi said...

Chuck Bass. Not Ed Westwick. Chuck Bass.

abbagirl said...

when i think "cad," i think jude law.

sillyme said...

Ragdoll clearly solved the blind. Why didn't anyone else acknowledge that. I totally agree with he for the reasons set forth in her post. Sheesh people, come one now.

Moonmaid said...

I agree that Peter Cook is a cad (cheated on his wife) and pervy (online porn addiction, sex with an 18 year old). So I'm also seconding Ragdoll's guess.

dahling said...

hmmmm - first perv I thought of was the Piv...his name hasn't been in the rags lately...maybe his publicist decided perv news is better than no many cads..too few blinds


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